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Conservation Commission Minutes 02/07/2007
183 Main Street/201 Washington Street
Groveland, MA 01834
(978) 374-1863  FAX  (978) 372-6105

February 7, 2007

Present:  M. Dempsey, S. Benanti, T. Schaefer, T. Grim

ConCom Business: – 4 Certificate of Compliance for signature and notarization.

ConCom Business – Minutes
M. Dempsey made a motion to accept the minutes from January 10, 2007 as submitted.  T. Schaefer 2nd.  All in favor.  Unanimous.   

ConCom Business – Appointments:

Commission Agents - M. Dempsey made a motion to reappoint Claire Walsh and Pam Blacquier as agents of the Commission working on the management of Veasey Park.  T. Grim 2nd.  All in favor.  Unanimous.  

Conservation Commission Chairperson for 2007.  T. Grim made a motion to nominate M. Dempsey as Chairperson.  T. Schaefer 2nd.  All in favor.  Unanimous.   

ConCom Business – MACC
MACC holds its annual conference Saturday, March 3, 2007 at Holy Cross College.  T. Grim made a motion that the Conservation Commission pay the registration for commissioners and potential commissioners who want to attend the annual MACC conference on March 3, 2007.  T. Schaefer 2nd.  All in favor.  Unanimous.   

ConCom Business – Meadow Pond
M. Dempsey filed for and received a grant with the Student Conservation Association to do trail work at Meadow Pond.  The grant is for five days of 10 peoples labor.  ConCom is hoping to get 2 or 3 bridges built.  M. Dempsey will update ConCom of status.  A portion of Open Space money will be used to purchase the materials.  The work is scheduled for July 14, 2007.  Will look for local volunteers as well to help clean up trails.   

ConCom Business - Community Preservation
M. Dempsey put in a request for $75,000 towards buying 8 acres adjoining Meadow Pond on Uptack Road.  The request was accepted and will be voted on at Town Meeting.   
ConCom Business
Two other grant applications through the CPA Committee have been approved.   One is for a new section of roof at Veasey Park.  The other is for electrical work within the whole building.   Therefore, Conservation has three projects to be voted on at Town Meeting.  

ConCom Business – 166 Main Street
T. Grim observed that the dumpster at 166 Main Street is overflowing and it appears that the building is being gutted.  Commissioners were asked to continue to observe any impact on the wetlands.  

Respectfully submitted,

Lori Felch
Administrative Agent