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June 26, 2003
6:30 P.M. Memorial Hall
Town Hall, 1196 Main Street
MEMBERS PRESENT: Nancy Rocheleau, Robert Ricker, Tim Eithier, Joanne O’Brien, Sharon McManus


STAFF:  Pamela Harding, Town Planner

The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m.

Timothy Ethier announced his resignation from the Affordable Housing Committed and thanked everyone for their hard work and wished them good luck with future projects.  Mr. Ethier stated that new Selectman Kimberly Ferguson will be his replacement and he is confident that she will be an attribute to the Committee. 

Maragaret Zottoli and Carla DeFosse were present to discuss a preliminary proposal to construct an affordable 55 and over rental project located at 3 Reservoir Street.   The applicant distributed a preliminary packet of information.  The proposal proposed four buildings, with twelve units in each building.  The units will be 24 two bedroom units and 24 one bedroom units  The applicant is proposing to keep all of the units affordable.  There are currently eight units on the site. 

The Committee told Ms. DeFosse that it was their opinion that the density was much to high for the 3.34 acre site.  The Committee also stated that they were in support of the project and were appreciative that the applicants were attempting to have all of the units affordable.  The Committee stated that they would be willing to meet with the applicant whenever necessary and would review the submitted introductory report and provide comments. 

The Committee then discussed Chapter 418 and how an expanded scope of services for the Community Development Plan would enable the Town to provide a report that would meet the new Planned Production requirements of the Department of Housing and Community Development, which would enable the Town advantages in reviewing Chapter 40B applications and reduce the annual increase of affordable housing requirements. 

The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.