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Minutes 12/03/2007

Present: Chris Cutler, John Martin, Doug Coots, Susan Frechette, Jonathan Feist (chair)
Absent: Rudy Minar, Otto Solbrig, Roseanne Saalfield, Rhonda Sprague

Meeting called to order at 7:40 pm.

Old business:
Review of November 2007 meeting minutes
•       Unanimously accepted (5-0) with corrections

New Business:
        Move January 1 meeting to January 8?  All are in agreement
New Member: Otto cannot continue as a member: Jim Breslauer of Poor Farm Road, a Conservation Commission member, has expressed interest. Awaiting Otto’s resignation.
•       Rules and Procedures:
John and Chris having difficulty getting Rudy’s notes. Chris will try to contact him again.

•       Design Guidelines
Doug reports 95% complete. Needs a quick look by everyone. Cannot be bound due to budget constraints.  Will follow DCR Terra Firma publication for masthead layout.  Decision to include maps of historic districts.  John M. will look for copies of maps done by Nancy Reifenstein.  Failing that, town hall maps will be used.   A stack will be put at town meeting.  Decision: No public hearing to introduce.
New Historic District maps now being produced; John M. has noticed errors in Center district; Jonathan will review Shaker District.

•       Hildreth House work request funding by CPC:
Scope: exterior trim paint @ $15,000
AC @ $25,000
All are ok with paint.  Concerns about AC work: location of air handler/compressor, impact on building, and cost estimate seems high.  
Decision: revisit including Hildreth House and Bromfield House in Town Center Historic District in 2008

•       Shaker Cemetery Grave Markers
Jonathan reported that Tim Bragan, Harvard Town Administrator,  will let HHC find a conservator to work on the restoration project initiated by the Cemetery Commission. Jonathan has found Barbara Magnum, who has given an estimate of $15,000. Chris C. mentioned his daughter was involved in a program at Deerfield – may be able to find someone through there to do it for less.  Other possible restoration sources discussed included BU graduate program in historic restoration, Wentworth, and Higgins Armory.  Susan Frechette offered to help with the project.

•       Herb House update:
Jonathan reported North Bennet St. School finishing up roof and cornice.  Chimney is done. Someone from Harvard Press doing a story. He has a contact at the Boston Globe who may be interested as well. He reported he replaced the HHC request for CPC money to do Herb House stonework with a request to have North Bennet Street School make three new doors from scratch—existing doors in very poor condition. No known photographs of original doors. Doug Coots offers to design, and asks HHC members for advice.  He will use front door as model.

•       Powder House:
Doug reports it is officially done; remaining funds will sunset December 31, 2007.

The meeting adjourned at 9:10 pm.