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                           MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF ASSESSORS
              February 23, 2009


Members Present: Beverly Potvin Kenniston and James Dillon

1.  Acceptance of Minutes

Motion by B. Kenniston, seconded by J. Dillon.  It was voted to approve the minutes of January 26, 2009.

2.   Miscellaneous Items

Miscellaneous Discussion Items

The Board of Assessors reviewed real estate abatements.  Abatements were both granted and denied on a number of applications for both real estate and personal property.  

We had a discussion on the budget and reviewed the assessors' budget for Fiscal Year 2010.   The Principal Assessor will meet with the Finance Committee on Wednesday, March 18, 2009 to present the budget and answer any questions.  

The Supplemental Tax on New Construction (Hopkinton Bill) was discussed. We issued eleven (11) Supplemental Tax Bills for new construction on occupancy permits issued between July 1, 2008 and December 31, 2008 on Supplemental Tax 2009 (1).  This totaled $27,957.29.  Supplemental Tax Bills were mailed on February 13, 2009 and will be due on March 16, 2009.

Next meeting will be held on Monday, March 30, 2009 at 4:30 P.M.
 Respectfully submitted:

Beverly Potvin Kenniston, MMA
Principal Assessor

APPROVED: _______03-30-2009_____________________________