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October 15, 2002


MEMBERS PRESENT: David Eaton, Sharon McManus, Peter Brennan, Timothy Ethier, Nancy Rocheleau, Joanne O’Brien, Robert Ricker.

STAFF:  Pamela Harding

The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m.

Robert Ricker stated that he was in the process of drafting a Mission Statement and Action Plan that he would provide for review and comment in the packet for the next meeting. 

The Committee requested that it be investigated if the Town Forest property is permanently protect or if it were a possibility to use a portion of it for development.  There were also three lots on Putnam Lane that the Town owned which may be buildable.  The Committee felt a few smaller projects would also be beneficial, particularly if they were offered to Town employees.   

The Committee review information that was included in the packet regarding open space parcels that would be suitable for a 40 B Development.  Many of the parcels that were identified had been preserved with conservation restrictions.  A majority of the larger open space parcels did not have access to Town sewer or water.  Town owned parcels were also reviewed.  The Committee wanted to know how to identify housing needs in the Town utilizing existing data.  It was suggested that CMRPC be contacted to see what type of help could be offered.

Robert Ricker asked if the committee wanted to form subcommittees to handle different issues, the Committee stated that they would like more of an idea of what their goals are before subcommittees are formed.

Peter Brennan stated that he had spoken with Connie Kruger from the Mass. Housing Partnership whom stated that the organization offers towns money to hire consultation to help with increasing affordable housing. 

The Committee agreed that each person should identify one parcel they felt would be suitable for a Chapter 40B project for the next meeting to be held on November 5, 2002.