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Conservation Commission Minutes 01/13/2010
January 13, 2010
Present:  M. Dempsey, S. Benanti, S. Sexton, T. Grim, C. Keene

Conservation Business:  
Minutes September 16, 2009
M. Dempsey made a motion to approve the minutes from September 16, 2009 as submitted.  C. Keene 2nd.  4 yes.  1 abstain.  Motion passed.  

Minutes, November 4, 2009
M. Dempsey made a motion to approve the minutes from November 4, 2009 as submitted.  C. Keene 2nd.  4 yes.  1 abstain.  Motion passed.   

Minutes, December 9, 2009
M. Dempsey made a motion to approve the minutes from December 9, 2009 as submitted.  C. Keene 2nd.  4 yes.  1 abstain.  Motion passed.  

 ConCom Business - Water Tower Discussion
There isn’t anything new to report.  It’s still in the Water Department’s hands as to what they propose to do.  Commissioners discussed the potential of building of a water tower being built at the top of the hill.  A road would be required, perhaps through Nichols Village, which would be the least obtrusive road to the tower.  Another possibility would be a road from Wood Street up to the tower.  Commissioners discussed that generally speaking, they would consider the potential of a water tower and a road to access it.

ConCom Business – Veasey Park
M. Dempsey requested help from the Commissioners.  A request for proposals on the event manager position needs to be put out to bid.  The caretaker submitted his resignation to be effective March 15, 2010.  Mike is requesting a Commissioner help with hiring a new caretaker.   

ConCom B usiness - Further Clarification of Pines – Changes
M. Dempsey is in the process of writing these changes.  He met with Greg Labrecque at the Selectmen’s request regarding what could be done for the dog park, etc.  They performed a site visit last week and he determined that it will not impact their proposed work.  They want to pave part of the driveway near the ball field.  M. Dempsey told him if he keeps the work 200’ away from the river high water mark, it would not be ConCom jurisdictional. The dog park will be a 100’ x 50’ section that will run along the back of the ballfield, which is outside of the 100’ buffer.   

ConCom Business –
Commissioners do not have access to a computer for use on Monday evenings.  The one in the Town Hall office has been removed.  

ConCom Hearings:

2 Center St. Wetlands/Culvert Issues
Present:  J. Manganiello
Hearing opened 7:44 pm.  J. Manganiello gave the first 8 pages of action items from the power point presentation he previously gave via CDs to the Commissioners.  He’s looking for support, including going to the Selectmen’s meeting next Tuesday , January 19, 2010, 6:45 pm, for one hour, with his attorney.  C. Keene went through the slides and asked questions.   

J. Manganiello discussed that he’d like to have regular maintenance of the culvert and nesting pond.  Commissioners discussed what is ConCom’s jurisdiction, however, the items listed are either DPW or Police Department jurisdictional.  DPW jurisdiction: Clear and protect culverts; Replace vandalized No Parking and Conservation signs.  Police jurisdiction:  Protect area from inappropriate use; Control speeding; Stop dumping.  No items listed were within ConCom’s jurisdiction.  ConCom has requested the other departments to address the particular issues in the past.  

The culverts flood and large amounts of water go over the street.  There is no speed limit sign posted.  Cars and large trucks carrying flammable materials drive very fast in that area, and there’s a potential for an environmental catastrophe, ie, a combustion engine going into the pond.    

C. Keene asked why so many cars park at that location instead of at Veasey Park?  Although there is a parking ban there, signs are needed because they have been vandalized.  Also, people are unaware of the parking area and boat launch at Veasey.  People have torched cars, used it as an outdoor barroom, as a dump, and launching their boats illegally.  The culverts need a protective rail so no one can fall in.  

DEP installed 2 cameras for surveillance, a neighbor saw them, took umbrage, they put smiley signs under the cameras to indicate they knew of the cameras, and DEP removed the cameras fearing they’d be vandalized.   

M. Dempsey, C. Keene, S. Benanti, and S. Sexton plan to attend the Selectmen’s meeting as well.  ConCom could also put an enforcement issue against the Town.  Per Jim Manganiello, Senator Kerry is involved.  S. Benanti will perform a site visit at his address.   Hearing closed 8:28 pm.   

67 Center St. – continued.
Hearing opened at 8:31 pm.  A site visit was conducted Saturday,  December  19, 2009.  Commissioners determined there was minimal impact, and that the work needs to be done by hand.  The wetland is an intermittent stream.   T. Grim made a motion to accept the proposed deck expansion with the stipulations discussed, regarding the removal of soil, waiving the hay bale requirements, all work will be done by hand, and the soil will be moved outside of the buffer zone to the front of the property.  M. Dempsey 2nd.  All in favor.  Unanimous.   Hearing closed 8:35 pm.   

ConCom Business – Sign-Off
Most Commissioners have no had residents stop by the office on Monday nights regarding their projects.  ConCom plans to request a list of projects from P. Schena, Building Inspector.   Each Commissioner needs to speak to him on Monday nights to request a copy of that week’s log book.  

ConCom Business – Upcoming Meeting
An All Boards meeting will be held Saturday, January 30, 2010.  Commissioners discussed the need to be at Town Hall on Monday nights.  

T. Grim made a motion to adjourn at 8:50 pm.  C. Keene 2nd.  All in favor.  Unanimous.