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Minutes 02/24/2009
 Board of Selectmen
February 24, 2009
Town Hall Meeting Room


The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chair, Leo Blair in the Town Hall Meeting Room. Leo Blair, Timothy Clark, Peter Warren, Ronald Ricci and Lucy Wallace were all in attendance.


MINUTES – On a Wallace/Warren motion, the Board voted unanimously to accept the minutes of 2/3, as amended.


AMBULANCE BILLING COMMITTEE – Sean Doocey and Andrew Perry were in attendance to present a recommended fee schedule for ambulance reimbursement.

(To review memo, see Attachment A) Doocey explained the Board of Selectmen must set the rate schedule before the Town can begin to receive reimbursement from health insurance companies for ambulance service. Doocey, Perry, Chief Warren and the Town Administrator met with Harvard’s contracted billing company and consulted with representatives from surrounding communities. The Committee recommends that the Board of Selectmen set the ambulance billing rate at 40% greater than the current NE Medicare Fee Schedule for “Rest of MA.”

On a Ricci/Wallace motion, the Board voted unanimously to accept the fee schedule date February 19, 2009.

On a Warren/Ricci motion, the Board voted unanimously to authorize the Ambulance Director to enter into contracts with Medstar, Ayer Fire Department, and Emerson ALS. Wallace suggested the BOS receive a copy of the contracts for review.


TOWN CENTER SEWER ACTION GROUP – Wade Holtzman and Chris Ashley were in attendance to address the Board about pursuing a special act of the Legislature to implement the sewer system the Committee is proposing. Ashley explained the Committee met with Town Counsel Mark Lanza on Thursday, February 18th. They discussed possibly drafting a home rule petition for Town Meeting. This would allow more flexibility in deciding how to set betterment, connection, and usage fees. Ashley also explained the Committee with be meeting with town center residents on March 3rd (Hapgood Room) to explain the proposal and determine if citizens would support it. Ashley confirmed a meeting has been set up with Wayne Perry (Norfolk & Ram), Tim Clark and DEP to catch any hurdles. Wallace spoke about her concern for future expansion of the sewer system. Wallace also suggested pursuing the Federal Stimulus Package for possible funding sources. Clark stressed the importance of speaking with all residents in the sewer district for their input.

On a Wallace/Ricci motion, the Board voted unanimously to authorize the Town Center Sewer Action Committee to direct Mark Lanza to begin work on a home rule petition and comparing it with existing state law and to such other legal documents as necessary.



Board of Selectmen – Minutes

February 24, 2009 page 2




CABLE COMMITTEE – Pat Natoli and Jonathan Williams were in attendance to represent the Cable Committee. Natoli presented the Board with a business plan the Committee has been working on since May 2008. Natoli stated she has only been Chair since March 2008.  Natoli suggested the Board review the entire report and have the Committee come back at a later date to address any questions. She did touch on a few key points:

·          Committee felt a part time coordinator would be sufficient.

·          Hildreth House was adequate at this time in providing an office space.

·          All productions asked to be covered by the Cable Committee have been.

·          Procedures have been drafted on how to work equipment at Volunteers Hall and Town Hall.

·          Specific Cable Committee members are assigned to certain Committees/Boards to provide consistency.

·          Time sheets and bills are being handled in a timely fashion.

·          Natoli did stress the committee wants to stay within their budget and not have to have to rely on any fundraising.


Ricci thanked the committee for their efforts in covering as many meetings as possible.

Blair agreed a permanent home for the Cable Committee is necessary to set up some studio space. Blair explained a developing idea has been to possibly utilize the ground floor of the Hapgood building for the Cable Committee. The idea would include use of the Hapgood Room, portion of the remainder of the downstairs for a studio and some storage area. Clark drafted a plan that made use of the Hapgood room and office that exists there now. Warren had a plan that included space beyond the basement area.

Jonathan Williams said it would be possible to share the Hapgood room allowing meetings to still be held there. Williams said it should be possible to set up a screen on one end of the room for small shoots. Williams envisions walling off the corridor down to the elevator. This space could be used for a small shooting area, editing space and an office. The Sears room could be production space. Williams stated the building inspector did review the plan and handicap accessibility was considered. Williams is confident a nice compromise can be worked out.  Blair stated he is hopeful to get the Hapgood building up and running for public space as early as Monday. Blair said the ability to broadcast all town meetings is essential. Blair suggested the committee meet with Tim Clark to come up with a plan that makes sense in hopes of improving communication with their liaison. Wallace stressed the importance of addressing future use for all town buildings. Clark agreed on this point as he has reviewed this issue in the past.

On a Wallace/Blair motion, the Board voted unanimously to authorize the Cable Committee use of the basement floor of the Hapgood Room and auxiliary space in the old library on an interim basis to create studio and other needs (inventory) and to include access to the elevator through the corridor subject to a plan worked on with Tim Clark.

The Committee was asked to come back to the March 17th meeting.


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February 24, 2009 page 3






Steve Finnegan, 34 Oak Hill Road, addressed the Board regarding the Vicksburg Square rezoning. He questioned the impact on affordable housing requirements for Harvard. Blair suggested he attend a JBOS meeting for more details on this subject.


Tim Clark informed the public that on Saturday, February 28th at 7:30pm in Volunteers Hall a production of “War of the Worlds” will be held free to the public.




Tim Bragan informed the Board that he along with all department heads met with FEMA in regards to road side cleanup. FEMA suggested having the Army Core of Engineers come out and go around town to make an estimate of damage costs resulting from the December 2009 ice storm.  Bragan explained a report will be submitted so the Town can possibly go out to bid for this cleanup. He explained the cost would be reimbursed up to 75%. In conjunction with that, Bragan read a release from the Conservation Commission reminding residents that any tree cutting in a wetland requires notification to the Commission.


Tim Bragan reminded everyone that the deadline for warrant articles is Friday, February 27th and that the Open Meeting Law Seminar will be held Thursday, February 26th at 7:00pm in the Town Hall Meeting Room. He also stated Senator Jamie Eldridge would be at the next Board of Selectmen’s meeting on March 3rd.


Tim Bragan informed the Board that our Veterans Agent is extending his hours until 6:30pm on Tuesdays and that the Town Assessor, Angela Marrama, has taken a position for the Town of Maynard. Her last day will be February 27th. He thanked her for her service to the town and wished her well.


Peter Warren thanked Dunkin Donuts for their donation of coffee during the ice storm. 

Warren asked for clarification on the brush removal. At this time, Bragan said there is no set plan in place for brush removal. Residents in town will be informed when and if there is roadside cleanup. Warren indicated a contradiction related to the January 27th minutes.


Peter Warren asked for direction from the Board on the Getty Land Task Force. Ron Ricci was in favor of still pursuing the property but the other members agreed it was not the right time to move forward. On a Wallace/Warren motion, the Board voted to accept the recommendation of Getty Land Task Force and to for go acting on the possibility of buying this property and holding a public hearing.

(Ricci - Nay, Wallace – Aye, Blair – Aye, Warren – Aye, Clark - Aye)


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February 24, 2009 page 4



Tim Clark expressed his concern regarding the FY10 budget process and requested to meet with all department heads as soon as possible.


Ron Ricci explained the Bare Hill Pond Committee would be coming before the Board of Selectmen for support regarding their appeal of the Zoning Enforcement Officer’s decision regarding the resolution of the Mace zoning violation. Wallace and Clark clarified the Pond Committee is a sub committee of the Conservation Commission and that the Pond Committee should go before the Commission, as they have jurisdiction over the pond.


Ron Ricci updated the Board on the Vicksburg Square rezoning. He explained some significant changes are 25% of units will be affordable, deed restrictions will last for 30 years and all units will be rentals. Ricci stated the revisions will be presented at the JBOS meeting Thursday, February 26th at 5:00pm. There will be additional meetings to review the changes: March 16th in Harvard, March 23rd in Shirley and March 24th in Ayer. All meetings will be open to the public. Mass Development would like to have a final warrant article by the end of March. Wallace asked for clarification on when the Board of Selectmen and Planning Board would be able to deliberate together? Blair explained after the three public meetings the Board of Selectmen would then come back to JBOS with any revisions. JBOS would develop language and submit back to Board of Selectmen. Dates discussed were Board of Selectmen meeting on April 7th and then JBOS meeting on April 9th. Blair suggested a May timeframe for a special town meeting to allow time for all deliberations.  


Lucy Wallace expressed her concerns on the budget process, communication within the Board and liaison issues. Wallace stressed the importance for the public to be aware of service impacts due to cuts. Tim Bragan said the budget would be on the March 3rd agenda.



Tim Bragan supplied a list of retiree names. On a Wallace/Clark motion, the Board voted unanimously to appoint Julia Chadwick, Christine Moeser, Tom Hill or Judy Lorimer to the Insurance Advisory Committee as retired employee representative; selection was delegated to the Town Administrator.


HISTORICAL SOCIETY – On a Wallace/Clark motion, the Board voted unanimously to approve the request to waive the $500 building permit fee in the event it is not covered by insurance.


CHAPTER 90 REIMBURSEMENTS – On a Clark/Wallace motion, the Board voted unanimously to sign the three reimbursement forms.


MRPC – On a Wallace/Clark motion, the Board voted unanimously to approve the request to access $2,710 in Program Income Funds as described in the memo from Shelly Hatch of MRPC.


The meeting was adjourned at 10:18 pm.