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Meeting Minutes
September 18, 2006
Memorial Town Hall

MEMBERS PRESENT:        Martha Waite, Mark Johnson, Mary Ricker

OTHERS PRESENT: Joyce Crouse, Agent, Randy Mizereck, Consultant, Debra Sciascia, Recording Secretary

The Board of Health Meeting was called to order at 5:00 PM

Septic Preservation Services:  Question/answer  presentation conducted by Robert Silva for the White Knight Inoculator/Generator Alternative Treatment Systems.  Lew Reed from Wachusett Environmental is proposing to use this type of system for 14 Nottingham Circle to repair a failing system.  This type of system was DEP approved October 2004.  M. Johnson recommended finding out if the Board could be notified by the DEP when these types of IA systems are approved.  The Board agreed to take the information under advisement.


444 Malden St (150/46):  Trifone Design Assoc. for James Vartanian, new construction of a 3 bedroom house.  The applicant is submitting plans for approval, previously denied.
Two (2) additional deep holes, and observation, are required per 4/21/06 revised Title 5 regulations.
Must comply with new Title 5 regulations including but not limited to:
magnetic tape needed on all system components
inspection ports are required
risers over d-box and septic tank if finished grade is greater than 9”
Two (2) 40 mil are required.
Soil evaluators certification must be signed by engineer.
Plans need the buoyancy calculations.
Benchmark within 75’ of SAS.
Identify test pits on plans, and requires two (2) additional deep holes.
Con Com approval required
The proposed 1” water service line shall be located no less than 10’ of SAS.
M. Johnson motioned to approve the plans with the above conditions #1-9.  M. Waite seconded.  All in favor.

448 Malden St (150/47):  Trifone Design Assoc. for James Vartanian, new construction of a 3 bedroom house.  The applicant is submitting plans for approval, previously denied.
Soil evaluation certification must be signed by engineer.
Plans need the buoyancy calculations.
Two (2) additional deep holes, and observation, are required per 4/21/06 revised Title 5 regulations.

Must comply with new Title 5 regulations including but not limited to:
magnetic tape needed on all system components
inspection ports are required
risers over d-box and septic tank if finished grade is greater than 9”
Benchmark within 75’ of SAS.
Re-check water elevations.
M. Johnson motioned to approve the plans with the above conditions #1-6.  M. Waite seconded.  All in favor.

1350 Main St:  Jim Morin for J & R Realty Trust, repair.  The applicant is submitting plans for local upgrade approval.  These plans were previously approved, but some changes have occurred.  There is a telephone pole in the middle of the 25’ easement.  The gas line has been exposed by hand and identified.
An as-built is required by a third party engineer to show contours.
Must meet the 3’ maximum cover requirement on infiltrators.
Must comply with new Title 5 regulations including but not limited to:
magnetic tape needed on all system components
inspection ports are required
risers over d-box and septic tank if finished grade is greater than 9”
M. Johnson motioned to approve the plans with the above conditions #1-3.  M. Waite seconded.  All in favor.

400 Manning St:  Mark Farrell/Green Hill Eng. for Anthony Strickland, repair to a 4 bedroom system.  The applicant is submitting plans for repair to an existing system.
Must comply with new Title 5 regulations including but not limited to:
magnetic tape needed on all system components
inspection ports are required
risers over d-box and septic tank if finished grade is greater than 9”
Soil evaluations required on plans and signed by the soil evaluator.
Require removal of existing SAS.
Requires foundation elevations, and elevations entering the tank noted on the plans.
Stake SAS prior to installation.
M. Waite motioned to approve the plans with the above conditions #1-6.  M. Ricker seconded.  All in favor.

719 Wachusett St (118/19):  Purcell Assoc. Inc. for Frederick Cordella, repair of a failed system.  The applicant is submitting plans for approval.  The Board does not have anything stating that this is a failed system, or which components have failed.
The old tank must be properly decommissioned.
South and West property lines are to be flagged by an RLS.
M. Johnson motioned to approve the plans with the above conditions #1-2.  M. Ricker seconded.  All in favor.

565 Malden St, Lot 1, (134/13):  Richard Doughty for J & L Home Builders, new construction.  These plans were previously approved, but are now being re-submitting using a Presby System.  The Board agreed that J. Crouse needs to get clarification from DEP regarding the separation regulations for new construction.  TABLED.

619 South Road (205/1):  Graz Engineering for Christopher Durham, repair.  The applicant is submitting plans for local upgrade approval of a Presby System.  TABLED for more information.

Lot 1 Sterling Road (12/5):  HUB Survey Assoc., Inc. for Theodore Zawalick Jr, new construction.  The applicant is submitting plans for approval.  On lot 1 the driveway is too close to the SAS, and the fill encroaches on the neighboring lot.  The lot lines will either need to be changed or an easement created.  A locus is needed on the plans.  TABLED.

Lot 2 Sterling Road (12/5):  HUB Survey Assoc., Inc. for Theodore Zawalick Jr, new construction.  The applicant is submitting plans for approval.  TABLED.

Sterling Rd lots 1 & 2 need to go before the Planning Board for approval as ANR lots.
Both need Con Com approval.
Lot lines need to be addressed.

Manning St, Lot 1 & 2:  Plans will be held until the $30 review fee is paid for each.
Title 5 Regulations vs Town Regulations:  TABLED.
11 Buckingham Circle update:  J. Crouse will resend the letter to the installer, Mark Santora and the owner Mark Leighton, by registered mail.
E.coli/Spinach:  M. Waite requested that J. Crouse follow up with all food servers in town regarding the recent outbreak of the E.coli and bagged spinach.

June 26, 2006:  M. Waite motioned to approve with a change.  M. Johnson seconded.  All in favor.
July 24, 2006:  M. Johnson motioned to approve.  M. Waite seconded.  All in favor.

Next Meeting:  October 23, 2006 at 5:00 PM

M. Waite motioned to adjourn the Board of Health meeting.  M. Ricker seconded.  All in favor.

Meeting Adjourned at 7:20 PM.

September 18, 2006 meeting minutes approved:    November 27, 2006       

Debra A. Sciascia
Recording Secretary