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GAC Minutes - Nov. 29, 2012
Town of Groveland
Government Advisory Committee Minutes Form

Date: 11/29/12
Location:  Selectmen’s Office, Town Hall, Groveland, MA
Time: 6:30 pm– 8:00 pm
In Attendance:
Joe DAmore, Lisa Dube – Carpenter , John A. Christopher, Bette Gorski,  Kathleen Kastrinelis, Daniel J. MacDonald (chairman), Michelle O’Keefe and Phil Taylor

Absent:  Vernon Cotton
Visitor:   Greg Labrecque

Minute/Note Taker(s): Kathleen Kastrinelis

Time on Topic
Future Action
Responsible Person(s)
Calling the meeting to order and approving the minutes
.Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m. and motion made by J.Christopher to approve the minutes as amended, seconded by J. D’Amore.
Unanimous approval.
5 min
Type minutes for current meeting and submit to committee.
.K. Kastrinelis
Joe DAmore
  • Better compliance to open meeting law
  • Better able to act as liasons to the other town boards and commissions
  • Eliminate the rule of 2 – ie 2 members are a majority vote
  • Minimize “gridlock” when one member has to abstain, then if the other two members disagree, the vote is a gridlock.
  • Town also needs some kind of administrator
  • To appoint an administrator for the town
  • To find ways to lower legal cost.
Kathy’s reasons:
Expand bos to get more representation of the town
Better checks and balances
Recent events showed that the finances of the town are not secure

Phil reasons:
Conflicts create recusals
We may need to review the minutes of the bos to see when they have used the “rule of necessity”
Wants to expand BOS to avoid possible problems with conflict and rule of necessity
If more positions are going to be appointed than the BOS should be expanded so that more people are involved in the appointment process
Not sure if we need a town administrator given the other positions
A larger body of people to appoint positions would allow more positions to become appointed

John’s reasons:
Have some reservations about going to a five member bos:
Will we get qualified candidates?
Georgetown went to a town administrator with a 3 member bos and then expanded the bos to a 5 member bos.
A larger BOS would allow each selectmen to liason with town departments on a more routine basis which could improve oversight.

Discussed that there have been very few incidences of invoking the rule of necessity over the past years.

We can function with a 3 member bos but need administrator of some form.

Would like to see a town administrator
And expanded Bos

Spoke with Topsfield and Boxford
Contract negotiations
Address Personnel issues
Works in collaboration with the BOS
Coordinates the establishment of the budget
Town administrators often have experience in legal issues and can save the town money
Would like to have a 5 member bos and town administrator

Wants a 3 member Bos because she feels that there is not enough interest to run for a larger bos
Not sure if we need a full time administrator with the existing positions

Is not convinced that there is a problem that needs to be fixed
Concerned about the costs of changes and what are the benefits
Believes that government functions smoothly as it currently exists
Causitiously bring about change, without knowing that there is a pool of candidates, current elections have not had an abundance of candidates
Functions as it should with the current bos


Will vote at the next meeting about whether or not to expand the BOS to 5 members

Need to get a copy of the job descriptions

Invite BOS to our next meeting

Survey of Average tax bills in towns that have added a town administrator and information from mass. Municipal



. Motion to adjourn at 8:22 pm by Phil seconded by Bette.  Vote unanimous

Future Tasks
Committee members will follow up with their assigned towns to find out cost of the changes to government, the votes that occurred to enact the change and other related issues that may come up.
15 min
All committee members who have towns assigned
Next Meetings

Thursday, December 19, 2012 at 7:00 p.m.
Members discussed how to use the next meetings—what to discusss.

Motion to adjourn at 8:20 p.m.
Focus on changing BOS and hiring a supervisory position.