Meeting Date: Jan. 16, 2008
Meeting Place: Town Hall
Members Present: Steve Colwell , Marie Crowley-Sobalvarro, George McKenna,Terry Mead, Debbie Ricci (Chair), Bob Thurston
Others: Tim Bragan, Town Administrator
Meeting Time: 7:30 pm
Adjournment Time: 9:20 pm
Discussions and Actions
l The minutes of the January 12th meeting were accepted as amended (6-0-0)
l The COA members met with the committee to review their budget. Their budget increases include increasing the director position by 10 hours. Grant writing is encouraged for new sources of revenue. COA is client-driven as the needs of the seniors change and the extra hours will be used on outreach and direct client services.
l Tim Bragan answered many of the questions on the BOS budget before Chief Denmark presented his budgets. He reviewed his policy of using 'community hours' and answered clarifying questions for the FinCom. In addition to what is in the Chief's budget, the police department receives a $30,000 grant for community policing.
l Chief Mignard met with the FinCom to go over the Fire Department budget. He is encouraging professional development opportunities for his men to continually improve the firefighting team. The Chief writes many grants but Harvard does not qualify for them however, he will be using a $5,300 from the State for radio replacements.
l The FinCom members reviewed items on the Capital Plan.
l Tim Clark is applying for an Energy Audit grant for up to $30,000 offered by the Department of Energy. He discussed the option of looking at the Wellesley approach at funding long term liabilities.
l FinCom meeting was adjourned at 9:20 pm.(5-0-0)