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August 27, 2007


Members Present: Beverly Potvin Kenniston and James Dillon

1.  Acceptance of Minutes
Motion by James Dillion, seconded by Beverly Potvin Kenniston.  It was voted to approve the minutes of July 30, 2007.

2.   Miscellaneous Items
Miscellaneous Discussion Items
The assessors discussed FY2008  property values.  The Principal Assessor has begun the process of verifying arm-length sales and analyzing valid sales data.  All property values for FY2008 will reflect market sales during 2006.  “Short” sales were discussed.  This is the sale of a property back to the mortgage holder in-lieu of foreclosure.  It is expected that we will see more of these sales in the coming year.

Updating of the commercial and industrial property values was discussed.   Michael Tarello from Vision Appraisal Technology will meet with the assessor on September 10.

Massachusetts Audubon Society will be purchasing 157 acres of land on Kendall Road owned by Weyman Lundquist. This land is currently assessed and taxed under Chapter 61, Forest Land.  The Principal Assessor met with Charles Wyman, Land Protection Specialist for Mass Audubon.  No conveyance tax will be assessed if the land is acquired for a natural resource purpose by a nonprofit conservation organization unless any portion of the land is sold or converted to another use within 5 years of acquisition.

Our next meeting will be held on Monday, September 24, 2007 at 4:30 P.M. in the Starbard Building.

Respectfully submitted:

Beverly Potvin Kenniston
