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Minutes 09/02/2008

Board of Selectmen
September 2, 2008

Leo F. Blair
 Timothy A. Clark
Peter E. Warren
                                        Lucy B. Wallace
Ronald V. Ricci

The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Chair, Leo Blair in the Town Hall meeting room.

ELECTION SET UP FOR PRIMARY – Town Clerk Janet Vellante was in attendance to remind citizens of the primary to be held on September 16th. The school did not schedule an early release day so the election will take place in the gym and not the cafeteria. This will be a dual election including moderator.
MINUTES – On a Wallace/Clark motion, the Board voted unanimously to approve minutes of 7/22 and 8/5, as amended.

Tim Bragan informed the Board on a few items:
  • He is continuing to work on the policies for the BOS for off-site signage, appointment process, and in-state travel and they will be ready for the Board’s next meeting.
  • The FIAT would like to meet with the BOS for an update and directional meeting.
      The Board agreed to the October 7th meeting.
  • He spoke with Tom Jefferson about having Rich Nota and Mark Force work together to come up with timelines for capital items for municipal buildings.
  • Tim Bragan expressed his pleasure with the wonderful job the DPW did in front of the HES.  They have also ground and repaved areas along Ayer Road where the asphalt was loose and deteriorating.  They have laid the stone seal as planned and as last year we have started to get emails and calls regarding the loose stones which Mr. Nota said will be swept up on a continuous basis.
  • A Retirement party for Sue Podzycki will be held on September 22, 2008 at 5:30PM at the Red Tail Golf Club.
  • Military appreciation day will be Saturday, September 13, 2008 and the covenants to be signed will be ready at the end of this week.
  • Tim informed the Board that Rich Montuori had contacted him again for a letter allowing Devens to join the State’s Mosquito Control Program.  Mosquito Control will not let them join unless they get approval of all three towns (Harvard, Ayer and Shirley) and they already have approval of Ayer and Shirley.  He explained that the citizens of Devens have repeatedly asked to join the mosquito control program. The Board asked for more detailed information before making a decision.

Board of Selectmen – Minutes
September 2, 2008 page 2

Peter Warren reiterated what Tim Bragan said in regards to Sue Podzycki’s retirement party. Peter confirmed he has tickets for sale.
Tim Clark informed the Board that the Town Center Sewer Action Committee would like to come and make a report to the Board. Leo confirmed they would be coming to the September 16th meeting.
Tim Clark also updated the Board on the ongoing progress being made at the Transfer Station. He confirmed the Transfer Station Committee would be codifying the final plans with regards to modification and improvements.
Ron Ricci endorsed the Military Appreciation Day stating it is a wonderful event and encouraged citizens to take the time to stop by and thank our service men and women. Lucy Wallace informed the Board that on September 8th at 7:30 the Senior Housing Task Force (made up of members on the Municipal Affordable Housing Trust and the Housing Authority) will be holding a public meeting at the Hildreth House regarding possible senior housing on that site.
Lucy also stated the Energy Advisory Committee would be coming to the October 7th meeting to give an update on their progress.
Lastly Lucy asked about the status of the Master Plan Implementation Committee? Joe Sudol was in attendance and confirmed the first meeting would be this month.
On a Blair/Warren motion, the Board voted unanimously to appoint Lucy Wallace as the BOS member to the Master Plan Implementation Committee.
HEALING GARDEN WALK REQUEST – On Wallace/Warren, the Board voted unanimously to approve the 5K Walk on October 18, 2008.

RESIGNATION – VICTOR NORMAND - On a Wallace/Warren motion, the Board voted unanimously to accept the resignation of Victor Normand from the Municipal Affordable Housing Trust and send a letter of thanks.

MONTY TECH SCHOOL COMMITTEE APPOINTMENT – On a Wallace/Clark motion, the Board voted unanimously to appoint Will Verbits as the Monty Tech Representative for Harvard.

YOU PICK APPLE SIGNS – Discussion with regards to the town bylaws to off site signage. The Board agreed a bylaw should be in place specific to U-Pick signs. Leo Blair explained there has been some concern expressed from citizens in town with regards to placement, size and longevity of the U-Pick signs.
On a Wallace/Clark motion, the Board voted unanimously to approve U-Pick apple sign requests from list presented subject to removal by December 1, 2008, 3 square feet in size, remain within town right of way and not be placed to block the line of sight.
The motion was amended to add removal of any U-Pick apple sign that blocks right of way or is in the line of sight by erector and if not the Selectmen’s office should be contacted.

Board of Selectmen – Minutes
September 2, 2008 page 3

Harold Cooper from National Grid was in attendance to review the proposed project and field any questions. He explained National Grid is requesting to install and maintain approximately 9,504 feet, more or less, of 8 inch gas main in Oak Hill Road, Woodchuck Hill Road, and Massachusetts Avenue. This work will start at the existing 2 inch gas main located at 12 Oak Hill Road and will run easterly to the Boxborough line. Mr. Cooper explained the project is proposed to create a loop to reinforce the line and eliminate any interruptions in service. The Board asked questions of Mr. Cooper and requested a map showing existing service as a reference. The Board agreed to take no action at this time. Hearing was closed at 8:30 pm.

APPOINTMENT – On a Wallace/Warren motion, the Board voted unanimously to appoint Roseanne Saalfield as the Conservation Commission Representative to the Historical Commission.

DEVENS DISPOSTION SUCCESS CRITERIA – Leo Blair explained identifying success criteria is an important first step. He described the success criteria as a yardstick to measure what is vital in beginning the process as well as a component of measure at the end of the process. At this time the BOS reviewed the success criteria with members from Boards and Committees in town taking suggestions on editing, enhancing or improvement of the draft. The BOS made note of recommendations and will redraft the success criteria.

On a Wallace/Ricci motion, the Board voted unanimously to authorize signature for letter to Governor Patrick.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:50 P.M.