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Minutes 03/13/2007
March 13, 2007

  ndall W. Dean
Lucy B. Wallace
William J. Marinelli
R. Scott Kimball
Robert E. Eubank


Chair, Randy Dean, called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. in the Town Hall Meeting Room. 


HARVARD HOUSING AUTHORITY – TRANSFER MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE SITE – Tim reported that Bob Lerner of the Housing Authority had contacted Tim at the end of the January.  Scott Hayward of the Housing Authority was in attendance, and he explained that there are some funding rounds for grant monies which would be made available for use in September and February.  The applications for these grant monies would be due within the next 3 months, and the applicants would need to either or own or control the land.  There was some discussion on whether or not there should be a Special Town meeting within the Annual to handle the potential transfer of ownership from the Town to the Housing Authority, and asked Tim questions with regard to the specifics of calling a Special Town meeting on the same day as the annual town meeting or within the annual town meeting.  The Board felt that more research had to be done prior to taking this matter to a town meeting, particularly that the matter should be discussed with Town Counsel to see if a letter of intent from the Selectmen would suffice for the applications, rather than holding a Special Town meeting for the transfer of ownership.  


CHARTER COMMUNICATION – CABLE QUALITY & SERVICE – Scott reported that he has received a number of phone calls with regard to the quality of service from Charter Communications.  Scott further reported that he spoke with Jackie Normand, of the Cable Committee, and she will be meeting with a Charter representative and work on getting better service.  Scott will report further at a future meeting once Jackie has met with a representative and some solution or resolution has been come to.


GOVERNOR’S PACKAGE – LETTER OF SUPPORT - LEGISLATORS – Tim informed the Board that late in February, the Governor submitted his FY’08 budget with the legislature.  In the Governor’s proposed budget he added $200 million to Chapter 70, and held most other aid accounts at level funded or with slight increases.  The Board instructed Tim to draft a letter to Senator Resor and Representative Eldridge supporting the Governor’s municipal relief package, to be presented to them at their meeting next week for approval.


MUNICAIPAL AFFORDABLE HOUSING TRUST- Lucy informed the Board that the Municipal Affordable Housing Trust will be holding a hearing on March 19th in the Hildreth House, with regard to their proposed policies and procedures.  She will report on the hearing at a future meeting. 


March 13, 2007 – Page 2


MINUTES – On a Wallace/Marinelli motion, the Board voted unanimously to approve the minutes of 2/27, as amended.


AYER ROAD - CORRIDOR STUDY – Tim presented the Board with the contract for the Ayer Road Corridor Study to be conducted by Camp Dresser and McKee out of Cambridge.  The Board went through and made some additional requests including adding Gebo Lane, Lancaster County Road, Poor Farm Road and Doe’s Corner to the scope of service.  The amount of the contract is for $48,700 and will be funded through Chapter 90 monies.  The Board asked some questions with regard to the funding, and there was a question whether or not Chapter 90 monies could be used.  Tim Clark of Bolton Road, was in attendance and asked the Board questions with regard to the presented contract.  On a Wallace/Marinelli motion, the Board voted unanimously to approve and sign the contract with their additional requests, and asked that Tim receive confirmation from MassHighway that Chapter 90 monies can be used to fund this project. 


LETTER TO LEGISLATORS – MGL CHAPTER 40B – Mort Miller of Westcott Road, Keith Cheveralls of Quarry Lane and Tony Marolda of Jacob Gates Road, recently had  voiced their concerns with regard to how 40B’s are effecting Harvard, and what Harvard’s options are with regard to working with the developers within the confines of Chapter 40B, at a previous meeting.  They suggested that the Board contact the state legislators to see if there are different funding sources available for seeking assistance with perhaps zoning amendments, or other avenues for combating 40B’s.  At that time, Bill offered to work with the gentlemen to come up with a letter.  Bill presented the Board with his letter and sought their approval.  On a Wallace/Marinelli motion, the Board voted unanimously to approve and authorize the Chair to sign the letter, as presented on their behalf.


AYER TOWN ADMINISTRATOR – REQUEST – SHAKER HILLS – AYER INFRASTRUCTURE – Ayer Town Administrator, Shaun Suhoski, contacted Tim with regard to the Board’s position on the Shaker Hills Golf Course 40B proposal.  Shaun had read an article in the Boston Globe that stated the Board was opposed to the project as it has been currently presented.  Shaun is requesting an ‘official’ position from the Board.  Additionally, the correspondence from Shaun states that the developer informally approached the Ayer Selectmen to see whether a cross-connection to Ayer’s water, sewer or both would be available to service the development. The Board discussed this request.  The Board instructed Tim to draft a letter in response to Shaun’s inquiry, to be presented at their next meeting, requesting that they be notified in the even that the developer makes a formal request to tie in to Ayer’s infrastructure, and that at this point in time they are concerned with the current scope and size of the proposed development and wish to be informed if there are any developments with any regard to this issue, and if they were asked if this time to tie-in, that they be denied.





March 13, 2007 – Page 3


ACCEPTANCE OF FUNDS – RECREATION TRAIL – Tim presented the Board with the contract documents relative to the construction of the Recreation Trail.  On a Wallace/Marinelli motion, the Board voted unanimously to authorize the Chair to sign the pertinent documents relative to the $10,000 in state monies to be received for the construction of the recreation trail along Route 2.


MIRROR LAKE & ESKER CONSERVATION RESTRICTION – Tim informed the Board that he received communication from Victor Normand at MassDevelopment with regard to the Trustees of Reservations seeking payment in the amount of $3,333 for the Mirror Lake and Esker Conservation Restrictions, as previously agreed upon.  Tim has contacted the Conservation Commission and have asked them pay our portion of the payment.  Tim will report further at a future meeting once he has heard back from the Conservation Commission.


MUNICIPAL BUILDING USE – Tim informed the Board that he has been researching the deeds for the four municipal buildings, Town Hall, Hildreth, the Bromfield House and the old Library.  He reported that he has found two to have language that limits the use of the building - the Bromfield House and the old Library.  Both are not steadfast in their use and Bromfield House needs a legal interpretation which Tim is soliciting. The old library’s Hapgood room could still be used for meetings and he is looking into that option and how that would work.  The Board asked questions of Tim with regard to this issue.


HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE DAY – Tim informed the Board that Rich Nota is looking to hold the Household Hazardous Waste Day on the 2nd or 9th of June and would like to know if there are any potential conflicts with either of those dates.   The Board noted that the High School’s commencement ceremony is typically the first weekend of June, but that was the only potential conflict that they noted and instructed Tim to notify Rich that it would be his choice as to which weekend he would like to designate.


FINANCE COMMITTEE BOOK – Tim informed the Board that the Finance Committee handbook has been brought to the printer. Tim provided the Board with copies of the warrant and the omnibus budget in the Boards packets.  Further, he reported that the Finance Committee has not recommended the purchase of the Dump Truck as they do not think it should be a Capital Exclusion and alternative financing/funding methods should be looked into.  Rich Nota is looking at a lease purchase option to see what that would look like.  The Board asked questions Tim.  The Board will discuss the warrant in further detail at their next meeting.








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TRANSFER STATION FEES – REVISED – Tim presented the Board with the draft of the proposed additional transfer station fees and fines for the Board’s review.  The suggestions were a direct result of a Finance Departament staff meeting that was held on Thursday, March 8, 2007.  The Board discussed the proposed fees and asked questions of

Tim and Valeska.    The only changes the Board made was instead of pro-rating the cost of the transfer station stickers on a monthly basis, that it be stated that after January 1st the sticker fee will be $150; and that if someone is caught with a recycling only sticker using the transfer station, that their recycling only sticker be revoked.



***On a Wallace/Marinelli motion, the Board voted unanimously by a roll call vote (Kimball – AYE, Eubank – AYE, Dean – AYE, Wallace – AYE, Marinelli – AYE) to enter into executive session, as authorized by Chapter 39, Section 23B of the Massachusetts General laws, at a meeting for which 48 hours notice has been given, for the purpose of discussing pending litigation.  Following the executive session, the Board will reconvene into open session for the sole purpose of adjourning.*** 


The meeting was adjourned at 9:52 P.M.