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GAC Minutes - Jan. 23, 2013
``Town of Groveland
Government Advisory Committee Minutes Form

Date: 1/23/13
Location:  Selectmen’s Office, Town Hall, Groveland, MA
Time: 6:30 pm– 8:00 pm
In Attendance:
Joe DAmore, Lisa Dube – Carpenter John A. Christopher, Kathleen Kastrinelis, Daniel J. MacDonald (chairman), Michelle O’Keefe and Phil Taylor.  Bette Gorski arrived at 7 p.m.  Vernon Cotton absent.

Visitors:  William Darke (BOS), Donald Greaney (BOS),  Police Chief Kimelowicz, Deputy Police Chief Jeff Gillen and other members of the community

Minute/Note Taker(s): Kathleen Kastrinelis

Time on Topic
Future Action
Responsible Person(s)
Meeting called to order at 6:53 p.m.  (Committee waited for William Darke to arrive).
Chairman MacDonald explained the purpose for which the GAC was formed (i.e. he read from the recorded vote of the BOS that created the GAC).

Kathy presented the amended minutes from 11/08/12.  These were already voted with the amendments.  The GAC accepted copies of the amended minutes.  Kathy presented the GAC with the meeting minutes for 11/29.  The GAC reviewed the minutes.  Approval of the minutes moved by Joe D’Amore and seconded by John Christopher.  Chairman called for discussion and there was none.  Unanimous approval.
3 min
Kathy will do the minutes of the next GAC meeting.
No future meeting was scheduled at this time.
6:55 p.m.:  Dr. William Darke:  discussion of the nine questions previously asked to Selectmen Donald Greaney and Bette Gorski (See attachment #1 for Dr. Darke’s responses to questions)
Chairman MacDonald explained to Dr. Darke that he would ask Dr. Darke the same nine questions that both Donald Greaney and Bette Gorski had already been asked and responded to.  During this discussion Bette Gorski arrived at about 7 p.m. Dr. Darke’s responses to the 9 questions are attached to the minutes.
15 min.
No future action required on this issue.
7:25 p.m.:  Questions to Dr. Darke by GAC committee members
John Christopher asked If the BOS stipend should be increased?  Discussion ensued.  No vote was taken.

Phil Taylor asked if it would be a problem if we had more appointed positions and the position were appointed for a term, then we may not be able to get rid of the person before the term is up.

Lisa Dube-Carpenter:  Asked Dr. Darke to speak to the issue of quorum and how the BOS functions when one member has to recues themselves.  Discussion ensued.  No votes were taken.

Joe D’Amore:  Joe spoke to both Dr. Darke and Bette Gorski about how this current GAC was formed.  He also asked if Donald Greaney (BOS) was a liaison to the police department.  It was explained that Don Greaney was a liaison to the police department and that this cam about as a result of the negotiations of the last police contract and upon advice of town counsel.  It was further explained that the liaison just gets the information and forwards it to the BOS but 2 members of the BOS cannot discuss the information without posting a meeting.
45 min.
Future action pending based on further direction from BOS
No persons assigned at this time.

7:43 pm Dr. Darke’s interview is completed and he leaves.  
Chairman MacDonald opens discussion on expanding the BOS to 5 members.
Phil Taylor:  Yes on a 5 member BOS.  Reasons include the quorum issue and he believes a 5 member BOS can work fine.

Lisa Dube-Carpenter:  Yes, on a 5 member BOS for the following reasons:  we are not ready to consider a town manager; the quorum issue and more lively involvement.  Lisa also added that she believes we should examine the issue of compensation for the BOS.

John Christopher:  Yes, leaning towards a 5 member BOS but concerned about the quality of the candidates.  John recommends an increase in compensation for the BOS.  Also, John believes that important positions in town need to appointed for accountability.

Kathy Kastrinelis:  Yes, on a 5 member BOS for the reasons outlined in the statement by Kathy attached to the minutes.  Kathy briefly summarized her statement for the committee.  (See attachment #2 for Kathy’s statement).

Dan MacDonald:  Favors a smaller, 3 member BOS.  Dan believes that more positions on the BOS may cause higher taxes.  Dan feels that ethical issues can be mitigated.

Bette Gorski:  Does not believe we should change the size of the BOS.
Future action pending based on further direction from BOS
No persons assigned at this time.
Next, Chairman Dan MacDonald asked persons in the audience at the meeting if they would like to comment on expanding the BOS and/or ask any questions of the committee
Police Chief Bob Kimelowicz:  The chief is in favor of the liaison position between the BOS and the police department.  He stated that it is a problem when one member of the BOS has to recues himself leaving only two members on the BOS.  The chief feels that the police department would be able to communicate and conduct business better with the BOS if it were a 5-member board.

Discussion ensued regarding communication with a three member BOS when one member has to recues himself.  No votes were taken.
No future action needed.
8:20 p.m.:  Chairman MacDonald called for a vote of the GAC on whether or not to expand the BOS to a 5 member board
Joe D’Amore made the motion to expand the BOS to 5 members.  Seconded by John Christopher.
In favor:  Kathy, Phil, John, Lisa & Joe.
Against:  Michelle, Bette & Dan

Motion passed.
No future action needed at this time.  Will check with the BOS on any other issues that the committee should address.
Chairman of the GAC will meet with the BOS
Conclusion of agenda
GAC decided not complete other items on the agenda.  It was decided that the GAC would bring its recommendation to the BOS and ask for it to be placed on the annual town meeting warrant.  8:25 pm:  Lisa Dube-Carpenter had to leave.

Meeting adjourned at 8:34 p.m.
Bring recommendation to the BOS
Chairman and committee members will meet with the BOS