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June 28, 2007
6:30 P.M.
Starbard Building 1204 Main Street
MEMBERS PRESENT: Robert Ricker, Chair; Cathy Gould; Kimberly Ferguson;
                                     Peter Brennan

PUBLIC:                       Michael Hannan

STAFF:                         Pamela Harding, Town Planner

The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m.

The following projects were reviewed

M. Hannan is a land owner with property on Quinapoxet St.  Mr. Hannan is interested in developing a 50 unit affordable housing project under the Town’s affordable housing by-law.15 one bedroom units with 3 affordable and 35 two bedrooms units with 7 affordable wold be created. This will generate less then 10,000 gpd under DEP regulations.  He stated that he will do 20% of the development total as affordable with a project market rate cost s of $160,000 for one bedrooms and $220,000 for two bedrooms.  

Further information has be obtained such as the exact location of wetlands and 15% slope.They will be attached Town home.  The applicant has a current project abutting Monty Tech Ashburnham.
Mr. Hannan also sated that he would like to utilize solar power.  

P. Brennan stated that the applicant should be aware of site distance, narrow width of Quinapoxet Street and telephone poles that ware close to the edge of pavement within Quinapoxet St. AHPC issued preliminary support of the project but would like additional information, including a layout and architectural drawing. M. Hannan requested to return to the Partnership when this information was obtained.  

The partnership reviewed the following projects:
WINTERBERRY HOLLOW, Local Initiative Program
The Board of Selectmen voted to extend the LIP approval.  The application is before the ZBA and going through peer review.  


HILL WOODS IS currently preparing the lottery and marketing package for the Local Unit Application.

STONERIDGE ESTATES, HOLDEN HILLS ALYSSA REAL ESTATE Special Permit Conditions of Approval One affordable unit is remaining and is schedule for closing in the beginning of August

FISHER TERRACE 40B – Chapter 40 B
Consists of 32 units three bedroom duplex and triplexes, 8 affordable with 6 of the 8 units given Local Preference.  Utilities are currently being extended down Fisher Road.

WACHUSETT WOODS  Affordable Housing By-law
Utility installation is nearing completion and the applicant will begin with roadway and housing construction in the near future.  The Planning Board approved the architectural drawings for the single family units

Master Plan – The AHPC reviewed the recommendations of the Master Plan implementation chapter which recommended that either the AHPC or a subcommittee be formed to complete to take a more proactive role and investigate the possibility of constructing affordable housing.  The Partnership agreed to take on a more proactive role with a specific project but agreed that funding would be needed to support the efforts.  

The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m.