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February 6, 2003
MEMBERS PRESENT: Nancy Rocheleau, Robert Ricker, Peter Brennan Tim Eithier, Joanne O’Brien, Sharon McManus


STAFF:  Pamela Harding

The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m.
Sundin & Son preliminary presentation:  Sharon McManus disclosed that she had a professional relationship with the applicant and obstained from voting.  David Clark, Scott Sundin from Sundin and Son builders were present with their attorney Mark Donohue to present a preliminary proposal for an affordable housing development with egresses off of  Newell Road and Cranbrook Drive.  The applicant presented preliminary plans with wetlands outlined, hiking trails and 250, two bedroom rental units, two stories in height located on 75 acres.  The applicant stated that they would maintain ownership but hire a management company until they were familiar with the process of income verifications and screening that is required with a 40B application.  The applicant stated that they would like to pursue the development of this project through the Local Initiative Program (LIP) which would require support of the Board of Selectmen.  The applicant stated that they would probably present the application to the Board of Selectmen at their meeting in the beginning of March.  They were presenting the plan to the Affordable Housing Committee to get a preliminary opinion on pursuing this project.   Peter made a motion to provide a recommendation to the Board of Selectmen stating that the Affordable Housing Partnership Committee was in favor of the conceptual concept of the plans  with further details to be provided by the applicant and future permits to be approved by the appropriate Boards and Committees, Joanne O’Brien seconded the motion, all were in favor, the motion passed 5-0 with Sharon McManus recusing herself from voting.

Review of possible sites for the AHEPA proposal – The Committee reviewed possible sites for the AHEPA proposal and were informed that they would be visiting the Town to visit the possibility of developing these sites.  The Committee requested a map of the property which the Town owns located in back of the School Administrative Buildings. 

The Committee requested that the formation of the non-profit organization and the support of the Action Plan by the Board of Selectmen be reviewed as separate items. 

The Committee also requested that a memo explaining the Local Initiative Program be distributed to the Board of Selectmen int heir next packet so they are informed when the Sundin proposal is presented to them. 

The Committee was informed that the Town had previously put out Request for Proposals in 1989 for the development of the Putnam Lane lots and requested these proposals be included in their next packet.  It appears that the property was not developed because the costs of extending sewer services, since this time sewer lines have been installed to this area.  

The Committee requested that an inventory of properties they are reviewing be started.