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GAC Minutes - July 25, 2013
```Town of Groveland
Government Advisory Committee Minutes Form

Date: 7/25/13
Location:  Selectmen’s Office, Town Hall, Groveland, MA
Time: 7:00 pm– 8:00 pm
In Attendance:
Joe DAmore, Lisa Dube-Carpenter, John Christopher,  Bette Gorski, Kathleen Kastrinelis, Daniel J. MacDonald (chairman) and Michelle O’Keefe

Absent:  Vernon Cotton
Minute/Note Taker(s): Kathleen Kastrinelis

Time on Topic
Future Action
Responsible Person(s)
Calling the meeting to order at 6:35 pm

6:35-6:40 pm
Review Minutes of 7/11/13.  Discussion.  Motion to approve minutes by John, second by Michelle.  Vote = Unanimous
5 min
Need to review recommendation made at meeting on 7/11/13 by Michelle regarding in sourcing of town jobs.  Request by Lisa to review the language and possibly make changes to clarify the intention.
GAC members
6:40 -
Change to second recommendation:
Motion to accept change by Lisa, seconded by Joe.  Vote = unanimous.

Change to third recommendation:
Motion to accept change by Lisa, seconded by Michelle.  Vote = unanimous.

Change to fourth recommendation:
Motion to accept change by Dan, seconded by Joe.  Vote = unanimous.

Change to fifth recommendation:
Motion to accept change by Joe, seconded by John.  Vote = unanimous.

Change to fifth recommendation to make review of Zoning Bylaws a sixth recommendation.  Motion to accept change by Michelle, seconded by Bette.  Vote = unanimous

All changes will be incorporated into the document titled “Recommendations to the Groveland BOS” by the GAC
6:55 – 7:40
Interview with Water and Sewer Commissioners represented by Jack Willett

7:25 pm Bob O’Hanley and Jim Freer arrived to represent the Planning Board

Jack Willet left at 7:40 pm.
Jack gave a brief history of his tenure as a Water and Sewer Commissioner.
Jack believes that billing has improved cited ability for people to pay on line and shift to quarterly billing.

Next Jack discussed the sewer extension to the Bagnall School.  This project was not put out to bid but was handled in house by town departments.  The Water and Sewer Dept used pipes and other materials that they already had and the Highway Dept did the installation under the direction of the Water and Sewer Supt.

Michelle asked why this same process could not be done for the sewer extension on Highland Ave.  Jack explained why the same process was not used for this project instead residents of the street will be assessed a betterment charge.

Joe asked Jack if he thinks that the Water and Sewer Dept could be combined with another dept.  Discussion ensued.  The Water and Sewer Dept will use Highway Dept workers and pay the overtime when an event happens which requires extra manpower.

Highway dept is currently unionized and the Water and Sewer Dept is not unionized.  This creates a complication.

Jack Willet suggests that the Town could use a shared civil engineer and the Town could contract for the hours that we need.  Currently we use a variety of civil engineers depending on the work that is being done.

Motion by Dan:  To recommend to the BOS to explore hiring an in-house town engineer in order to save exorbitant amounts of engineer fees.  Seconded by Joe.  Discussion followed.  Lisa would like more information before proceeding.
Amendment by John Christopher:  To make a recommendation after the committee has investigated current engineer costs and if one engineer is feasible for the work done within the town.  Dan accepted this as a friendly amendment.  Discussion ensued.  Unanimous approval.

45 min
Does the town meeting have control over the electric light dept?  Can it be combined with other departments to form a department of public works?
7:40 pm Interview with Bob O’Hanley representing the Board of Health
Bob is in favor of a 5 member BOS.  Board of Health is very busy due to septic failures in homes that are over 30 years old.

Health Sanitation Agent is responsible for inspecting septic systems, inspecting food services and any other health concerns (for example, black soot in elderly housing).

Health nurse handles all of the infectious diseases and vaccinations.

Bob does not believe that the Health Sanitation Agent is not able to do the job in only 15 hours.  Bob cites examples of “paint shops” which are not being inspected and regulated.  Bob can show us the time sheets.  User fees will not offset the cost of increasing the hours for the sanitation agent.  Michelle suggested that the Board of Health may want to hire two positions with 15 hours each and divide up the areas of responsibility.  Bob O’Hanley believes that this might work.
30 min
8:10 pm – 9:00 pm

Interview with Jim Freer representing the Planning Board

The Planning Board is a 5 member elected board.  The board works mainly with developers.  All filing fees go into the General Fund.  Discussion of sidewalk costs and granite curbs ensued to determine if the costs are too high.  Planning Board interacts with the Board of Appeals (Zoning Board of Appeals).  

Master Plan was completed and tabled for approx. 10 years and needs to go to the AG.  This study cost about $100,000.

Zoning Bylaws were rewritten using engineers and lawyers and cost over $25,000.  These bylaws were never brought forward for action by the town.  After approval by the town these bylaws would need to be submitted to the AG.

Recommendation to the BOS by Joe:  Recommend that the Master Plan and the Zoning Bylaws that were previously completed are brought to the BOS so that they are placed on a warrant article for approval in 2014.  Seconded by Michelle.  Unanimous approval.

Jim gave the committee a brief history about the zoning in Groveland and the growth of housing.  

Currently the Zoning Board issues the permits to businesses.  Jim Freer states that in bigger cities the Planning Board issues these permits.  He states that the Zoning Board should be mainly focused on variances.

Future meetings can clarify this issue (ie permits vs variances) before the GAC makes a recommendation.

Motion to adjourn by Dan, seconded by Michelle.  Vote unanimous
50 min