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April 24, 2003
6:30 P.M. Memorial Hall
Town Hall, 1196 Main Street
MEMBERS PRESENT: Nancy Rocheleau, Robert Ricker, Peter Brennan Tim Eithier, Joanne O’Brien, Sharon McManus


STAFF:  Pamela Harding, Town Planner

The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m.

Jeanne Armstrong, LandUse Inc. President and Gary Mongeon from RKG Associates were hired by the Town of Holden to work on a Community Development Plan made possible through state funding.  The Plan is focusing on Affordable Housing and Economic Development Opportunities and Ms. Armstrong is meeting with the Committee to create a detailed scope of work. 

The Partnership reviewed the lack of affordable housing availability in Holden and informed Ms. Armstrong and Mr. Mongeon of the possible 40B projects that would be coming before the Town.  A strong need was recognized for single family homes and three bedroom units but an analysis of the data has not yet been completed.    Areas of concern with Affordable Housing was the Communities perception of what is affordable and the type of developments that will occur.  Areas of high density housing were discussed, including the Holden Hospital site and the Rice School.   Mr. Mongeon stated that he thought providing 10% affordable units was a high range for a suburban community the size of Holden. 

The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m.