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July 30, 2007

Members Present: Beverly Potvin Kenniston  & James Dillon

1.  Acceptance of Minutes

Motion by James Dillon, seconded by Beverly Potvin Kenniston.  It was voted to approve the minutes of June 25, 2007.

2.   Miscellaneous Items

Miscellaneous Discussion Items
The assessors reviewed and approved Form CL-1 Application for Recreational Land for George R. Najemy located on Brattle Street with Parcel Identification Assessors’ Map 226, Page 84. This classification will be effective for Fiscal Year 2009.  Lien will be recorded with the Worcester District Registry of Deeds.

Rosemary Johnson began her duties as Data Collector/Assistant Assessor on July 2, 2007.  She will attend the Massachusetts Assessors Association Annual School from August 6 to August 10.

The assessors discussed problems at the Registry of Motor Vehicles with respect to issuance of excise bills on high-end vehicles that had not previously been billed.  The 10th commitment of 2007 contains bills for many of these vehicles and totals $31,622.96.

Supplemental Tax on New Construction was discussed.  Beverly has prepared these bills for occupancy permits issued between January 1 and June 30, 2007.  They will be mailed next week and total $21,988.12.

Our next meeting will be held on Monday, August 27, 2007 at 4:30 P.M. in the Starbard Building.

Respectfully submitted:

Beverly Potvin Kenniston         