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November 19, 2002


MEMBERS PRESENT: Timothy Ethier, Nancy Rocheleau, Joanne O’Brien, Robert Ricker.

MEMBERS ABSENT: Sharon McManus, Peter Brennan

STAFF:  Pamela Harding

The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m.

The Committee stated that they would like to set up a non-profit to facilitate affordable housing proposals, particularly construction of single family homes on Putnam Lane.  R. Ricker stated that construction could be financed through local banks and then be converted into mortgages for qualifying applicants.  R. Ricker stated that he believed a 1,800 square foot home cold be constructed for a cost of $120,000 without a profit on Town owned land.  The Commission requested that staff contact the Town Manager to see if he was in support of this and to also contact Town Counsel to see how a non-profit could be established.  The Committee asked that an estimate be give as to the number of Town  employees that would qualify to purchase the homes. 

Review of Action Plan – The Committee reviewed the draft of the Action Plan prepared by Robert Ricker and provided comments.  The Committee decided to add a provision to get and maintain Chapter 418 Housing Certification through the State Department of Housing and Community Development.  The Committee discussed the possibility of pursuing the creation of Inclusionary Zoning and decided that it should be referred to the Planning Board. 

P.Harding had informed the Committee that she had spoken with Connie Kruger from the Massachusetts Housing Partnership regarding their Technical Assistance Program.  Ms. Kruger stated that MHP will not typically send someone to meet with a local affordable housing committee until the committee lays the ground work of what their goals and objectives are.  The reasoning is that the MHP must have measurable goals from communities whom receive aid through the Technical Assistance Program. Ms. Kruger suggested steps be taken such as identifying categories of housing which are lacking in the community, such as starter single families, elderly etc, identify parcels of property that the Town owns and other sites which may be suitable for this type of development.  This Committee has been addressing these issues.  Ms. Kruger encouraged the Town to keep her informed of the Committee’s progress and would provide assistance when applicable.

P.Harding stated that she would utilize 40B Regulations from the Dept. of Housing and Community Development, Town of Tewksbury and the Town of Reading’s to create Regulations for the Committee to review at the next meeting. The Committee stated they would like to invite Ron Spakouskas, ZBA Chair, to a meeting to talk about the process for the filing of Comprehensive Permits.
The Committee discussed the possibility of meeting with a member from the American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association (AHEPA) organization.  AHEPA has contacted the office and stated that they are interested in construction an affordable elderly housing complex. This organization has two other developments in Massachusetts.  Mr. Leasca stated that he was interested in constructing something in the range of 60 units but would work with the Town to construct something smaller or larger, depending on the circumstances.  He has asked for the Towns Help in identifying sites for development.  The Committee members suggested that AHEPA be invited to the next Affordable Housing Committee.  

The Commission agreed that they would like to utilize the Town owned Putnam Lane lots for Town employees and didn’t feel that would be possible under Habitat for Humanities guidelines.  The Committee felt it would be beneficial to work with them in the future and other properties.