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        Minutes of the Board of Assessors                       March 10, 2014___________

March 10, 2014

2:00 PM                                                 STARBARD BUILDING

Members Present:  Rosemary Scully and James Dillon

  • Acceptance of Minutes:
Motion made by Rosemary Scully and seconded by Jim Dillon.  It was voted
to approve the minutes from January 27, 2014.

  • Real Estate Abatements Applications:
The Board of Assessors reviewed real estate and personal property abatement                           applications.  This month sixteen residential and commercial properties were reviewed and acted on.  Thirteen vacant land parcels were acted on.  One personal
Property account was acted on.  The remainder of the applications will be reviewed at the next meeting.  Appointments will be scheduled prior to the meeting for review and inspection of the properties.  

      3.        Supplemental Real Estate Tax Bills:
Thirty-one Supplemental Real Estate tax bills on new construction completed
  between July 2013 and December 31, 2013 will be mailed to property
  owners tomorrow, March 11, 2013, and payment is due on April 10, 2013.
 Total for 31 supplemental real estate bills:   $83,898.33

     4.  Motor Vehicle Excise:
        The first Commitment of the calendar year 2014 was sent out on February 11.
        Totals:         2014 bills,   15,631      2013 bills  427

     5. Miscellaneous: 
           Personal Property Forms of List:  due March 1, 2014
        Income and Expense:  mailed February 3, due April 1, 2014
     6.        Next Meeting Date:
The Board of Assessors will meet in April.  The date has not yet been determined.
Meeting adjourned at 4:30pm
Respectfully submitted: _______________________

Approved:  ________________________________