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                           MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF ASSESSORS
              November 30, 2009

6:00 PM                                                 STARBARD BUILDING

Members Present: Beverly Potvin Kenniston & James Dillon

1.  Acceptance of Minutes

Motion by B. Kenniston, seconded by J. Dillon, it was voted to approve the minutes of October 19, 2009.

The assessors met to review and sign documents for the Tax Classification with the Board of Selectmen.  The meeting was closed in order to reconvene with the selectmen in Memorial Hall.  

Tax Classification Public Hearing

The purpose of the hearing was to discuss the property tax levy for Fiscal 2010.  The selectmen must determine the percentage of the tax levy to be borne by each property class.  Under classification there are five classes of property.  A community has the option of choosing a “residential factor” that results in taxing each class of property at the same rate, or shifting the burden, within certain limits, among classes.  This allocation process must take place annually before a community can set a tax rate.

Principal Assessor Beverly Potvin Kenniston told the Board that the revaluation led to a $1.12 increase in the tax rate from $13.64 last year to $14.80.  The average assessed home is now valued at $277,200.  New Growth added $21.5 million to the total valuation of the Town.  

The Selectmen voted unanimously to maintain a single tax rate for all classes of properties.

Respectfully submitted:

Beverly Potvin Kenniston, MAA
