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Town Board Minutes 06/16/2009
REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING                                                                              JUNE 16, 2009

A regular Meeting of the Town Board of Guilderland was held at the Town Hall, Route 20 McCormick's Corners, Guilderland, NY, on the above date at 7:30 pm.  The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.  Roll call by Rosemary Centi, Town Clerk, showed the following to be present:
                                                           Councilman Redlich
                                                            Councilwoman Slavick
                                                            Councilman Pastore
                                                            Councilman Grimm
                                                            Supervisor Runion

ALSO PRESENT:                             Richard Sherwood, Town Attorney


Supervisor Runion welcomed everyone to the evening’s meeting and asked for a motion accepting the minutes of the June 2, 2009 Town Board meeting.

MOTION #104  Councilwoman Slavick moved to ACCEPT THE MINUTES OF THE JUNE 2, 2009 TOWN BOARD MEETING.  Councilman Pastore seconded the motion and it was carried by the following roll call vote:
Councilman Redlich
Councilwoman Slavick
Councilman Pastore
Councilman Grimm
Supervisor Runion

PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD- No public comment


Supervisor Runion announced that Town Board member, Paul Pastore, on behalf of the Town, would present a certificate to 3 local Scout troops.

Councilman Pastore stated that Troop 24 (headed by Scoutmaster George Pafume), Troop 50 (headed by Scoutmaster Larry Vincent), and Troop 83 (headed by Scoutmaster Dan Travers), dedicated hundreds of hours of their collective time to help improve the trail network in Tawasentha Park.

This was the 2nd year of a program that arose out of conversations between the late Hy Dubowsky and Town staff about various community service opportunities.

 Councilman Pastore continued by stating that a Life Scout in Troop 50, Stephen Vincent, made a request for an Eagle project that he assumed charge of.  The project was an area on the trail located alongside the Normanskill in Tawasentha Park.

Stephen devised a plan to construct a 60-foot section of retaining wall and oversaw the completion of the project with volunteer labor.

Participating in the project with Stephen Vincent were adults George Adams, Dan Cortelyou, Brandon Chew and Larry Vincent, and scouts, Stephen Adams, Matt Cortelyou, Connor Chew Matt Marotta and Matt Reluzco.

Supervisor Runion, on behalf of the entire Town Board, thanked the Scout Troop 50 and the other Scout Troops for their help

Councilman Grimm also recognized the work done by Scout Troops and asked viewers if they had extra time to consider getting involved with scouting.

Break:  7:36 PM
Return: 7:42 PM

PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD- No public comment


Item #1 on the agenda concerned setting a public hearing on a request of Amedore Homes for a parcel located on 2969 Old State road.  The request is for a re-zone from Residential–30

(R-30) to Townhouse (TH)

 Andy Brick, attorney for the applicant, presented.  He stated that the drainage issues on the project had been resolved.

Councilman Slavick asked how the number of traffic generated trips was determined.

Mr. Brick stated that it was based on the Institute of Traffic Engineers Trip Generation.  This is a book that determines, based on the type of housing unit, how many trips it will generate.

Supervisor Runion stated that since the original public hearing was held over a year ago, he felt that there should be a new public hearing held and neighbors should be notified.

MOTION #105  Councilwoman Slavick moved to SET A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE REQUEST OF AMEDORE HOMES FOR A RE-ZONE OF PREMISES LOCATED AT 2969 OLD STATE ROAD ON AUGUST 18, 2009 AT 7:30 PM FROM RESIDENTIAL-30 (R-30) TO TOWNHOUSE (TH).  Councilman Pastore seconded the motion and it was carried by the following roll call vote:

Councilman Redlich
Aye - stated that he would be voting to set the public hearing but that he had concerns that this constituted spot zoning.
Councilwoman Slavick
Councilman Pastore
Councilman Grimm
Supervisor Runion

Supervisor Runion asked for more information on traffic, drainage and spot zoning, as an issue raised by Councilman Redlich.

Item #2 on the agenda concerned bids for renovations to be done on the Schoolcraft House.  These were for plasterwork, blue board and drywall work.

Supervisor Runion stated that this would complete most of the work.  A grant for $50,000.00, through the office of Assemblyman McEneny, was being used for the renovations. 

Some additional monies, raised by the Schoolcraft Committee and various other committees, would also be used.

Mark Huggins of the Parks Department was overseeing the project.

 MOTION #106  Councilman Pastore moved to APPROVE AWARDING BIDS FOR RENOVATIONS TO THE SCHOOLCRAFT HOUSE.  Councilwoman Slavick seconded the motion and it was carried by the following roll call vote:
Councilman Redlich
Councilwoman Slavick
Councilman Pastore
Councilman Grimm
Supervisor Runion

MOTION #107  Councilman Pastore moved to APPROVE THE RELEASE OF ESCROW FOR VARIOUS COMPLETED CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS AS RECOMMENDED BY THE TOWN DESIGNATED ENGINEER.  Councilwoman Slavick seconded the motion and it was carried by the following roll call vote:
Councilman Redlich
Councilwoman Slavick
Councilman Pastore
Councilman Grimm
Supervisor Runion


Councilman Redlich
Councilwoman Slavick
Councilman Pastore
Councilman Grimm
Supervisor Runion

Item #5 on the agenda concerned a transfer submitted by the Town Comptroller.

The transfer was for the purchase of a senior bus.

Supervisor Runion stated that the Town had received a grant from Assemblyman McEneny for $5,000.00 through the NYS Office of Aging towards the purchase of the bus.  The bus will be purchased off of State contract.

The cost of the bus is $39,335.00.  Total cost to the Town is $34,335.00.

 Councilman Grimm asked how much money was in the reserve fund.

Supervisor Runion stated that there was approximately $115,000.00.  He further stated that this was a fund for the purchase of the bus and that he had been putting money into it over the years.

 Councilman Redlich asked if there were other reserve funds.

Supervisor Runion stated that this was one of many reserve funds.  This was not a General Reserve fund for the whole town.  It was a reserve fund set up specifically for a senior bus.

 MOTION #109  Councilman Pastore moved to APPROVE TRANSFER AS SUBMITTED BY THE TOWN COMPTROLLER.  Councilwoman Slavick seconded the motion and it was carried by the following roll call vote:

Councilman Redlich
Councilwoman Slavick
Councilman Pastore
Councilman Grimm
Supervisor Runion
Supervisor Runion stated that item #6 on the agenda concerned going out to bid for McKownville Park and storm water improvements to help alleviate Route 20 flooding near Stuyvesant Plaza that has occurred over the last several years.  This project is being funded in the amount of $600,000.00 through outside sources.

The Town would be receiving a grant from the NYS Office of Parks and Recreation in the amount of $100,000.00 for the conversion of what is currently the McKownville Reservoir into a Town park setting.  The Town would be receiving, from the NYS Department of Transportation as part of a Reverse Betterment Agreement with them, the sum of $200,000.00.  This is their contribution to help alleviate some of the flooding issues that have occurred in this area.

Through Assemblyman McEneny’s Office, the Town is to receive two grants that total $200,000.00. One in the amount of $150,000.00 for multi-modal money and the second for $50,000.00, which is a Capital Project Program that is administered through the Dormitory Authority.

Stuyvesant Plaza has agreed to contribute $100,000.00 towards the project cost.

The project will be bid with various alternates.

The Town would like to have everything done during this construction season.

Supervisor Runion further stated that this project would help alleviate the flooding in the area.

The conversion of the reservoir would help to hold additional water during a heavy storm period.  The other issue would be to replace an undersized pipe, which caused a blockage of the natural flow of water to the Krumkill.  This will allow the Town, during rain events, to open a floodgate to allow water to go out quicker.

 Supervisor Runion described the work to be done for the reservoir park.

 Councilman Grimm asked how would the Town be able to project the flood events.

Supervisor Runion explained that the engineers would be able to project, based on basic calculations, when flood events would occur and how much rain will fall.

He explained that we could also get a series of heavy rainstorms that could cause flood conditions more frequently.

 Councilman Grimm stated that this was a different issue than the flooding basements in the area.

 Supervisor Runion stated that these are issues that need to be addressed before the storm drain issue in the neighborhoods.

Those systems are very old, put together with clay pipe, which is deteriorating.  The Town has been doing some remedial work on the issue.

 Councilwoman Slavick stated that the issue of basements flooding needed to be addressed as a whole.

 MOTION #110  Councilman Pastore moved to GO OUT TO BID FOR MCKOWNVILLE PARK AND STORM WATER IMPROVEMENTS IN REGARD TO ROUTE 20 FLOODING NEAR STUYVESANT PLAZA.  Councilwoman Slavick seconded the motion and it was carried by the following roll call vote:

Councilman Redlich
Aye - stated that he was in favor but had some concerns. He said,  “The only documents that I received were these four pages.  I think this a good project in principle. I am concerned, I don’t know what the plans are specifically”.

He further stated his concern with having to vote on an authorized bid for a project without having all the documents.

Supervisor Runion stated that the Town had only one copy of the document.  The Town Board would have ample opportunity before July 6th to look at the document. He further stated that the Town Board did not have to award the bid. This was to get the process moving.
Councilwoman Slavick
Aye - stated that this problem has existed for a number of years and now that funding is available they should proceed.
Councilman Pastore
Aye - wholeheartedly in favor of going out to bid.

Councilman Grimm
Aye - stated that traffic was an issue with the flooding, causing problems for businesses.  This is a very positive development for the Town.
Supervisor Runion
Aye - stated that he had been working on this project for a number of years.  Most of it was a funding issue with a lot of collaboration with a number of entities.  The Town needed to move forward with the issue in order to take advantage of the construction season and to alleviate some of the issues for our businesses in the area.

He expressed his appreciation to all of the various agencies that worked with the Town, particularly Assemblyman McEneny, who made a lot of calls for the Town. 
Documents relating to the project are available for viewing in the Town Clerk’s office during regular business hours.

Supervisor Runion asked the Board to consider moving the September 15th meeting, which would be on Primary Day, to the Thursday of that week.

MOTION #111  Councilman Redlich moved to ADJOURN THE JUNE 16, 2009 TOWN BOARD MEETING AT 8:29PM.  Councilwoman Slavick seconded the motion and it was carried by the following roll call vote:

Councilman Redlich  
Councilwoman Slavick 
Councilman Pastore 
Councilman Grimm 
Supervisor Runion

 Respectfully submitted,

Rosemary Centi, RMC