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Board of Assessor Meeting Minutes 06/20/2011
                           MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF ASSESSORS
              June 20, 2011

3:00 PM                                                 STARBARD BUILDING

Members Present: Beverly Potvin Kenniston & James Dillon

1.  Acceptance of Minutes

Motion was made by Beverly Kenniston and seconded by James Dillon; it was voted to approve the minutes of the May 16, 2011 meeting.

The assessors met to inspect the Holden land owned by Kerri Sandberg of 77 Asnebumskit Road, Paxton.  Application to Modify a Decision for Classified Agricultural Land had been filed by the property owner.  The assessors traveled to the property and inspected the greenhouse operation and walked the land spawned for mushroom production.   Upon returning to the Assessors’ Office the meeting continued.

  • Kerri Sandberg, Chapter 61A Application to Modify a Decision
The assessors reviewed the Application to Modify a Decision filed by Kerri Sandberg and voted to grant Chapter 61A status to a parcel identified as Map 204, Parcel 2 for Fiscal Year 2012.

3.    FY2012 Preliminary Tax Bills

The Principal Assessor has prepared the FY2012 Preliminary Tax Bill files.  The tax bills will be mailed on June 30, 2011.  First quarter tax bills will be due on Monday, August 1, 2011.

4.   Karen Sardina, Senior Clerk PT
Karen Sardina of Holden was hired as part-time Senior Clerk in the Assessors’ Office.  She began working on May 23, 2011.  This is a 19-hour a week position.

5.   Chapter 41C Exemption Discussion

Chapter 41C Exemption information for seniors was provided to the Town Manager.  The Board of Selectmen will review tax exemption options for seniors.

Tax exemptions release an individual from the requirement to pay all or a fraction of the taxes assessed on his or her real property.  Seniors must meet specific ownership, residency, income and asset requirements.  The Town of Holden previously voted to increase income and asset limits to the maximum allowable amounts and lowered the allowable qualifying age from 70 to 65. Increasing the exemption amount would require vote of Town Meeting.

6.  Next Meeting Date

The next meeting of the Board of Assessors will be held on Monday, July 25, 2011 at 3:00 P.M.

Respectfully submitted:

Beverly Potvin Kenniston, MAA

APPROVED: ____7-25-2011______