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GAC Minutes - Nov. 8, 2012
of Groveland
                Government Advisory Committee Minutes Form

Date: 11/08/12
Location:  Selectmen’s Office, Town Hall, Groveland, MA
Time: 6:30 pm– 8:00 pm
In Attendance:
Joe DAmore, Lisa Dube – Carpenter , John A. Christopher, Bette Gorski,  Kathleen Kastrinelis, Daniel J. MacDonald (chairman), Michelle O’Keefe and Phil Taylor

Absent:  Vernon Cotton
Visitor:   Greg Labrecque

Minute/Note Taker(s): Kathleen Kastrinelis

Time on Topic
Future Action
Responsible Person(s)
Calling the meeting to order and approving the minutes
Meeting called to order at 6:40 p.m. and motion made by J.Christopher to approve the minutes, seconded by J. D’Amore.
Unanimous approval.
5 min
.Type minutes for current meeting and submit to committee.
.K. Kastrinelis
Phil Taylor
Discussion of review of bylaws and the special law that created Groveland as we know it.  Phil noted that there was not a lot of text that created the town.  BOS authority comes from the bylaws.  Selectmen are also required to do a lot of tasks by statute (i.e. walk the boundaries of the town).
10  min
Joe D’Amore
Structure of Groveland town government.
Joe created a chart showing the structure of town departments.  Committee discussed whether more positions should be appointed.  
25 min
Would like to make a management chart

Lisa Dube-Carpenter
Discussion of checks and balances.  Lisa made a list of comparable towns by population showing the type of government and average income.  Most information came from the mass. Municipal association. John Christopher notes that compared to larger towns we are spending a much higher percentage of our budget on legal services.
Follow-up:  look at cost of Town Administrator and cost of Town Manager.  Also need to know what the definition of each position and what are their duties.  Would a Town Administrator or Town Manager reduce the legal budget?
Lisa Dube-Carpenter
Kathy Kastrinelis
Kathy deferred to discuss the report since she had just recently received it except to state that she thought the report was well put together and covered the essential topics.
5 min
Kathy will create a spreadsheet to compare the town structures from reports that the committee gathers.
Kathy Kastrinelis
John Christopher
John deferred his time.
Michelle O’Keefe
Michelle gathered information from Newbury.  Did the whole package at once – expanded BOS, created town administrator, created an appointed financial department positions.
How much did this cost the town?
How were the votes on this?
Michelle O’Keefe
Bette Gorski
Called the administrative assistant about Salisbury.  Salisbury has a 5 member BOS and a Town Administrator.
10 min
Need to know what the salaries of the positions are.
Daniel MacDonald
Daniel gathered information from the Selectmen.  Daniel gave written questions to each member of the BOS.  Don Greaney answered by email and his response was forwarded to all members.  Daniel brought a hard copy of Bette Gorski’s responses to the meeting and it was distributed to all committee members.
Dr. Darke’s responses will be submitted at the next meeting.
10 min
Members discussed the interview data that was presented.
Daniel will bring Dr. Darke’s responses to the next meeting.
Future Tasks
Committee members will follow up with their assigned towns to find out cost of the changes to government, the votes that occurred to enact the change and other related issues that may come up.
15 min
All committee members who have towns assigned
Next Meetings

Thursday, November 29, 2012 at 6:30 p.m.

Thursday, December 19, 2012 at 7:00 p.m.
Members discussed how to use the next meetings—what to discusss.

Motion to adjourn at 8:20 p.m.
Focus on changing BOS and hiring a supervisory position.

As amended by GAC on 11/29/12