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Minutes 07/17/2007
Harvard Historic Commission
Meeting Minutes for July 17, 2007

Attending: Jonathan Feist, Chair, Otto Solbrig Roseanne Saalfeld, John Martin and Doug Coots.

1.      Minutes from previous meeting were unavailable for review and approval. Deferred until next meeting.

2.      Applications for review:

5 Fairbank Street, John Martin – Front porch and gutter replacement
General Store, Adam Horowitz – Alterations to Vestibule/Entry

5 Fairbank St.
John Martin described the intended scope of work as having two parts: replacement of an existing tin roof on his front porch with either copper or lead coated copper. He is still awaiting quotes before he decides which option is best.

Several gutters and associated fascias need repair/replacement. Existing gutters are a mix of wood, metal and vinyl. He is considering replacing with copper or cellular PVC, which has an appearance, when finished of painted wood. He intends to keep the existing leaders in place and reuse. Like the porch roof, he is waiting to hear back regarding comparable costs before choosing.

The Commission voted unanimously that this Application was substantial and that John shall return next month to review the application augmented with more specific information regarding these repairs and replacements.

General Store
Adam Horowitz submitted an application regarding changes he wishes to make to the Entry Vestibule of the General Store. A HC ramp would be added to the right side (facing from street) where there are currently stairs, and where an ATM currently resides a new set of stairs would be added, and the ATM moved inside. New handrails, mahogany decking and treads are proposed. At a side door, Adam proposes adding new granite landing and steps.

The Commission voted unanimously that this Application is Substantial and shall be reviewed at the next meeting.

3.      Bob Eubank from the Board of Selectmen attended. Bob is the BoS’s liason to the HHC. The general theme of the visit was to begin to address an effective way for the HHC to have an increased influence over the treatment of the Town-owned buildings, namely Hildreth House, the Town Hall and Hapgood Library.
Recent repairs to Hildreth House have been disappointing to members of the HHC. A seeming disregard for thoughtfully considered opinions expressed by the chair (after consulting with additional members of the HHC knowledgeable in construction) led to dubious repairs to a rotted sill at the rear of the building adjacent to the terrace and to a basement door that ultimately resulted in a retraction of previously allotted CPC moneys. It seemed to members of the HHC that the process was largely determined by the builder and not by the Town’s officials and resulted in a less than optimal result overall, both as it pertained to the quality of the repairs and as it related to the process.

Members of the HHC went on to express their concern that the Town has few municipal buildings under its control and a poor track record for their upkeep. This is disappointing to the HHC and creates a tenuous credibility when the HHC attempts to exert an influence over citizens and their properties which fall within the Historic District.

Bob cited the current work that Tim Clark is undertaking for the BoS to assess the Municipal buildings’ current state and the highest and best use for them in the future. He offered that we become involved in that effort. It was made clear that Doug Coots is part of that effort and will continue to help Tim out where he can.

Regarding the recent work on the Hildreth House, Doug suggested that the Town require drawings or a descriptive work letter before work is done on any of its buildings, no matter the scope. In this way the work, its methods and materials can be reviewed and controlled by Town officials.

Roseanne asked that the BoS alert the HHC a few days before the monthly BoS meeting describing any topics that might concern the HHC. Bob admitted that an agenda is often unavailable until the night of the BoS meeting. He agreed though that communication between these two groups should be improved and would endeavor to find ways to do so.

Bob also suggested that we drop in on Tim Bragen, the Town Administrator to discuss current building projects and our suggestions for improving our involvement in repairs made to Town Buildings.

Roseanne asked Bob when it would be reasonable to expect results from both the Municipal Building assessment and the Town Sewer effort. Bob thought this Fall we’d see some results.

4.      Activity Reports

Design Guidelines: Susan, still in progress.

DG Flier: Doug reported that the flier is on hold until the final DG are produced, to insure coordination between the two.

Rules: Rudy, still in progress.

Demo delay: We shall discuss this in September when we have a larger attendance.

Herb Drying House: Doug reported that Robert Adam has been in touch and is meeting Doug and Bruce Simpson at the site to discuss sequencing of work, possible strategies for staging (Chris Cutler to provide?). Work expected to commence in October.

Powder House: Doug will be doing some additional work on the roof and door frames next week.

Maps:  Tim Bragen sent letter to MRPC authorizing them to be created.

CPC Applications: October 1 is deadline. Signs denoting the Historic Districts (Harvard Town Center and Shaker Village) decided a good idea. Otto and Roseanne will begin the process of writing sign description and location maps based on best practices in other Towns.

Shaker Hills: no further development

Library: nothing to report

Scenic Roads: nothing to report

Next meeting will likely be held on August 14th in order to announce it as a Public Hearing in the paper.

Meeting was adjourned at 9:45 pm.