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Board of Assessor Meeting Minutes 04/25/2011
              April 25, 2011
3:00 PM                                                 STARBARD BUILDING

Members Present: Beverly Potvin Kenniston and James Dillon

1.  Acceptance of Minutes

Motion was made by Beverly Potvin Kenniston and seconded by James Dillon.  It was voted to approve the minutes of the February 7, 2011 and the March 14, 2011 meetings.

2.   Real Estate Abatement Applications

Paul Beattie, Attorney for Newell Road Realty, LLC, appeared before the Board to discuss real estate abatement applications he filed on behalf of this client.    There was only one condo sale in the development in 2010.  They plan to make changes in their original construction plans before 2012 when the original build out was to be completed.  The Board voted to abate the non-constructed unit parcels from $20,000 down to $16,000.  Abatements were denied on the three street lots on Newell Road because the Board believed these values were in line with other street lot assessments.  Abatements were also denied on the three rented condominiums that remain in Newell Road Realty ownership.

The Board voted a partial abatement of Personal Property owned by UPS Store, It’s for you We Ship, Inc. on equipment that is leased and not owned by the business.   The Board also voted an abatement on Map 222, Parcel 14, 120 Newell Road, revised assessment $371,100.

        3.  Office Staffing

The assessors discussed the current office-staffing situation.  The Senior Excise Clerk position is vacant again.  We will only be allowed to fill the position with a part-time, 19 hour a week person.  The position has been advertised in The Landmark.

        4.  Preliminary Tax Bills

The assessors have begun to prepare for the Fiscal Year 2011 Preliminary Tax Bills.  New construction is being inspected and listed so that new value growth can appear in the preliminary tax bills.

  • Next Meeting Date
Our next meeting will be held on Monday, May 16, 2011 at 3:00 P.M.  The Annual Town Meeting is scheduled for that evening.

  • Meeting Adjourned
Meeting was adjourned at 4:40 P.M.

Respectfully submitted:

Beverly Potvin Kenniston, MAA

APPROVED: _______05-16-2011____