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Minutes 04/17/2007
April 17, 2007

Randall W. Dean

Lucy B. Wallace

William J. Marinelli

Timothy A. Clark

Robert E. Eubank


Chair, Randy Dean, called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. in the Town Hall Meeting Room.


BOARD REORGANIZATION – On a Eubank nomination, the Board voted unanimously to appoint Lucy Wallace as the Chair of the Board.  On a Marinelli nomination, the Board voted unanimously to appoint Bob Eubank as the Vice-Chair of the Board.  On a Wallace nomination, the Board voted unanimously to appoint Tim Clark as the Clerk of the Board.


23 WEST BARE HILL ROAD – SUZANNE POITRAS – Suzanne Poitras, an attorney representing the Trustees of 23 West Bare Hill Road was in attendance.  She explained that there is an agreement to sell the property at 23 West Bare Hill Road.  Prior to the sale, the trustees decides to divide the land into two lots, which was presented and approved by the Planning Board  She further explained that since the land is registered, any changes to the lot lines must be submitted to the Land Court for approval prior to any conveyance of the any land shown on the new plan.  She submitted the Supplemental Petition to the Land Court for the approval of the plan.  As a result, a review of the record title revealed a problem which needed to be fixed prior to the allowance of the plan.  The problem was that in 1959  the Town made a taking and voted to accept Barton Road as a public way, and at that time the document of the taking and the acceptance of the road was not filed a the Land Registration Office at the Worcester Registry of Deeds.  Because the parcel to be sold abuts Barton Road, this boundary was not recognized on the Registered land side of the Registry of Deeds.  She explained that in order to rectify the situation, she obtained a certified copy of the Order of Taking, which the Selectmen being the taking authority in the 1959 document must assent to the petition.  On a Marinelli/Dean motion, the Board voted unanimously to sign the assent of taking, as presented by Attorney Suzanne Poitras.


TOWN FLAG – Andra Evans was in attendance to request the use of the town flag at an event scheduled at the State House.  On a Marinelli/Dean motion, the Board authorized the use of the town flag, as requested by Andra Evans.


TOWN SEAL – Andra Evans was in attendance and requested the use of the town flag, which the Board approved.  Additionally, she also discussed the possibility of putting the town seal on various items to sell for the town’s 275th anniversary.  The Board discussed the request and felt that it could be used by non-profit town organizations.  Tim explained that the Town Clerk is the legal custodian of the town seal.  The Board instructed Tim to come up with provisions for use of the town seal, and to provide those provisions to the


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Town Clerk so that she can authorize the use of the town seal to authorized designated organizations as outlined in the provisions. 


RAB – Lucy reported that Bill Ashe contacted her and explained that the Reserve Forces are doing some work on Barnum Road and the Restoration Advisory Board (RAB) is determining what space is being used, and they want to ensure that nothing detrimental is being done for some facilities being proposed for the Reserve Forces.  Interested individuals should contact Bill Ashe.


MINUTES – On a Marinelli/Dean motion, the Board voted unanimously to accept the minutes of 3/13 as amended.  On a Marinelli/Dean motion, the Board voted unanimously to accept the minutes of 3/20 as presented.


SIGN – MEMO OF UNDERSTANDING – TOWN & PUBLIC WORKS UNION – On a Dean/Marinelli motion, the Board voted unanimously to approve and sign the memorandum of understanding between the Town and the Public Works Union, as presented.


HANDLING APPOINTMENTS – BOB LERNER – Bob Lerner, of West Bare Hill Road, was in attendance to discuss with the Board the manner in which appointments are handled.  Bob expressed his opinions with regard to how the appointments are currently handled, and felt that candidates who run for Selectmen, either elected or defeated, should have first choice at committees or boards that they would like to serve on.  The Board asked questions of Bob and did not agree with Bob’s interpretation of the handling of appointments.  They thanked Bob for his time and would take his suggestion under advisement.


40B ADHOC COMMITTEES – MORT MILLER– Randy presented the Board with a  letter which was sent to him from Mort Miller, Tony Marolda, Keith Cheveralls, Ron Ricci and Kathy Fricchione with regard to their suggestions and recommendations for forming Adhoc Committees for 40B projects.  The Board felt that this should be a discussion for their retreat.


COA – MART VAN – OUT OF STATE TRAVEL – Tim notified the Board that MART is seeking the Board’s approval for the planned Council on Aging trips to Portsmouth, New Hampshire on Thursday, May 31st and Wednesday, June 27th to Newport, Rhode Island.  On a Marinelli/Eubank motion, the Board voted unanimously to allow the out of state travel for the MART van on Thursday, May 31st and Wednesday, June 27th.


TRIATHALON - AUGUST 26THThe Board is in receipt of a request by Colleen Terry of Park Lane to hold a triathlon on Sunday, August 26th.  On a Dean/Marinelli motion, the Board voted unanimously to approve the request of Colleen Terry to hold a


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triathlon on Sunday, August 26th, pending final approval from the Chief of Police, Ed Denmark.


OUT OF STATE TRAVEL – ASSESSORS’ OFFICE – Tim informed the Board that the two employees in the Assessors’ Office, Assessor Angela Marrama and her assistant, Julie Doucet are requesting to travel out of state to attend a Vision User Group conference in Manchester, Vermont from May 22nd to May 25th.  The conference cost is free of charge, however, the town would need to pay for the mileage and the hotel, for a total cost of approximately $1000. The Board asked Tim if there is currently an out of state travel policy in effect for the town, which Tim said there was not.  The Board asked questions of Tim and instructed him to come up with a policy.


MASSHOUSING – PROJECT ELIGIBILITY – PINE HILL VILLAGE – Tim informed the Board that he received notification from MassHousing regarding their receipt of a Project Eligibility application for the Pine Hill Village project, a 40B project proposed off of Stow Road.  They are seeking feedback by April 29th.  Lucy advised the Board that she had requested and received an extension to provide comments to MassHousing by June 1st, so that and All Boards meeting can be held on the project.   Further, she reported that the Housing Partnership will review the application and provide their comments to the Board.


ANNUAL APPOINTMENTS – Tim presented the Board with the list of appointments.  On a Marinelli/Dean motion, the Board voted unanimously to approve the Employee appointments for 2007, as presented on Attachment A.  On a Dean/Marinelli motion, the Board made the following appointments:


Jack Guswa, Ayer Road Adhoc Committee

            Chris Ready, Ayer Road Adhoc Committee

            William Johnson, Bare Hill Pond Watershed Management Committee

            Pat Natoli, Community Cable Access Committee

            Margaret (Wend) Sisson, Conservation Commission

            Hank Emerson, Council on Aging

            Frances Nickerson, Council on Aging

            Jim Higgins, Elderly & Disabled Taxation Aid Committee

            Cindy Dumser, Elderly & Disabled Taxation Aid Committee

            Denis Wagner, Elm Commission

            Bob Cleary, Fourth of July Committee

            Darrell Wickman, Fourth of July Committee

            Kathy Farrell, Fourth of July Committee

            Vince Farrell, Fourth of July Committee

            Danya Sklar, Fourth of July Committee

            Steve Miller, Fourth of July Committee

            Shannon Kelley, Fourth of July Committee

            BOARD OF SELECTMEN – Minutes

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Joan Eliyesil, Fourth of July Committee

            Cindy Buhner, Fourth of July Committee

Lisa Silagyi, Fourth of July Committee

            Lori Daniels, Fourth of July Committee

            Tom Daniels, Fourth of July Committee

            Peggy Zimmer, Fourth of July Committee

            Doreen Flaherty, Fourth of July Committee

            Marcie Donahue, Fourth of July Committee

            Marie Sobalvarro, Fourth of July Committee

            Piali De, Fourth of July Committee

            Suzanne Artemieff, Fourth of July Committee

            Suzanne Dutkewych, Fourth of July Committee

            Vanessa Perini, Fourth of July Committee

            Rudy Minar, Historical Commission, Alternate

            Chris Ready, Housing Partnership

            Barbara Brady, Housing Partnership, Planning Board representative

            Kara Minar, Monatchusetts Regional Planning Committee, Planning Board Rep.

            Chris Ready, Municipal Affordable Housing Trust

            Steve Rowse, Municipal Affordable Housing Trust

            Valeska Ross, Personnel Board, Employee Representative

            Kara Minar, Shaker Hills Golf Course 40B Adhoc Committee, Planning Board

            Robert Capobianco, Zoning Board of Appeals, Associate

            Ted Maxant, Zoning Board of Appeals, Associate


On a Dean/Marinelli motion, the Board voted unanimously to extend any and all outstanding appointments until their next meeting.


CHAPTER 90 FUNDS – FY’08 – Tim informed the Board that he is in receipt of communication from the Governor’s office regarding the 2008 Chapter 90 funding and that the town is going to receive $236,824.  DPW Director, Rich Nota will be in attendance at the Board’s next meeting to discuss the Chapter 90 monies and what he recommends the town do with the funding


JBOS – DEVENS DISPOSITION – Tim reported that the Town of Shirley recently discussed two questions with regard to Devens Disposition, which the Shirley Board of Selectmen unanimously endorsed.   The first question is “Does the Board support continuing the efforts toward the final disposition of Devens?” The second question is “ Would the Board support a disposition scenario of Devens that would result in a portion of Devens becoming its own viable standalone community?”  The Board discussed these two questions.  On a Eubank/Dean motion, the Board voted unanimously to support question 1.  On a Marinelli/Clark motion, the Board voted unanimously to take no action on question 2.



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HOME RULE LEGISLATION – ANNUAL TOWN MEETING – On a Dean/Marinelli motion, the Board voted unanimously to approve and authorize the Chair to sign letters addressed to Senator Resor and Representative Eldridge requesting that they file the Home Rule legislation that was approved at town meeting with regard to accessory apartments.


STATE PRIMARY – Tim informed the Board that currently the State Primary is scheduled for day immediately following Labor Day in September.  The Town Clerks Association is urging Selectmen to write to the Governor and Congressman Meehan and request that the date be changed.  On a Eubank/Clark motion, the Board voted unanimously to authorize Tim to send a letter to the Governor and Congressman Meehan requesting that the date of the State Primary be changed, per the Town Clerk’s Association’s request.


BOARD RETREAT – Tim asked the Board about potential dates for their annual retreat. Additionally, he asked the Board members to forward him items that they would like to see on the agenda.  The Board chose the date of May 29th at 5:00 P.M.  Tim will find a location for the retreat, and inform the Board at a future meeting.  The Board asked that the location be a minimal cost to the town; Tim assured them that it would be.


CHANGE OF MEETING DATES – The Board discussed the meeting dates and changed their meetings in May from the 1st and the 15th to the 8th and the 22nd.   Valeska will post the meeting changes accordingly with the Town Clerk.



The meeting was adjourned at 8:53 P.M.