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Minutes 07/15/2008

Board of Selectmen
July 15, 2008

Leo F. Blair
Timothy A. Clark
Peter E. Warren
Lucy B. Wallace
Ronald V. Ricci

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chair, Leo Blair in Mass Development conference room located at 33 Andrews Parkway.

MINUTES – On a Wallace/Ricci motion, the Board voted unanimously to approve minutes from the 6/17 meeting, as amended.

RESIGNATION – On a Wallace/Warren motion, the Board voted to accept the resignation of Dorothy Klotz from the Municipal Affordable Housing Trust.
Lucy Wallace suggested appointment for vacancies on the Trust be handled in August or September.

COA GRANT – Tim Bragan informed the Board that on behalf of the Nashoba Valley Community Healthcare Fund Advisory Committee, The Greater Lowell Community Foundation and the Community Foundation of North Central Massachusetts
the COA has been awarded $15,000 in grant funds for their program “Prescription Drug Use: Elders and Teens”.

TOWN CAUCUS – On a Wallace/Warren motion, the Board voted to approve and sign the warrant for Town Caucus on July 23, 2008.

APPOINTMENTS -   On a Ricci/Warren motion, the Board voted to recommend Eric Stoltzus for appointment by the Governor to the Devens Enterprise Commission.
Eric Stoltzus has been a resident of Devens since 2002. He volunteers in Boston once a week for the Community of Economic Development program and is looking forward to contributing to the economic development of Devens.

Peter Warren first stated for clarity that there is no thought, plan or discussion of the ambulance becoming a part of the Fire Department.
Appointments   –
Peter Warren stated that in the spring when the Selectmen discussed appointments it was noted that more than one member was not a resident of Harvard so the Board agreed to delay appointments until roster was reviewed with the Ambulance Director.
Also, the Board requested a response report from the communication center which was also reviewed with the Ambulance Director.
After review of the report questions of non response of ambulance calls requiring neighboring towns to cover.  There was a total of nine times. This resulted in a complaint from a town resident and a call from a neighboring Fire Chief.
Board of Selectmen – Minutes
July 15, 2008 page 2

Tim Clark entered at 7:15 P.M.

Another issue was the understanding that the town paid for individual expenses for training, recertification and the issuance of transfer station stickers at the senior citizen rate of $25. Six squad members who responded to less than ten calls still received the discounted rate.
Peter Warren explained that based on these concerns and a review of the response of members it was determined that nine members never responded to a call in the past year and that seven responded to less than ten calls.
Peter Warren stated the information was discussed with the Ambulance Director and it was decided with the Director’s approval that a 12 call minimum response was an acceptable requirement for town reimbursements and membership to the squad.

Based on this information, Peter Warren made a motion to appoint the following:
Lily Baddour                    Alex Burnett                    Andrew Perry
Sarah Cochrane          Sean Doocey                     Charles Perry
Derek Jordan                    Jon Mead                        Ramae Phillippou
JP Messina                      Peter Messina                   Tom Phillippou
Harry Powell                    Steven Powell                   Casey Silver
Lou Skinner                     Robert Williams                 Jesse Wolff

Peter Warren also stated for those members who were not named, the Board hopes they will meet with the Ambulance Director and resolve their ability to respond to calls.

In response, the current Ambulance Director Tom Philippou stated after reviewing the numbers that were presented it was determined that those numbers presented were not derived from ambulance squad runs and were grossly in accurate. Mr. Philippou requested a further opportunity to review numbers with the Ambulance liaison.  Mr. Philippou then presented a letter to the Board of Selectmen questioning the process of appointments with regards to the ambulance squad and provided an attached list of both new and existing members to be appointed / reappointed to the volunteer ambulance service for 2008. The list consisted of 34 names.

Leo Blair read the letter out load and compared Tom’s list to Peter’s list. Tom Philippou explained the starred names were individuals on a leave of absence due to personal reasons. The initial motion was postponed until further review of the list. There were 16 additional names on Tom’s list.

Lucy Wallace asked for clarification on how dispatchers keep track of who responds to calls versus who shows up on site? Tom Philippou explained everyone is required to call into dispatch to announce they are going to the call. At the scene manpower needed is established. Lucy also asked why another town would be called for their ambulance service to respond in Harvard. Peter Warren explained there were nine calls in which there were no ambulance squad responding. Dispathcer Pat Natoli explained two EMT’s are required to make a crew. If two EMT’s do not respond then the dispatcher has to relay the call to another town. She confirmed all EMT’s who call in are counted.

Board of Selectmen – Minutes
July 17, 2008 page 3

Dave Durrant, 159 East Bare Hill Road, expressed his concern with discrepancy in numbers presented.

Leo Blair asked Tom Philippou if he agreed a minimum call response should be required.
Tom explained it is difficult to have this requirement with in volunteer environment. He does not feel this is an important benchmark. Tom Philippou explained with a low number on the squad response is affected. The squad has started to rely more on their student members. The squad recognizes more adults are needed on the squad to cover year round requirements.

Lucy Wallace asked for clarification on the 12 number for minimum calls and Peter Warren confirmed the number was given by the Ambulance Director Tom Philippou.

Lucy Wallace asked about training sessions. Tom Philippou explained the squad holds monthly training session which is optional with no cost to the town. Ramae Philippou the Training Director for the Ambulance Squad confirmed training is held every Monday of the month. When recertification is required there is a cost involved.

Lucy Wallace expressed concern with no minimum requirement for calls and no mandatory trainings how do we know we have a skilled squad in place. Ramae Philippou explained EMT’s are required to have a certain number of hours of training in order to keep certification.

Tim Clark asked how many on the squad attend the monthly training sessions. Ramae Philippou stated it varies depending on the time of year.

Lily Baddour, 28 Myrick Lane, a member of the squad said in the past the Ambulance Director was trusted by the BOS to recommend who should be appointed.  

After much discussion, Peter Warren suggested approval of roster minus individuals on a leave of absence. Lily Baddour stressed the importance of having the full list reappointed.

On a Wallace/Warren, reappoint squad as currently existing for 60 days with the understanding that Tom Philippou, Tim Bragan, Peter Warren along with another member of the squad will meet and discuss issues and come back to the Board at the first meeting in August. Peter clarified to appoint list dated July 14th submitted by Tom Philippou.  (See Attachment A)
Tom Philippou confirmed he is willing to participate in a process to come to a resolve regarding appointments, compensation, billing and finances.

Board of Selectmen – Minutes
July 15, 2008 page 4

Ambulance Funds –
Tim Bragan explained the current ambulance accounts do not flow through the Town Treasurer so there is no monitoring. The auditor informed the town that the current operation is illegal. The ambulance funds should be in a gift account dedicated to the ambulance. This type of account would require approval by the director and would be placed on all warrants as other departments do. Tom Philippou said there was $34,000 in existing accounts.

On a Wallace/Warren motion, the Board voted to establish a gift account for the ambulance service dedicated to the ambulance only.

Ambulance Billing -
Peter Warren explained the idea of charging for the ambulance service has been discussed and battered around for some time. This matter has more recently been discussed at the Selectmen’s retreat and at recent tri board meetings as the town faces financial difficulties, a failed override and future town budgets. In fact at a tri board meeting after the failed override, a member of the school committee asked when the Board of Selectmen were going to begin billing for ambulance calls. To clarify Peter Warren stressed we are not billing citizens of Harvard. Insurance companies, Medicare and Medex will be billed as provided by law. Citizens pay their insurance companies and Medicare for this coverage. If a citizen does not have coverage they will not be responsible for any bills. Peter Warren stressed that it would be irresponsible in these difficult financial times if the Selectmen and the Ambulance Service did not address this issue and commence billing for these calls.

On Warren/Wallace motion, the Board voted unanimously to establish a receipt reserve for appropriations account for the receipts of insurance proceeds to be under the control of the Ambulance Director for only the use in the operation of the Harvard Ambulance Service.

Jonathan Mead, 163 Littleton Road, suggested putting the question to the town.
Bruce Leicher, Warren Ave, suggested consulting with town counsel with regards to billing insured versus uninsured.

Dave Durrant, 193 East Bare Hill Road, stated he felt this should be an item voted on at Town Meeting. Pete Messina, 295 Littleton Road, agreed.

After discussion, the Board decided to have the Town Administrator Tim Bragan consult with town counsel on the details and the issue will be revisited at the August 5th meeting.

Board of Selectmen – Minutes
July 15, 2008 page 5

POLICE VEHICLE PURCHASE – Chief Denmark was in attendance to explain that the purchase of a replacement vehicle (Ford Escape 4x4 Hybrid) was passed at town meeting under “Recurring Capital” in the amount of $27,000. The Chief stated that when he went to order the vehicle he was informed that production for the 2009 models would not begin until September. This would delay purchase of the new vehicle. The Chief explained that he found an alternative vehicle (AWD 6 cylinder Ford Taurus) which is available immediately. The price for the Taurus is $6,000 less than the Escape. The Chief explained the town would see immediate savings with the Taurus and it would take up to six years to realize the savings in fuel usage with the Escape. The downside is that the Taurus is not a “Green” vehicle.

On a Wallace/Clark motion, the Board voted unanimously to authorize Chief Denmark to purchase the Ford Taurus to replace the Crown Victoria.


1. Method to get an impartial review of the parcel analysis
Leo Blair suggested having an independent analysis of the parcel analysis. This is an inventory of taxable property and possible revenue. Leo’s recommendation is to have someone with a financial background check the data and review the assumptions of growth and revenue. This would include review of TIF (Tax Incentive Financing) Agreements. Tim Clark suggested our Assessing office review a random sample of parcels to confirm if values are accurate. Leo said he would select specific parcels for review by our Assessor. Tim Clark will select specific TIF Agreements for review.
Lucy Wallace and Tim Clark suggested sending a follow up letter to Mass Development. Leo Blair explained this would be the due diligence to confirm the revenue data presented is credible.

2. Methods for developing cost models
Leo Blair explained he is looking for suggestions on how to develop an expense model.
Tim Clark stated that Richard Gilles from the Ayer Board of Selectmen has taken the responsibility to prepare such a request. Tim Clark reported that in speaking with Richard Gillis recently that he is moving forward on this component. As to not duplicate efforts Tim Clark suggested we understand what Ayer is doing in an effort to share information.
Leo Blair expressed concern with receiving gross numbers due to difficulty in separating development cost from operation cost. Leo explains that Harvard requires due diligence and the question becomes how. Leo suggests Harvard needs to develop data on their own by possibly attaining assessments from department heads in town. Chief Denmark who was in attendance suggested selecting specific projection terms such as 5 years, 10 years and 15 years. Lucy Wallace suggested not overlooking the possibility of regionalizing certain services by working with Ayer and Shirley. Leo Blair explained with reliable revenue data and credible cost data then we can move dialogue away from whether it is a good or bad idea to looking at the other pieces. Lucy Wallace suggests starting to look at the other pieces.

Board of Selectmen – Minutes
July 15, 2008 page 6

3. Vote on a relative timeline for the Board to commit to bringing disposition choices before the voters in Harvard
Leo Blair suggested placing some type of timeline to help in energizing all involved.
Leo explained that setting a goal for disposition by spring would tell others of our goals and seriousness in getting answers to the citizens of Harvard.
Ron Ricci supports the idea of setting a goal/timeline as to not prolong the process.
Tim Clark expressed with much emotion on the extreme importance of all parties involved to work diligently together toward the success of the reuse of former U.S. Army base known as Devens. Tim Clark presented the Board with a draft of a Resolution regarding Devens for their review and possible adoption at their next meeting.
Peter Warren expressed his concern in waiting too long and suggested accessing data compiled in the past with regards to Devens and update. Leo Blair cautioned that renewing the process must be done in a careful way so that we can come to a good result.

Public Comment on Devens

Deborah Thompson, Poor Farm Road, extremely important to work with other towns and understand that regionalization is part of the Patrick administration.

Paul Green, Old Littleton Road, agreed that the Board of Selectmen are responsible for coming to the town with accurate data and he feels the process is more important than the goals. He suggests the BOS take their time and do it right.

Joe Sudol, Lancaster County Road, stated this is a renewed effort and it is important for the three towns to work together to answer all questions. He also stated there is a lot of data already out there.

Phil Crosby, Devens Committee Member and Devens resident, has seen Devens as a dollar sign in the past. He stressed importance integrating the social fabric. He feels a decision needs to come quickly and if Devens becomes a stand alone community a master plan that must be complete with a sufficient number of residents and abodes to support it.

David Winters, 63 Walnut Street Devens Committee Member, thanked the Selectmen for coming to Devens and asked the question is Devens just a commodity?  He asked for the BOS to look at the financial aspects and to not forget to include the Devens residents in the process.

Harry Armstrong, 63 Elm Road, thanked the BOS for coming to Devens and asked for better communication in the future.

Brian McNulty, Almond Street, thanked the BOS for coming to Devens and expressed his excitement about the elementary education bid.

John Knowles, 49 Walnut Street, said he felt the School Committee decision is a good step forward.  

The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 P.M.