November 3, 2005
6:30 P.M. Memorial Hall
Town Hall
1196 Main Street
MEMBERS PRESENT: Robert Ricker, Sharon McManus, Joanne O'Brien, Peter Brennan, David White.
STAFF: Pamela Harding, Town Planner
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m.
The Partnership Committee was updated on the status of various affordable housing projects.
Joann O'Brien asked questions about an article in the paper regarding Chapter 40R, an information memo was distributed to the members.
Stone Ridge Estates is preparing to conduct the lottery for the ten affordable units in December. There will be a public informational meeting conducted on December 8, 2005 at 6:00 p.m. in Town Hall and the deadline for applications is December 14, 2005. The affordable units are being sold at $155,000 with a maximum household income of $56,700 for a family of four. The Town has distributed approximately 60 applications. The development originally intended to be build in two Phases however sales have done so well that all of the affordable units are all being sold in one lottery. The Partnership was informed they can access the development website to view the layout and take a virtual tour of the buildings at
The Zoning Board of Appeals closed the public hearing for the Chapter 40B Fisher Terrace. The Zoning Board has 40 days to issue a decision. A revision of the project layout was distributed to members. The unit count was reduced from 42 to 32 and the road layout had been altered. There will be 8 affordable three bedroom units which will sell for $155,000 with a maximum household income of $56,700 for a family of four. P. Brennan asked how the Chapter 40B relates to the Phased Growth count. Chapter 40B developments are not counted toward the 200 unit threshold over a two year period nor can they be restricted from obtaining building permits if the Town has reached the threshold.
David White entered the meeting
Winterberry Hollow a layout of Winterberry Hollow was shown to the members. The unit count was not reduced from the 246 rental units originally proposed. D. White questioned why the developer did not abide by the Board of Selectmen's letter of approval for the LIP, requesting that the number of units be reduced and that ownership be incorporated into the project. The Developer was asked this question and stated that a mix of ownership was difficult due to maintenance and liability issues. The Developer has requested to come before the Partnership in December, the Partnership agreed to December 15, 2005. Abutter notification is required. J. O'Brien was concerned about the number of children the project would generate, it is not typical for a large number of children to live
in an apartment complex, a single family housing development would have a much larger impact on the school system. P. Harding stated that the EO 418 plan stated that the Town was in need of approximately 300 rental and first time homeownership units, she was concerned about concentrating almost all of this need into one rental project.
Wachusett Woods - located at the Holden Sand and Gravel site has received a site eligibility letter from MassHousing for 96 condominium units. The applicants are investigating filing a 40 single family development under the Town's newly adopted Affordable Housing By-law. They are willing to provide both 2 and 3 bedroom units. The preliminary plan for both the 40 unit and 96 unit layout was shown to the Partnership. It was explained that many one and two member households have expressed a need for affordable housing and that it is highly unlikely they would be awarded a three bedroom unit. All recent affordable housing projects have been three bedrooms and there is a need for both one and two. P. Brennan stated that he has school budgetary concerns with the number of three
bedroom units that have been constructed. It was requested that the applicant provide both two and three bedroom units. P. Brennan made a motion to support the 40 unit single family development with a mix of both two and three bedroom units, S. McManus seconded, all were in favor.
Holden Hills R. Ricker asked about the status of the Holden Hill Units. The developer will be providing 5 affordable age restricted units. The applicant is in the process of preparing the site for construction and applying for the sewer extension permit. He is still preparing to sell 5 of the units to income eligible households per DHCD requirements.
Jefferson Mill It was asked if the Mill had incorporated any affordable units into the project. They have not because of the extremely high renovation costs. There will be 47 units in the complex which will be a mix of 1,2 and 3 bedrooms, predominately two. They are loft style apartments and the same developer is constructing a similar project in Worcester off of Shrewsbury Street.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m.
Approved: Date: