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OCTOBER 1, 2002


MEMBERS PRESENT: David Eaton, Sharon McManus, Peter Brennan, Timothy Ethier, Nancy Rocheleau, Joanne O’Brien, Robert Ricker.

STAFF:  Pamela Harding

The first meeting of the affordable housing partnership committee began at 7:00 p.m.   All members introduced themselves and provided an overview of why they were interested in serving on the Committee. 

P. Harding gave reviewed information that was provided in the packet and what she felt were key issues of the scope of services assigned to the Committee.  An overview was given of Chapter 40B.  It was stated that the Town only has a 2.6% affordable housing ratio, the Department of Housing and Community Development requires communities to have 10% of their housing stock designated as affordable.  This low ratio leaves the Town open to comprehensive permit filings.  The Committee agreed that the Town had to be prepared for such a filing. 

S. McManus gave statistics from the Holden Housing Authority regarding the waiting lists for the affordable housing units.

The Committee unanimously agreed that this was an important issue which the Town needed to take a proactive approach on by identifying vacant parcels that would be best suited for increased density development and work with developers to do a friendly comprehensive permit filing.  R. Ricker stated that increasing the availability for elderly complexes would benefit the Town, he felt there was a need for affordable housing for the elderly and elderly units don’t place a financial burden on the Town by providing an increased number of school children.  The Committee also agreed that there is an increasing need for affordable housing for young families and Town employees which could be provided through a comprehensive permit. 

P. Brennan requested that 2000 census data be provided to them in their next packets.  He also stated that he would contact the Massachusetts Housing Partnership Fund to try and have a representative attend the next meeting and speak to the Committee on strategies to increase the Town of Holden’s affordable housing.   

The Committee unanimously voted to appoint R. Ricker Chair and Sharon McManus as Vice-Chair. 
The Committee schedule their next meeting for October 15, 2002 at 6:00 p.m.