Board of Selectmen
January 20, 2009
Timothy A. Clark Peter E. Warren
Lucy B. Wallace Leo F. Blair Ronald V. Ricci
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chair, Leo Blair in the Town Hall Meeting Room.
Chris Ashley, Chair of the Town Center Sewer Action Group (TCSAG), gave the Board a report on their findings and recommendations. He first provided the Board with a background on their findings; next, he moved onto the Group’s recommendation to the Board addressing topics from capacity utilization to costs to implementation. Ashley then provided the Board with a map of the proposed sewer area and a spreadsheet outlining all sewer scenarios plus the pros and cons of each.
Blair then opened the session to the Board for questions. He first commended the TCSAG and Selectman Liaison, Tim Clark, for the hard work they have all put into the project, he told Ashley he was impressed with the presentation. Lucy Wallace asked for several points of clarification. First, she wanted to confirm that the 64 properties, as outlined, actually represented 77 percent of the capacity that was available, she said that there will be 4000 gallons available to expand if necessary; Ashley confirmed this. Wallace asked if on the map he meant that the expansion of the sewer district to include drinking water sewer protection would go down Pond Road to where the two town wells are located; Ashley also confirmed this, explaining that they will pick up some properties on
Pond Road. She asked what the cost of contacting for additional technical services would entail and if it would be covered by their remaining budget. Ashley explained that they need to get an engineer to take s survey of ledge in the area, which costs about $2000 per day and would take approximately four days. He told the Board that the TCSAG has only $4000 left in their budget. Wallace followed up asking if the Board passed this to Town Meeting if they would also be asking for additional funding. He explained that the costs presented were reasonable and the Group feels very comfortable with the estimates, he told the Board that the cost of this project is a lot cheaper than the Public Safety Building. Lastly, Wallace commended Ashley and the Group for their hard work and for the quality of the presentation; she suggested to Ashley that more public opinion be collected. Blair told the Board that he met with Mass Development to go over the electrical grid, water and sewer. Rich
Montouri volunteered their services to help the TCSAG through their process for technical input. Ron Ricci also thanked the Group for their work and dedication. He suggested additional research be done to fine tune the numbers to reduce uncertainty making it an easier sell at Town Meeting. Blair asked if the cost to private property owners over 20 years as stated in the report was correct; Ashley explained that the numbers in the report are correct. Tim Clark also commended the Group; he told the Board that as the liaison, he kept them moving as quickly as possible to ensure everything was finished in time for Town Meeting. He explained that Lorraine Leonard will provide a copy of the Wastewater Plant’s costs which will be included in the report. After more discussion, Blair opened the meeting for public comment. To see the report, map and spreadsheet in full detail please refer to Appendix A.
Deborah Skauen-Hinchliffe, 221 Still River Road, asked if the schools grew in size would the new sewer system be able to keep up with the difference. Ashley explained that yes, it would provide adequate capacity. Rhonda Sprague, 160 Prospect Hill Road, asked if the Board of Health had weighed in on the idea, Ashley explained that none of the Board of Health members are part of the TCSAG, but they, as a Group, sought a lot of information from the Board of Health. She then asked how old the current leech field is; Clark informed her that it was expanded in 2002 during Bromfield’s renovation. Lastly she, too, commended the Group for their work and explained to them that it is a great idea. Jonathan Williams, 13 Whitman Road, asked if there were plans to open up the
conservation land by the pond for this purpose. (Wallace exited the meeting at this time) Clark said that the boundary line could be adjusted. Peter Warren commended the Group for their report, he asked about potential new developments and if the new system would be able to support these additions. Ashley did not think that it would. Warren asked if someone within the area did not want to participate in the town sewer development, would they still have to pay for it, Ashley told him that yes, they would.
The Board discussed the new changes made to the Liquor License Conditions with Fruitlands and their Counsel, Donna Truex. The Board and Fruitlands went through each condition, made amends and approved each. On a Ricci/Clark motion, the Board unanimously voted to grant a Common Victualler’s All-Alcoholic Beverages License to Fruitlands Museums, Inc., subject to the terms and conditions set forth and the list of conditions discussed by this evening’s hearing. The Board discussed the license fee, Tim Bragan explained that in the past, the fee has been $2500; Blair suggested it be $5000. Clark requested Bragan get a schedule of license fees from surrounding communities. Please find the final list of conditions in Appendix B.
Fire Chief, Bob Mignard, explained his letter to the Board which addressed the sprinkler system requirement for Fruitlands. He told the Board that if the Tea Room is used for the sole purpose of a restaurant, no sprinkler system is required. However, at some point, if they expand beyond restaurant criteria, a sprinkler system will be required by law, this includes the tent. Mignard explained that every event with 50 or more people requires a Fire inspection. To view Mignard’s letter to Fruitlands, please see
Appendix C.
Ricci inquired about how much the fire watch will cost Fruitlands. Whit Sprague, 160 Prospect Hill Road, asked for the definition of a band as stated in the Entertainment Conditions. Tim Firment explained that they will not have large bands in the morning and any larger-scale bands will be run by the Selectmen prior to each event. Deborah Skauen-Hinchliffe, 221 Still River Road, asked if hot air balloons could be limited to tethered and be established as an occasional event. She raised concern about livestock in the area being frightened by the loud noise the balloons make when ascending. She also mentioned advertising she saw on WBZ for Fruitlands’ upcoming events; her concern was that they do not have a license and the volume of people that may be drawn to the area.
Rhonda Sprague, 160 Prospect Hill Road, voiced her issue with the definition of accessory to the museum. She said that she is concerned about the future because she believes that it will become a destination for entertainment rather than a museum. She went further to say that the museum is closed for most of the year and most of the events have nothing to do with the museum. Skauen-Hinchliffe returned to the microphone to say that it appears that the museum is the accessory. On a Clark/Warren motion, the Board unanimously voted to close to Entertainment License Public Hearing. Blair suggested that the Board extend the Fruitlands 2008 Entertainment License, so they would be a licensed operation. On a Clark/Ricci motion, the Board unanimously voted to extend the Fruitlands 2008 Entertainment License until March 6, 2009. Blair told Fruitlands they would continue deliberations on the entertainment portion sometime in February.
Blair brought up the possibility of replacing a damaged vehicle owned by David Woodsum, who has been a volunteer Fireman and Electrical Inspector for the Town for numerous years. After the ice storm, Woodsum was responding to a call at the Fire Station when a tree fell on his work truck which left his it totaled. Unfortunately, Woodsum did not have collision insurance on his vehicle, so Blair suggested the Board consider helping. Bragan strongly urged the Board away from this proposal explaining that this sets precedence: what prevents other town volunteers or employees to come before the Board to request compensation for a damaged vehicle while on the job. Blair said that the Rantoul Fund is available and its use is the sole discretion of the Board. He also suggested giving
Woodsum Fire Chief Mignard’s old Tahoe, whose value is less than $500. Blair requested Bragan ask Lorraine Leonard, Finance Director, if the town can donate the truck; Blair explained that he wanted to take action at the next Board meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:19pm
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