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Town Board Minutes 09/21/2010
REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING                                      SEPTEMBER 21, 2010

 A regular Meeting of the Town Board of Guilderland was held at the Town Hall, Route 20 McCormick's Corners, Guilderland, NY, on the above date at 7:30 pm.  The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. Roll call by Rosemary Centi, Town Clerk, showed the following to be present:

Councilman Redlich
Councilwoman Slavick
Councilman Pastore
Councilman Grimm
Supervisor Runion
 ALSO PRESENT:                                   Richard Sherwood, Town Attorney


Supervisor Runion welcomed everyone to the evening’s meeting and asked for a motion accepting the minutes of theSeptember 7th, 2010 Town Board meeting.

MOTION #133 Councilwoman Slavick moved to ACCEPT THE MINUTES OF THE SEPTEMBER 7th, 2010 TOWN BOARD MEETING.  Councilman Pastore seconded the motion and it was carried by the following roll call vote:
Councilman Redlich
Councilwoman Slavick
Councilman Pastore
Councilman Grimm
Supervisor Runion

PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD – No public comment


The first item on the agenda concerned the provisional appointment of Gregory J. Weir as Superintendent of theTransfer Station. This vacancy was created by the retirement of Tim Spawn. 

Greg was a foreman with the highway department.  His highway department salary was laterally transferred.

Supervisor Runion wished Tim well in his retirement.

MOTION #134  Councilman Pastore moved to APPROVE THE PROVISIONAL APPOINTMENT  OF GREGORY J. WEIR  AS SUPERINTENDENT OF THE TRANSFER STATION.  Councilwoman Slavick seconded the motion and it was carried by the following roll call vote:
Councilman Redlich
Councilwoman Slavick
Councilman Pastore
Councilman Grimm
Aye- Thanked Tim Spawn for his years of exemplary service to the Town and congratulated Greg Weir and noted his 20 years of volunteer firefighter service.
Supervisor Runion

MOTION #135  Councilwoman Slavick moved to WAIVE FEES IN RELATION TO THE DEMOLITION AND CONSTRUCTIION OF THE NEW WESTMERE FIREHOUSE AND RELATED ACCESSORY BUILDINGS.  Councilman Redlich seconded the motion and it was carried by the following roll call vote:
Councilman Redlich
Councilwoman Slavick
Councilman Pastore
Councilman Grimm
Supervisor Runion

Item #3 on the agenda concerned a presentation by Delaware Engineering, P.C. of the McKownville Drainage Analysis and Study.

Fred Grober presented the overview stating that the study, as commissioned by the Board last year, was completed in July.

The study, which is relative to the McKownville area, is available in draft form and comments may be added as necessary.

The study identifies the properties with significant drainage issues and the scope of the drainage problems in the McKownville area.

It also mapped and provided topographic contours which show areas with natural drainage flow, and impervious areas.

The study also provided a hydrological analysis for a ten-year storm, which was called for in Town’s requirements for MS4.  This analysis also allowed the engineers to look at certain ways to solve the situation and make improvement in the area.

Costs for the improvements were also provided.

This study further provided a framework within which to work and a mechanism for grant application.  It does not provide a hard design for anything specific for remediation other than providing a storm water collection system within the area that would assist the foundations in need and improve drainage to the street.  Mr. Grober further stated that the design itself, for stormwater mitigation, as well as where it is and the extent of it, would take much funding.

Ken Johnson, Delaware Engineering continued with a description of the areas mapped and the trunklines for water.

Questions were asked by Board members regarding cost analysis and getting the most for the money that was available, detention ponds, piping and other engineering issues.

Supervisor Runion stated that the Town had received notification of $500,000.00 from the NYS Multi-Modal money through Senator Breslin, which would be made available for the project.

Further discussion was held regarding utilization of the money and mitigation methods.

Supervisor Runion asked that the engineers provide Board members with an outline of the best approach for the problem and with regard to getting the most for the money.

Dr. Donald Reeb, President of the McKownville Neighborhood Association handed out copies of a 1949 Assembly Bill regarding sewers and sewer maintenance of the McKownville area and thanked theTown Board for its interest and support regarding the water problems in McKownville.

Item #4 on the agenda concerning entering into Executive Session in regard to a disciplinary matter against a Guilderland police officer and such officer’s grievance request for the Town Board to hear the matter pursuant to the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the Town of Guilderland and the Guilderland Police Benevolent Association was tabled until October 5, 2010.

MOTION #136  Councilman Redlich moved to ADJOURN THE SEPTEMBER 21, 2010 TOWN BOARD MEETING AT 8:51 PM. Councilwoman Slavick seconded the motion and it was carried by the following roll call vote:

Councilman Redlich
Councilwoman Slavick
Councilman Pastore
Councilman Grimm
Supervisor Runion

                                                                                    Respectfully submitted,

                                                                                    Rosemary Centi, RMC

                                                                                    Town Clerk