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2007 Town Meeting Minutes
Town of Greenfield, N.H.

TOWN MEETING                                            March 13, 2007

Meeting opened at 10:00 a.m. by Moderator Tom Mullins, who began by leading the assembly in the Pledge of Allegiance.  Supervisor of the Checklist Linda Dodge read the checklist with 1,059 names.  Moderator proceeded with Article 1, to elect Town Officers for the ensuing year, and to act upon proposed amendments by the Zoning Board, and to vote on articles on the ConVal School District warrant.

ARTICLE 1:  To choose all necessary town officers for the year ensuing

SELECTMAN FOR THREE YEARS:  Dario Carrara received 183 votes, Karen Day received 189 votes, therefore Karen Day elected for the ensuing three years.

SELECTMAN FOR ONE YEAR:  Jarvis Adams IV received 266 votes, Paul R Cowled received 110 votes, therefore Jarvis Adams IV elected for the ensuing year.

TOWN TREASURER FOR ONE YEAR:  Linda Nickerson received 353 votes, therefore elected for the ensuing year.

FIRE CHIEF FOR ONE YEAR:  James Plourde received 361 votes, therefore elected for the ensuing year.

LIBRARY TRUSTEE FOR THREE YEARS:  Michael Sparling received 338 votes, therefore elected for the ensuing three years.

BUDGET COMMITTEE MEMBER FOR THREE YEARS:  Paul R Cowled received 150 votes, Bruce Dodge received 227 votes, Norman Nickerson received 211 votes, therefore Bruce Dodge and Norman Nickerson elected for the ensuing three years.

PLANNING BOARD FOR TWO YEARS:  Gilbert Morris received 316 votes, therefore Gilbert Morris elected for the ensuing two years.

PLANNING BOARD FOR THREE YEARS:  Michael Borden received 270 votes, Bob Jennings received 157 votes, Kevin O’Connell received 164 votes, therefore Michael Borden and Kevin O’Connell elected for the ensuing three years.

TRUSTEE OF TRUST FUNDS FOR ONE YEAR:  Gilbert W Bliss received 330 votes, therefore elected for the ensuing year.

SUPERVISOR OF THE CHECKLIST FOR THREE YEARS:  Bruce Dodge received 343 votes, therefore Bruce Dodge elected for the ensuing three years.

ConVal School District Ballot:  (Town of Greenfield results only)

        Question #1:    YES = 136       NO = 247        Failed
        Question #2:            YES = 178       NO = 205        Failed
        Question #3:            YES = 182       NO = 203        Failed
        Question #4:            YES = 231       NO = 148        Passed
        Question #5:            YES = 295       NO = 86 Passed

Town Meeting was to reconvene on March 16, 2007, but due to severe weather was postponed for one week.  Town Meeting reconvened on March 23, 2007 at 7:00 P.M.  Moderator Tom Mullins opened the meeting with a review of the House Rules as follows:

         1.   There will be no smoking in the hall.
2.   Unless otherwise stated before the meeting starts, we will follow the articles as printed
        in the warrant.
         3.   The Moderator will read all articles; everyone has a right to hear what we are voting on
         4.   Anyone wishing to speak to an article will wait to be recognized, stand and state his/her
         5.   Every article should have a fair hearing, therefore motion to pass over an article will not
                    be accepted.
         6.   Any person wishing to speak to an article a second time must wait until all those who
       wish to speak have had a chance to speak.
         7.   Anyone proposing an amendment to an article must submit the amendment in writing.
         8.   Once we have voted on an article we will not reconsider.
         9.   The meeting is being recorded.
10.   Please keep your comments directed to the article and address the chair, not back and
                    forth among individuals.
        11.   And last, if the Moderator has made a ruling that the assembly disagrees with they may
                    overturn his ruling with a majority vote.

Motion was made and seconded to amend rules #2, 5, and 8.  Discussion followed regarding the legality of Article #20 and the impact of changing rule #8.  Voice vote: amendment failed.

Motion made and seconded to amend only rule #2.  Discussion followed regarding the exact meaning.  Moderator declared that we would change the order as they arise and not move over an article (we would come back to it).  Voice vote:  motion passed.

Addresses to the body before continuing with the meeting:
        Tom Welden  - ConVal School Board Member – discussed the ConVal budget and district
voting  results.

Myron Steere – Budget Committee Member – announced that the committee had a handout
available regarding the town budget.

Tom Mullins – Moderator – asked the incoming officers to remain after the meeting to be
sworn in.

Motion was made to change the order of articles, moving Article #10 to first order of business.
Motion passed.

Article 10:  To see if the Municipality will vote to raise and appropriate the amount of Two Hundred Ninety-Five Thousand Dollars ($295,000.00) for the purpose of purchasing a 2008 – Five man enclosed cab Fire Truck, fully equipped, meeting NFPA Standards; $280,250.00 (95%) to be derived from a Federally Funded Grant, $14,750.00 (5%) to be derived from taxation.  This is contingent upon acceptance of the grant, without the grant funding there will be no expenditure.  (Majority vote required)

Motion made by Fire Chief Jim Plourde to withdraw Article #10, as the grant was not received.
Voice vote – motion passed.  Article #10 was withdrawn.

Article 2: To see if the Municipality will vote to authorize (50%) of the Land Use Change Tax revenue collected pursuant to RSA 79-A:25 to be deposited into the existing Conservation Fund in accordance with RSA 36-A:5, III, as authorized by RSA 79-A:25 II.  If adopted this article shall take effect April 1, 2007, and shall remain in effect until altered or rescinded by a future vote of the town meeting.  (Majority vote required)

Selectmen oppose the article.  Janet Romanelli addressed the body to explain the Land Use Change Tax.  Budget Committee oppose the article.  There was much discussion, mostly opposing the article and asking for more data.  Voice vote:  Article failed.  Request for a revote:  Article still failed.

Article 3: To see if the Municipality will vote to accept the Class V upgrade of the Class VI portion of Muzzey Hill Road to be Class V and maintained by the Town, which is approximately a 700’ extension from the end of the current Class V portion of Muzzey Hill Road to the newly upgraded portion.  The acceptance of this upgrade is conditional upon the Road Agent’s approval within one year following this vote.  Upon acceptance by the Town and the Road Agent, the Town will begin maintenance when the Road Agent determines the road to be acceptable. (Majority vote required)

Selectmen addressed the body, as did Rhonda Cilley.  Budget Committee has no opinion as it is not a financial issue.   Duffy Fox said that the plan was followed, and there is no risk to the Town.
Voice vote:  Article passed.

Article 4: To see if the Town will vote to reclassify Blanchard Hill Road from its intersection with Dunklee Hill Road to its intersection with Fletcher Farm Road to a Class A Trail in accordance with RSA 231-A.  A Class A Trail is a full public right of way subject to public trail use restrictions.  It may not be used for vehicular access to any new building, but it may be used by abutting landowners to provide access for agriculture and forestry and to any building existing prior to its designation as a Class A trail.  The municipality shall bear no responsibility for maintaining the trail for such uses.  (Submitted by Petition by the Greenfield Trails Association)

Denise Hopkins, representing the Trails Association, said that there is concern about erosion.  The article would keep 4wheel drive vehicles off these roads.  Voice vote:  article passed.

Article 5: To see if the Town will vote to reclassify Dunklee Hill Road from its intersection with East Road to its intersection with Blanchard Hill Road to a Class A Trail in accordance with RSA 231-A.  A Class A Trail is a full public right of way subject to public trail use restrictions.  It may not be used for vehicular access to any new building, but it may be used by abutting landowners to provide access for agriculture and forestry and to any building existing prior to its designation as a Class A trail.  The municipality shall bear no responsibility for maintaining the trail for such uses.  (Submitted by Petition by the Greenfield Trails Association)

Denise Hopkins stated that this article is essentially the same as article 4, just involving a different road.  Voice vote: article passed.

Article 6: To see if the Town will vote to reclassify Fletcher Farm Road from its intersection with Blanchard Hill Road to its intersection with the Class V portion of Fletcher Farm Road to a Class A Trail in accordance with RSA 231-A. A Class A Trail is a full public right of way subject to public trail use restrictions.  It may not be used for vehicular access to any new building, but it may be used by abutting landowners to provide access for agriculture and forestry and to any building existing prior to its designation as a Class A trail.  The municipality shall bear no responsibility for maintaining the trail for such uses.  (Submitted by Petition by the Greenfield Trails Association)

Denise Hopkins again stated that this is an identical article, but effecting yet another road.   Voice vote:  article passed.

Article 7:  To see if the Municipality will vote to raise and appropriate the amount of Twenty-Five Thousand Dollars ($25,000.00) for the purchase of a 2006 (Bob Cat Type) Skid Steer Loader; $12,500.00 (50%) to be derived from a grant from NH The Beautiful, $12,500.00 (50%) to be derived from taxation. This is contingent upon acceptance of the grant, without the grant funding there will be no expenditure.  (Majority vote required)  

Motion made to change the order of business to discuss Article 7 after Article 8.  Voice vote:  motion passed.


Article 8: Municipality will vote to raise and appropriate the amount of One Hundred Twenty-One Thousand, Nine Hundred Thirty-One Dollars ($121,931.00) to support the Recycling Center. Allocation as follows: Majority Vote required.

        Advertising       300
        Baling Supplies 1,000
        Building Repairs/Maint. 1,200
        Contract Services                  45,500
        Dues & Subscriptions               200
        Education/Convention                   75
        Electricity     1,100   
        Equipment Maintenance   1,500
        Forklift Propane        500                     
        Gasoline                       500
        General Supplies        1,000
        Hazardous Waste 2,100
        Heating Fuel    500
        Insurance – Dental        780
        Insurance – Disability    450
        Insurance – General Liab.       120
        Insurance – Health      12,197
        Insurance - Life                    35
        Loading Dock    8,000
        Machinery/Equipment     200
        Mileage                     300
        P/T Wages                   4,322
        Refrigerant Removal                    400
        Retirement      26
        Small Tools     300
        Storage Trailers        3,000
        Supervisor Wages                29,826
        Telephone                   500
        Tire Removal    500
        Used Oil Collection Grant       2,500
        Vehicle Repairs/Maint.           3,000

Kent Vincent explained the budget details.  

Motion  made by the Board of Selectmen to amend Article 8.
        “to amend the bottom line of the Recycle Center Operational Budget from One Hundred
Twenty One Thousand, Nine Hundred Thirty One Dollars ($121,931.00) to One Hundred Eighteen Thousand, Nine Hundred Thirty One Dollars ($118,931.00)

        This amendment is removing the $3,000 for storage trailers that Frank had anticipated
       receiving 50% of the funding for from grant money, it has been determined the grant will
       not be awarded to Greenfield, therefore we withdraw that amount of funding.”

Voice vote: amendment failed.  Back to original article.

Neal Brown of the Recycling Committee made a motion to amend Article 8.
“Municipality will vote to raise and appropriate the amount of One Hundred Twenty One Thousand, Nine Hundred Thirty Four Dollars  ($121,934.00) to support the Recycling Center.  Allocation as follows:”

Budget includes many details, specifically a reduction in 10 line items, and an increase in
man hours to operate the center.  This would make Frank full-time at the center.

Discussion followed regarding the full-time details.  Question:  shouldn’t the position go out to bid?
If Frank goes to full time at the center only, this will leave a shortage of persons to do other jobs in the other town buildings.  Shouldn’t we have a volunteer overseeing trash instead of paying someone?  Discussion of plans for the future of the center and storage trailer clarification.  Selectmen stated that the committee seems to be taking the lead on the budget, and they feel they should be working directly with the department head.   Voice vote: amendment passed.  Voice vote on article as amended:  passed.

Article 7:  To see if the Municipality will vote to raise and appropriate the amount of Twenty-Five Thousand Dollars ($25,000.00) for the purchase of a 2006 (Bob Cat Type) Skid Steer Loader; $12,500.00 (50%) to be derived from a grant from NH The Beautiful, $12,500.00 (50%) to be derived from taxation. This is contingent upon acceptance of the grant, without the grant funding there will be no expenditure.  (Majority vote required)  

Amendment proposed: “To see if the Municipality will vote to authorize the Selectmen to enter into a 5 year lease agreement in the amount of Twenty-Six Thousand Three Hundred Dollars ($26,300.00) for the purpose of entering into a lease/purchase of a 2006 Bob Cat-type Skid-Steer Loader for the Recycling Center and further raise and appropriate the amount of $5,259.86 for the first year’s payment.”  (Majority vote required)  

Discussion regarding what the skid steer will do and requirements for operating, as well as the loading docks and general set up of Recycling Center.  Amendment failed.

Back to original Article:  Selectmen do not support this Article due to the lack of a Federal Grant.  Voice vote:  Article failed.

Article 9:  To see if the Municipality will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Six Hundred Forty-Two Thousand, Six Hundred Ninety-Nine Dollars ($642,699.00) to support the operation and maintenance of town property. Allocation as follows:  (Majority vote required)

                Ambulance                                   $13,222
        Building Inspector/Code Enf.      7,355  
Cemeteries                      11,588    
        Conservation              4,255    
Elections/Registration  26,480            
Executive                                     116,468  
        Financial Administration        60,352
        General Government Buildings    52,420  
        Health Agencies           5,750
        Insurance                               21,657
        Interest of Bonds       47,873
        Interest on TAN           5,000
Legal Expenses          50,000
                Other General Government        33,600  
Patriotic Purposes        1,000
Payroll Expenses        33,829
Planning Board  17,755
        Principal of Bonds                              95,000
Regional Association Dues         3,045
        Street Lighting           4,250
        Welfare Administration          20,000  
        Zoning Board of Adjustment      11,800

There was an amendment made by the Selectmen to correct the total amount for the town property budget to Six Hundred Forty-Two Thousand, Six Hundred Ninety-Nine Dollars ($642,699.00) [amendment made due to an error in the printed version in the Town Report].
Voice vote: amendment passed.

There was discussion regarding auditors, litigation expenses, assessing firm expenses, and planning board budget for litigation.

An amendment was made “to amend the financial administration budget of $60,352.00 to $42,352.00, the $18,000.00 reduction to be accomplished by reducing the assessing services line item from $24,265.00 to $6,265.00.  Discussion followed regarding the costs of Avitar and statistical updates.  Voice vote: amendment failed.

Back to Original Article: There was discussion regarding specific financial topics, including TANS, interest on bonds, welfare administration, legal fees for the zoning board, and executive wages.
Voice vote on original article: article passed.

Article 10: To see if the Municipality will vote to raise and appropriate the amount of Two Hundred Ninety-Five Thousand Dollars ($295,000.00) for the purpose of purchasing a 2008 – Five man enclosed cab Fire Truck, fully equipped, meeting NFPA Standards; $280,250.00 (95%) to be derived from a Federally Funded Grant, $14,750.00 (5%) to be derived from taxation. This is contingent upon acceptance of the grant, without the grant funding there will be no expenditure. (Majority vote required)

Article withdrawn earlier.

Article 11:  To see if the Municipality will vote to raise and appropriate the amount of Fourteen Thousand, Three Hundred Seventy-Five Dollars ($14,375.00) for the purchase of 30 pagers with chargers, cases & spare batteries, for the Fire Department.  (Majority vote required)

Discussion regarding the total cost of new pagers, and could we stagger the purchase.

Amendment made “to see if the municipality will vote to raise and appropriate the amount of Seven Thousand One Hundred Eighty-Seven Dollars and Fifty Cents ($7,187.50) for the purchase of 15 pagers with chargers, cases and spare batteries for the Fire Department”.  Voice vote: amendment failed.

Back to Original Article: Voice Vote: Article Passed.

Article 12:  To see if the Municipality will vote to raise and appropriate the amount of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) for the purchase of replacement hoses, for the Fire Department.  (Majority vote required)  There was no discussion.  Voice vote: Article Passed.

Article 13: To see if the Municipality will vote to raise and appropriate the amount of Eighty One Thousand, Six Hundred Sixty-Four Dollars ($81,664.00) to support the Fire Department.  Allocation as follows:  (Majority vote required)

        Building Repairs/Maint. $1,500
        Chiefs Wages            1,750
        Computer Support/Maint. 1,000
        Custodial Services      3,068
        Dues & Subscriptions              1,450
        Electricity     4,250
        Emergency Management    3,000
        Equipment       2,000
        Equipment Replacement   2,500
        Expense Reimbursements  5,500
        Fire Alarm System       550
        Fire Prevention                 550
        Forest Fire Equipment   500
        Forest Fire Reimbursements             550
        Gasoline & Diesel Fuel  2,500
        General Supplies        750
        Heating Fuel    4,000
        Insurance – General Liability   1,000
        Insurance – Vehicle     2,900
        Medical Supplies        2,650
        Mutual Aid      12,326
        Radio Repairs/Maint.    1,600
        Telephone       2,200
        Training Services       3,050
        Uniform Allowance       1,000
        Vehicle Repairs/Maint.  2,500
W.A. 06 – Rescue Vehicle        17,020  

Chief Plourde explained some of the details of the budget, including FCC licensing and emergency planning.  No other discussion.  Voice vote: Article passed.

Motion was made to consider Article #18 next.  Motion failed.

Article 14:  To see if the Municipality will vote to authorize the Selectmen to enter into a four-year lease agreement in the amount of One Hundred Twenty-Five Thousand Dollars ($125,000.00) for the purpose of entering into a lease/purchase for a 2007 Front-End Loader, fully equipped, for the Highway Department and to further raise and appropriate the amount of $33,477.00 for the first years payment.  This lease agreement contains a municipal funding clause. (Majority vote required)

Motion made by Selectmen to amend as follows:  “To see if the municipality will vote to authorize the Selectmen to enter into a five year lease agreement in the amount of One Hundred Twenty-Five Thousand Dollars ($125,000.00) for the purpose of entering into a lease/purchase for a 2007 front-end loader, fully equipped, for the highway department and to further authorize the first year’s payment to be made utilizing the $12,000.00 trade in of the old loader. This lease agreement contains a municipal funding clause.”

Voice vote: Amendment passed.  Vote on Article as amended: passed.

Article 15: To see if the municipality will vote to raise and appropriate the amount of
Six Hundred Eight Thousand, Five Hundred Sixty-Nine Dollars ($608,569.00) to support the Highway Department.  Allocation as follows: (Majority vote required)
        Advertising     $   575         
        Blasting          1,000
        Building Repairs/Maint. 4,000
        Calcium Chloride – Summer         5,000
        Computer Support/Maint.   1,000
        Drainage Material       10,500
        Drug/Alcohol Testing    550
        Dues & Subscriptions     250
        Education/Conventions   300
        Electricity     2,750
        Equipment Rental        10,000
        Fire Alarm System       450
        F/T Wages       99,508  
        Gasoline & Diesel Fuel  30,000
        General Supplies        525
        Gravel/Processing       23,000
        Heating Fuel    5,500
        Insurance – Dental      3,300
        Insurance – Disability  1,860
        Insurance – Health              46,960
        Insurance - Life        150
        Insurance – Vehicle     2,700
        Mileage 50
        O/T Wages       14,927
        Protective Clothing                             1,000
        Public Works – P/T Wages                1,836
        Retirement      12,695
        Road Reconstruction                     88,000
        Salt & Sand     18,500
        Sealing & Tarring               58,080
        Small Tools     1,450
        Street Signs    750
        Supervisor Salary       48,854
        Telephone       1,250
        Vehicle Repairs/Maintenance       27,000
        WA #5 – ’03 Grader      25,269
        WA #6 – ’03 Trackless   10,243
        WA #4 – ’05 Dump Truck  27,243
        WA #2 – ’07 Dump Truck  20,044          
        Welding Supplies        1,000
        Wetlands Engineer       500

Amendment made by the Budget Committee “To see if the municipality will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Five Hundred Fifty-Three Thousand Five Hundred Sixty-Nine Dollars ($553,569.00) to support the Highway Department.  Allocation as follows:  (Majority vote required.)

        Advertising     $   575         
        Blasting          1,000
        Building Repairs/Maint. 4,000
        Calcium Chloride – Summer         5,000
        Computer Support/Maint.   1,000
        Drainage Material       8,500*
        Drug/Alcohol Testing    550
        Dues & Subscriptions     250
        Education/Conventions   300
        Electricity     2,750
        Equipment Rental        8,000*
        Fire Alarm System       450
        F/T Wages       99,508  
        Gasoline & Diesel Fuel  30,000
        General Supplies        525
        Gravel/Processing       20,000*
        Heating Fuel    5,500
        Insurance – Dental      3,300
        Insurance – Disability  1,860
        Insurance – Health              46,960
        Insurance - Life        150
        Insurance – Vehicle     2,700
        Mileage 50
        O/T Wages       14,927
        Protective Clothing                             1,000
        Public Works – P/T Wages                1,836
        Retirement      12,695
        Road Reconstruction                     70,000*
        Salt & Sand     18,500
        Sealing & Tarring               28,080*
        Small Tools     1,450
        Street Signs    750
        Supervisor Salary       48,854
        Telephone       1,250
        Vehicle Repairs/Maintenance       27,000
        WA #5 – ’03 Grader      25,269
        WA #6 – ’03 Trackless   10,243
        WA #4 – ’05 Dump Truck  27,243
        WA #2 – ’07 Dump Truck  20,044          
        Welding Supplies        1,000
        Wetlands Engineer       500

* indicates the line items changed – total reduction is Fifty-Five Thousand Dollars ($55,000.00)

A vote by paper ballot was requested for this amendment. YES = 73  NO = 39 Amendment passed.  Voice vote: Article passed as amended.

Article 16: To see if the municipality will vote to raise and appropriate the amount of Seventy Three Thousand, Eight Hundred Sixty-Six Dollars ($73,866.00) to support the Stephenson Memorial Library.  Allocation as follows: (Majority Vote required).
        Books & Periodicals     6,000
        Building Repairs/Maint. 2,100
        Computer Software       500
        Computer Support/Maint. 1,000
        Dues & Professional Exp.        300
        Education/Conventions   300
        Electricity     2,705
        Fire/Security System    2,500
        General Supplies & Postage      1,000
        Heating Fuel    4,000
        Mileage 200
        P/T Wages       49,961
        Programs/Entertainment  500
        Sewer Fees      600             
        Telephone       2,200

There was discussion regarding the telephone costs, specifically why it was so high.  Some of the costs are due to having a dedicated phone line for the fire detection system, some for the internet connections.  

Amendment was made “to see if the municipality will vote to raise and appropriate the amount of Sixty-Eight Thousand Three Hundred Nineteen Dollars ($68,319.00) to support the Stephenson Memorial Library (majority vote required) Allocation as follows:
        Books & Periodicals     5500*
        Building Repairs/Maint. 2,100
        Computer Software       250*
        Computer Support/Maint. 500*
        Dues & Professional Exp.        300
        Education/Conventions   300
        Electricity     2,705
        Fire/Security System    2,500
        General Supplies & Postage      1,000
        Heating Fuel    4,000
        Mileage 110*
        P/T Wages       45,854*
        Programs/Entertainment  400*
        Sewer Fees      600             
        Telephone       2,200

[ * indicates line items changed – total reduction is $5,547.00 ]

Voice vote: amendment passed.  Request for a hand vote: YES = 50 NO = 42. Amendment passed.   Voice vote: Article passed as amended.

Article 17: To see if the municipality will vote to raise and appropriate the amount of Forty-Eight Thousand, Six Hundred Ninety-Eight Dollars ($48,698.00) to support the Parks & Recreation Department. Allocation as follows: (Majority Vote required).

        Activities      $1,000
        Advertising     250
        Building Repair/Maint.  1,000
        Computer Software       30
        Computer Support/Maint. 375
        Contract Services       2,553
        Dues                                                    70
        Electricity     1,200
        Fire Alarm System       450
        Garden Supplies 1,000
        General Supplies        400
        Grounds Maint.  2,000
        Groundskeeper   7,300
        Heat (Propane)  1,300
        Lifeguard Wages 6,213
        Mileage 350
        Oak Park Repairs        200
        Other Wages     2,100
        Supervisor Wages        19,514
        Telephone       1,393

Molly Anfuso discussed the fact that her budget proposal is down 11.9% this year.  She also said that she is going to a class to become certified in playground inspection.

Jarvis Adams IV, incoming Selectman, asked if we really need a Recreation Director.  He made a motion to amend Article #17 to delete the line item of supervisor wages  (“to raise and appropriate a sum of Twenty-Nine Thousand One Hundred Eighty-Four Dollars ($29,184.00) for the Parks & Recreation Department”.  A paper ballot vote was requested.  

Question to vote on:  Do we need a Recreation Director?
Paper ballot vote:  YES = 82  NO = 15.  Amendment failed.

Back to original article: Voice vote: Article passed.

Article 18: To see if the municipality will vote to raise and appropriate the amount of One Hundred Ninety-Nine Thousand, Seven Hundred Fifty-Seven Dollars ($199,757.00) to support the Police Department. Allocation as follows: (Majority Vote required).

        Chiefs Salary   53,724
        Computer        2,000           
        Equipment       1,000
        F/T Wages       41,627
        Gasoline        5,500
        General Supplies        1,500
        Insurance – Dental      1,733
        Insurance – Disability  1,182           
        Insurance – General Liability   5,500
        Insurance – Health      22,565    
        Insurance-   Life       75
        Insurance – Vehicle     1,026
        Mutual Aid      9,742
        O/T Wages       2,000
        P/T Wages       16,995
        Personal Equipment      4,000
        Postage 200
        Radio Repair/Maint      350
        Retirement      10,475
        Telephone       3,000
        Training Service                        1,500
        Vehicle Repair/Maint.   3,000
        W.A. #7 – ’03 Cruiser   4,993
        W.A. #7 – ’05 Cruiser   6,070

Chief Giammarino explained a few details about this budget.  The Selectmen added that this is the last year of paying for the 2003 cruiser.

No other discussion.  Voice vote: Article passed.

Article 19:  To see if the town will go on record in support of effective actions by the President and the Congress to address the issue of climate change which is increasingly harmful to the environment and economy of New Hampshire and to the future well being of the people of Greenfield.

These actions include:

1.      Establishment of a national program requiring reductions of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions while protecting the U.S. economy.

2.      Creation of a major national research initiative to foster rapid development of sustainable energy technologies thereby stimulating new jobs and investment.

In addition, the Town of Greenfield encourages New Hampshire citizens to work for emission reductions within their communities, and we ask our Selectmen to consider the appointment of a voluntary energy committee to recommend local steps to save energy and reduce emissions.

The record of the vote on this article shall be transmitted to the New Hampshire Congressional Delegation, to the President of the United States, and to declared candidates for those offices. (Submitted by Petition - Majority vote required).

Motion was made to amend as follows:  “The Town of Greenfield agrees to adopt NH RSA 72:61-72 which exempts the assessed value of solar energy systems, wind powered energy systems, and central wood heating energy systems from property tax assessment.”

Voice vote:  amendment passed.  Voice vote on Article as amended: Article passed.

Article 20:  We the undersigned residents of the Town of Greenfield, New Hampshire provide the petition warrant article below for consideration at the March, 2007 Town Meeting.  The reason for this article is based on the seeming inability of elected and hired Town officials and employees to administer the Town functions within a reasonable level of spending that the residents and businesses in the Town can be expected to support in property taxes.

To see if the Town will vote to maintain the overall Town operating budget for 2007 at a level not to exceed five percent (5%) below the 2006 Town expense budget.  This would limit overall Town spending to $1,693,613 ($1,761,698 less 5%) (Submitted by Petition – Majority vote required).

Motion was made to amend the Article to read: “To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Selectmen to maintain overall Town operations for 2007 at net spending levels (expenses less income) five percent (5%) below the 2006 Town amount to be raised by taxes.”

Discussion:  it is the opinion of Town Counsel that the Article as written is not legal.
Bob Marshall addressed the body with a moving oration regarding the atmosphere of town business discussions, saying that he feels a sense of animosity between committees and employees as well as taxpayers, and a lack of a feeling of community in the town in general.  

Amendment was then withdrawn by the movant with agreement of the second.

Voice vote:  Article failed.

Article 21:  To transact any other business that may legally come before this meeting.

Moderator Tom Mullins addressed the body to thank the outgoing Selectmen (Conrad Dumas and George Rainier) for their years of service.  There was a round of applause and a standing ovation for the two.

Proposed: “to see if the Town will vote to authorize the Selectmen to appoint a study committee of seven to nine residents to include members from the Budget Advisory Committee, Conservation Committee, Planning Board and other committees or Town employees as they deem appropriate.  The appointed study committee to research and review alternatives to rebuilding and maintaining Town roads and to report at the next Town Meeting on their findings to include the various alternatives, costs and recommendations.” Voice vote: proposal failed.

Town office hours were addressed but referred to the Board of Selectmen.

Proposed by Kent Vincent:  “To see if the municipality will vote to authorize and direct the Selectmen to continue with a twenty-five (25) year lease with the Greenfield Congregational Covenant Church beginning on the first day of April 2009.  The financial arrangement of this lease shall be reviewed by the Board of Selectmen every five (5) years thereafter.  The specified lease cited is the last lease agreed to (verbally or otherwise) between the Selectmen and the Greenfield Congregational Covenant Church preceding March 14, 2006. Review of the “financial arrangement” shall refer to negotiating a new rent for each succeeding 5-year period.  Such rent shall not exceed 100% of the previous rent unless mutually agreed upon by both parties.  (Majority vote required.)  

      [NOTE: the bolded words are an exact quote from Article 12, moved, fully discussed, and  
      (approved) in 2006 Town Meeting.  The original 2006 Article also had the phrase “Selectmen
     support this article “ appended.

     Voice vote:  Article passed.

Propose that the Town adopt Saturday as the day for the Town Meeting at 9:00 AM and
      the Greenfield Elementary School as the meeting place.  Discussion. Amended to take
      place at the Greenfield Meeting House.  Voice vote: Article passed.

With no other business to come before the body, Moderator closed the meeting at 1:15 AM.

Submitted by:

Edith P. Sleeper, Town Clerk