January 30, 2012
Members Present: Beverly Potvin Kenniston and James Dillon
1. Acceptance of Minutes
Motion was made by Beverly Kenniston and seconded by Jim Dillon. It was voted to approve the minutes of December 12, 2011.
2. Real Estate Abatement Applications
The Board of Assessors reviewed real estate abatements. Abatements were granted to the following properties:
Map 238, Parcel 10, 271 Holden Street, revised assessment $189,400
Map 237, Parcel 15, 237 Doyle Road, revised assessment $178,400
Real estate abatements were denied on the following properties:
Map 212, Parcel 507, 10 York Towne Terrace
Map 160, Parcel 525, 969-5 Main Street
Map 223, Parcel 613, 5 Explorers Way
Map 157, Parcel 10, 19 Brunnell Drive
Map 131, Parcel 135, 86 Lovell Road
Map 185, Parcel 62, 23 Willow Brook
Map 244, Parcel 13, 29 Snowy Owl Lane
Personal Property abatement were granted to:
Berries & Blooms
Leroux Meats & Deli Inc.
Tiki Tan and Travel Inc.
USA Mobility Wireless Inc.
- Part-Time Senior Clerk Position
Mrs. Suzanne M. Lucia of 381 Bullard Street was hired as part-time senior clerk. She began working for the Board of Assessors on January 23, 2012.
Next meeting will be held on Monday, March 19, 2012 at 3:00 P.M.
Meeting adjourned at 4:15 P.M.
Respectfully submitted:
Beverly Potvin Kenniston, MMA
Principal Assessor
APPROVED: _______03-19-2012________________