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OCTOBER 2, 2007

Members Present: Roy Fraser III,  Mark Sutphen, Clare Williams, Marilynn Foley

The meeting was called to order at 7:05.

The Committee listened to CD's sent to us.

On a motion by Roy 2nd by Mark the minutes of April 2, 2007 were voted unanimously (abstained Clare).

On a motion by Clare 2nd by Marilynn the minutes of May 1, 2007 were voted unanimously.

The Finances are in good shape.

Mark will write a application for the Arts Grant.  He will also write a sponsor thank you letter for the Landmark.

Clare will write thank you notes to all our sponsors.

Marilynn will contact Macy & Hart, Claflin Hill, Rick Barron, Snakebite and Jeff Davis.

The Committee will try to contact Corporate Sponsors early as many companies decide early who to donate to: for example Big Y, Walmart, etc.

Marilynn will find out if the Light-A-Light flyers can be inserted in the Holden Light bills.

The meeting adjourned at 8:50.

Respectfully Submitted,
Marilynn Foley, Secretary