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Conservation Commission Minutes 07/11/2007
July 11, 2007

Present:  T. Grim, S. Benanti, M. Dempsey

ConCom Business – Boy Scout Project
Present:  Jason Sample

J. Sample would like to do an Eagle Scout project on Center Street by Johnsons Pond.  Jason brought map of the area to show where he’d like to put in two picnic tables and  park grills.  He said the property is owned by the City of Haverhill.  T. Grim asked anything from them officially giving him the “okay” to build?  J. Sample said it’s in the preliminary stage.  He spoke to Bob Ward, Water and Sewer Dept., the Assessors office who told him the part next to the pond is owned by the Town of Groveland.  Jason would like to make the pathway wider and put mulch down.  On both sides of trail he’d like to make spot to put two picnic tables and park grills.  To make the spot, he’d need to clear up the smaller brush and trees so people can walk around picnic table and grill.  Commissioners do not forsee any erosion problems.  J. Sample will get help from different scouts, and request some donations for picnic tables.  He needs a letter endorsing the project.  M. Dempsey made a motion that ConCom approve this Eagle Scout project presented by Jason Sample on Johnsons Pond and endorse it for his scout troop with the provision that he’s not to cut trees over 4” in diameter, and that no motorized equipment is to be used and no excavation.  S. Benanti 2nd.  All in favor.  Unanimous.

ConCom Business – Minutes
M. Dempsey made a motion accept the minutes from June 6, 2007.  T. Grim 2nd.  All in favor.  Unanimous.  

Marion Way – Enforcement Order
Present:  Al Couillard

Hearing opened 7:36 pm.  His Order of Conditions ran out.   A. Couillard said he met with ConCom agent, Claudia McKee and Leah Basbanes and came up with a plan.  A. Couillard plans to start work next week.  He plans to pay for his invoice next week as well.      

Lot 4/194 King St. – NOI (new)/GNOI (extension)
Present:  Rob Ahern

Hearing opened 7:41 pm.  The State DEP file number has expired for this project, so ConCom informed them they needed to re-file.  ConCom was informed that a Cease and Desist Order has been issued for this project.  R. Ahern said he did not receive anything in writing.  R. Ahern said DEP allowed for this plan and wrote a superceding OOC, he has begun with haybales, has the  DEP sign in place, has a valid building permit with all departments signatures, BOH permit, etc.  HE’s just waiting for DEP number.  M. Dempsey followed what DEP allowed when writing ConCom’s conditions, ie, good erosion controls and rock wall to prevent incursions.  Hearing continued ‘til August 8, 2007.  Site visit scheduled for August 4th, 8:00 am.  Hearing closed 7:51 pm.   

29 Cannon Hill Ave.GNOI/NOI  
Present:  Mr. & Mrs. Belisle

DEP #030-0379.  Hearing opened 7:52 pm.  Project is to demolish and rebuild a single family home within 100’.  The Belisle’s showed on map where home, etc., will be.  They will hook the new house to sewer (currently septic system).  M. Dempsey asked if they could move the home farther away?  The Belisle’s said no because of water easement and water pipes that run the length of the driveway.  The Fire Department may use the home (they will be demolishing) as training.  The lot is heavily wooded.  This project will need granite post markers to prevent further encroachment.  They are planning to build early fall.  Hearing continued to August 8, 2007.  Site visit 8:30 am August 4, 2007 to determine granite post placement.  Hearing closed 8:10 pm.

Shanahan Field – GRDA – Tree Removal
Present:  Joe D’Amore

Hearing opened 8:10 pm.  J. D’Amore said he’s received a few phone calls since the tree was removed by the Town of Groveland.  T. Grim said he wasn’t pleased that he saw a big branch, appx. 18-22” in diameter was removed from the site, because a lot of dirt was pushed around, and a very large area was cleared.  J. D’Amore was told it was done by the Highway Department.  Closer supervision is needed with this site.  J. D’Amore was appalled by it as well and thought it was very aggressive.  

J. D’Amore needs to specify exactly what he wants ConCom to permit and he needs to mark the trees they want to take down.  A site visit is needed to determine where haybales are needed and how they should mark the areas where can and cannot work.  M. Dempsey asked J. D’Amore for a statement with the number of trees that will be marked with orange tape, that are intended to be cut or trimmed.  Tentatively 9:00 am site visit August 4, 2007.   J. D’Amore needs to complete a DEP Notice of Intent, WPA Form 3.  He may also need to file with Natural Heritage.  Hearing closed 8:28 pm.  

20 Cranton Ave. – Amendment to OOC- Deck
Present:  M. Szydlo

Hearing opened 8:28 pm.  Amendment to OOC.  No backhoes – hand dig.  Shed will come down.  

“Amendment to remove a pool shed and put in a wood deck outside of the 75’ no build but partially within the 100’ buffer zone.  All work to be done without the use of excavating equipment.  Deck will be attached to the house.  Existing hay bales to be maintained.”   

M. Dempsey made a motion approve the amendment as previously read to the Order of Conditions issued on June 21, 2006.  T. Grim 2nd.  All in favor.  Unanimous.  Hearing closed 8:34 pm.  

169 Center St. – NOI/GNOI – 2nd Floor Addition, Front Porch, 4 Footings
Present:  Dwayne Johnson

Hearing opened 8:37 pm.  Submitted tear sheets.  Needs to bring in green cards.  2’ overhang on front of home.  Entire property within 100’ buffer zone.  Expanding footprint a little bit.  He will take the roof off by hand.  A dumpster will be on the driveway.  He’ll use a cherry picker crane for roof trusses.  

“All mechanized work will be done from driveway.  Demolition will be done by hand.  No debris or building materials should be stored on the brook side of the side (northeast stream side) of the house.  Building materials can be put in front of the house.  Silt fence to be used to extend existing wooden fence delineation to the road.  Footings to be dug by hand.”

M. Dempsey made a motion to close the hearing for 169 Center St. and issuing a permit to allow the addition.  T. Grim 2nd.  All in favor.  Unanimous.  Hearing closed 8:56 pm.  

Meadowpond Stream Bridge Project – GNOI/NOI
Hearing opened 8:58 pm.  M. Dempsey made a motion close hearing.  DEP and Natural Heritage had no comments.  T. Grim 2nd.  All in favor.  Unanimous.  Closed 8:59 pm.

ConCom Business - 39 Rollins St. –
Commissioners have noticed big piles of lumber.   The owners were previously told verbally by the Commissioners to file with both the state and local.  Owners were sent a letter informing them to file with both too.  ConCom Chairman instructed secretary to call the homeowners.  

ConCom Business – 166 Main St.
Commissioners have noticed that the trees planted at 166 Main Street are mostly dead.  

T. Grim made a motion to adjourn.  9:04 pm.  S. Benanti 2nd.  All in favor.  Unanimous.  

Respectfully submitted,

Lori Felch