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Trustee of Trust Funds Minutes 02/25/2014
Trustees of Trust Funds meeting minutes

DATE: ~February, 25, 2014  6:02 p.m.
LOCATION: ~~Town Hall

PRESENT: ~Trustees Margaret A. Charig Bliss and Jan Moller; former trustees Gil Bliss and Lee LeBlanc.

1.      Trustees voted to approve the following investment policy for 2014.
“to continue to invest the towns’ trust funds in bank instruments such as certificates of deposit and Municipal Money Market accounts,”  continuing at Peoples United Bank.
Trustees will continue to investigate alternative investment strategies in the coming year, hopefully in concert with an improving economy.

2.      Trustees signed copies of the annual MS-9 reporting forms, for submission to the state Department of Revenue Administration and the Trust Division of the Department of Justice.

3.      Gil Bliss suggested the board keep track of the case involving former Doris Belcher property in Francestown, in which the Trustees had been willed an interest. The matter had been turned over to Town Counsel, but the board has heard nothing further.

4.      Departing Trustee Jan Moller was thanked for her service to the board.

Meeting was adjourned at 6:11  p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Margaret A. Charig Bliss