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Conservation Commission Minutes 08/08/2007
August 8, 2007
Present:  M. Dempsey, S. Benanti, T. Schaefer, J. Stewart, S. Sexton (arrived at 8:00 pm)

Meeting opened at 7:19 pm.  

ConCom Business - Minutes 7/11/07
M. Dempsey made a motion to accept the minutes from July 11, 2007, as submitted.  S. Benanti 2nd.  3 yes 1 abstain.  Motion passed.
ConCom Business – 4 Marion Ave.
An inspection was done for Marion Ave. on Monday, July 30, 2007.  Carl Keene has complied with all conditions.  The site is stable and has held up very well during the last two rain events.  

ConCom Business - 2 Marion Ave.
Claudia McKee, ConCom Agent, has left a note for Al Coulliard requesting him to contact her regarding non-compliance with the enforcement order which he previously agreed to do in May, 2007.   M. Dempsey will contact Al Coulliard.

ConCom BusinessCenter Place
ConCom received a request for a Certificate of Compliance from Center Place for the entire project: roads and infrastructure (not individual lots).  The application was incomplete.  Cannot issue a COC at this time.

ConCom Business - Ashcroft Terrace  
Present:  Tim Sullivan, ENSR, representing National Grid; Frank Joyal, abutter

An emergency order was issued for pole work off Ashcroft Terrace so that the work could be done off-season.  F. Joyal said a temporary job was done at the culvert.  There are only rocks piled around the culvert.  He’s concerned that if the culvert collapses, it will flood his property.  They were supposed to come back this summer to complete the work.  F. Joyal said the time to do it is now, while it is still dry.  There will be water flowing in September.  

Tim Sullivan said there was some confusion because F. Joyal missed another hearing following the meeting he mentioned.  T. Sullivan said at that meeting, they discussed the results.  The rubble around the culvert was removed and exposed the end of the pipe.  He said the 12” joint (pipe extension) was the part that had collapsed.  They removed that section that was sticking out and pulled everything on the slope back and.  It’s his opinion that that fixed the problem.  T. Sullivan said they agreed with Conservation Commission to keep the permit open for 2 years.  T. Sullivan said that they will keep looking at it to make sure that is the extent of the problem.  F. Joyal said he was satisfied.    

Shanahan Field – Tree Cutting Permit - GRDA  
Hearing opened 7:34 pm.  A site visit was conducted on Saturday, August 4, 2007 by Joe D’Amore, T. Schaefer, and M. Dempsey.  The visit was held on a clear, sunny day.  There are a total of approximately 9 trees marked for cutting: 1 large tree and 4 small-medium trees, and the rest is mostly sumac brush.  ConCom will request the tree warden take them down.  There is a very large tree that ConCom will request the tree warden evaluate for trimming or health.  ConCom recommends the tree cutting be done this month, because there is no activity on the field.  

Joe D’Amore recommends that the Conservation Agent supervise the project.  He said the safety issue is most pressing issue at this time.  He will call Mark McCabe and see Greg Lebrecque.  J. D’Amore will identify the tree to be evaluated so they don’t chop it down.  M. Dempsey made a motion to close the hearing on Shanahan Field GRDA and issue a permit letter to cut down the marked trees.  T. Schaefer 2nd.  All in favor.  Unanimous.  Hearing closed 7:39 pm.  

25 Stonebridge Road – GRDA
Present:  Ken and Janine Federer

Hearing opened 7:43 pm.  C. McKee conducted did 2 site visit.  (aka Lot 14 Center Place).  Did have DEP NOI OOC and local permit originally.  Project is installing a fence, cutting down some trees and brush within the buffer zone.  

K. Federer said they will be installing an aluminum and black chain link fence, 8 feet high.  He said he will not be felling any big trees.  Tom Schaefer will do a site visit and write up a draft permit to cut down brush and bushes and put in fence posts.  Work should be done by hand - no trucks.  M. Dempsey made a motion to close the hearing and issue a permit letter based on T. Schaefer’s visit.  J. Stewart 2nd.  All in favor.  Unanimous.  Hearing closed 7:51 pm.   

29 Cannon Hill Ave – NOI/GNOI  
Present:  Ken Beslisle

Hearing opened 7:52 pm.  M. Dempsey and T. Schaefer held a site visit on Saturday, August 4, 2007, to determine the placement of granite posts.  Visit was held on a clear, sunny day.  Commissioners decided to that two granite posts should be installed at opposite ends of the yard.  There is a rock wall on the property that was installed to prevent erosion into stream bed.  One granite post needs to be installed 10 feet away from both ends of the rock wall.  Minimal, if any, trees should be taken down.  Proposed haybales are on map.  M. Dempsey marked on the map where the granite posts will need to be put in.  

M. Dempsey made a motion to close the hearing for 29 Cannon Hill Ave and issue a permit under MA DEP and Groveland, including 2 granite markers that were sited at the visit.  T. Schaefer 2nd.  All in favor.  Unanimous.  Owners were informed about the Conservation Seasonal Restriction.

New Commissioner Susan Sexton arrived 8:00 pm.  
39 Rollins Street – GNOI
Present:  Larry and Christine White

Hearing opened 8:02 pm.  Owners submitted tear sheets.  Applicants did not file and started construction – 2nd floor addition. The say they weren’t advised completely and didn’t understand.  C. McKee did a site visit.  C. McKee recommended that the owners file a GNOI.  J. Stewart said the construction site is very neat and clean.  J. Stewart had told them to put in a silt fence and a dumpster on the opposite end.  He said the yard was every night to keep it cleaned up and that there was no excavation.  Began construction 1 month ago.  M. Dempsey recommended ConCom issue standard conditions and permit letter.  M. Dempsey made a motion close the hearing for 39 Rollins GNOI and issue an OOC on a post-construction basis.  S. Benanti 2nd.  All in favor.  Unanimous.  Hearing closed 8:10 pm.

ConCom Business – Fall Schedule
Commissioners will cover Monday night sign-offs on a rotating basis.   ConCom meetings will be held the 2nd Wednesday of every month.  If there is an overflow of hearings, another meeting may be held on the 4th Wednesday of the month.   

Concom Business - 166 Main St.
S. Benanti said the owner (John McComiskie) has taken the building down.  Everything is clear, but he put many boulders at edge of the wetlands within 50’.  The boulders that were previously by the road were brought down by the wetlands.  S. Benanti will call the owner and tell him to move the boulders out of 100’ buffer zone or remove them completely.   Any future construction will require granite posts to mark wetlands.  

S. Benanti made a motion to close the meeting at 8:30 pm.  M. Dempsey 2nd.  All in favor.  Unanimous.  

Next ConCom meeting is scheduled for September 12, 2007.  

Respectfully submitted,

Lori Felch
Administrative Consultant