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2006 Town Meeting Minutes
Town of Greenfield, N.H.

March 14, 2006                                                                                          Town Elections

Meeting opened at 10:00 a.m. by Moderator, Tow Mullins, who began by leading assembly in the Pledge of Allegiance.  Linda Dodge, Supervisor of the Checklist read the Checklist with 1,019 names. Moderator proceeded with Article 1, to elect Town Officers for the ensuing year, also to act upon proposed amendments by the Zoning Board and to vote on articles on the School District warrant, the remainder to be read when the meeting reconvenes on Friday, March 17th, 2006 at 7:00 PM. The polls were closed at 7:00 PM at which time the ballots were counted.

Article 1.  To elect Town Officers for the ensuing year:

SELECTMAN FOR THREE YEARS:  Aaron Kullgren received 190 votes; George Rainier received 175 votes.  Therefore Aaron Kullgren elected for the ensuing three years.

TAX COLLECTOR FOR THREE YEARS:  Laurie May received 143 votes; Patricia McClusky received 71 votes; Edith “Dee” Sleeper received 174 votes, therefore Edith “Dee” Sleeper elected for three years.  (NOT CORRECT)
Recount on Thursday, March 23, 2006 (May 144; McClusky 70; Sleeper 137)  Therefore Laurie May elected for ensuing three years.

TOWN CLERK FOR THREE YEARS:  Edith “Dee” Sleeper received 300 votes; therefore Edith “Dee” Sleeper elected for the ensuing three years.

TOWN MODERATOR FOR TWO YEARS:  Thomas P. Mullins received 334 votes, therefore elected for the ensuing three years.

TOWN TREASURER FOR ONE YEAR:  Nancie Vaihinger received 316 votes, therefore elected for the ensuing year.

FIRE CHIEF FOR ONE YEAR:  Loren White received 347 votes, therefore elected for the ensuing year.

LIBRARY TRUSTEE FOR THREE YEARS:  Mary Ann Grant received 330 votes, therefore elected for the ensuing three years.

BUDGET ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR TWO YEARS:  David Hedstrom received 304 votes, therefore elected for ensuing two years.

BUDGET ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR THREE YEARS:  (Vote for two)  Karen Day received 273 votes and Myron Steere received 206 votes, therefore Karen Day and Myron Steere elected for ensuing three years.

PLANNING BOARD FOR ONE YEAR:  Not sufficient write-ins for election.   Someone will need to be appointed.

PLANNING BOARD FOR THREE YEARS: (Vote for two)  Marilyn Fletcher received 310 votes, therefore Marilyn Fletcher elected for ensuing three years, another person will need to be appointed.

SUPERVISOR OF THE CHECKLIST FOR TWO YEARS:  Rosemarie Auth received 62 votes, Agneta Brown received 80 votes, Ellen Sanford received 181 votes; therefore Ellen Sanford elected for the ensuing two years.

SUPERVISOR OF THE CHECKLIST FOR SIX YEARS:  Linda Dodge received 218 votes and Alice Welden received 122 votes, therefore Linda Dodge elected for ensuing six years.

TRUSTEE OF TRUST FUNDS FOR THREE YEARS:  Wyatt R. Fox, II received 326 votes, therefore elected for the ensuing three years.  

CONVAL DISTRICT MODERATOR FOR THREE YEARS:  Thomas Mullins received 334 votes.

SCHOOL BOARD MEMBER FOR THREE YEARS:  Thomas Welden received 327 votes.

Proposed Amendments to the Zoning Ordinances:

Amendment #1:  
Amend Section II, Definitions as proposed by the Planning for the Zoning Ordinance.
        D. “Hotel” shall mean and include a building or group of buildings under the same management in which there are sleeping accommodations for sixteen (16) or more persons and are primarily used by transients for lodging, with or without meals.
E. “Bed and Breakfast” shall mean all dwellings where sleeping accommodations are provided for a price and accommodate fifteen (15) or fewer persons and may or may not provide a breakfast.
                Yes 258                 No 105

Amendment #2:
Amend the Greenfield Building Code as proposed by the Planning Board for the Town Zoning Ordinance as follows:
        The Town of Greenfield adopts and incorporates as its Building Code the most recently published codes.  Copies of which are on file in the town office.
                        Yes 286                 No 63

Amendment #3:  
Are you in favor of the adoption of Amendment No. 3 as proposed by the Planning Board for the town Zoning Ordinance as follows:
Section IV. General Regulations and restrictions, B.  Professional Uses and Customary Home Occupations:  A copy of the proposed changes are available at the check-in table.
                        Yes 225                 No 119

Town meeting reconvened on March 17, 2006 at 7:00 PM.

Moderator Tom Mullins opened the meeting, beginning with a review of the House Rules as follows:

There will be no smoking in the hall.
Unless otherwise stated before the meeting starts we will follow the articles as printed in the warrant.
The Moderator will read all articles; everyone has a right to hear what we are voting on.
Anyone wishing to speak to an article will wait to be recognized, stand and state his/her name.
Every article should have a fair hearing; therefore a motion to pass over the article will not be accepted.
Any person wishing to speak to an article a second time must wait until all those who wish to speak have had a chance to speak.
Anyone proposing an amendment to an article must submit the amendment in writing.
Once we have voted on an article we will not reconsider.
The meeting is being recorded.
Please keep your comments directed to the article and address the chair, not back and forth among individuals.
And last, if the Moderator has made a ruling that the assembly disagrees with they may overturn his ruling with a majority vote.

Motion made and seconded to accept the rules as presented, voted in the affirmative.

Article 1:  To choose all necessary town officers for the year ensuing.  The Moderator read the election results.  There is a request by Edith “Dee” Sleeper for a recount in the Tax Collector race.  This recount will take place on Thursday March 23, 2006 at the Town Office.  All zoning amendments passed.

(The recount resulted in a change of the number of votes for each candidate, with Laurie May receiving 144 votes, Patricia McCluskey receiving 70 votes, and Edith “Dee” Sleeper receiving 137 votes, therefore Laurie May elected Tax Collector for the ensuing three years, not Edith “Dee” Sleeper as previously reported.)

Tom Welden spoke to the school district and school board issues, with a handout regarding the rate of spending.  There was a public thank you to George Rainier for his years of service as Selectman.  George Rainier read a statement from the Selectmen addressing the tax rate and planning board issues.

Article 2:  Motion made and seconded to see if the Municipality will vote to authorize the Selectmen to enter into a four-year lease agreement in the amount of Seventy-Five Thousand Dollars ($75,000) for the purpose of entering into a lease/purchase for a 2007 F550 Truck, fully equipped, for the Highway Department and to further raise and appropriate the amount of $20,102.00 for the first years payment.  This lease agreement contains an escape clause. (Majority vote required) Selectmen support this warrant article.

There was a motion to amend the article, stating that the first year’s payment was to be withdrawn from the Road Reconstruction funds in the Highway Department operating funds.  Amendment failed.  Return to original article:  request for a secret ballot on this article.  YES 108         NO 83   Article passed.

Article 3: Motion made and seconded to see if the municipality will vote to raise and appropriate the amount of Forty-Nine Thousand Dollars ($49,000) for the purpose of purchasing a Fire Rescue Vehicle. (Majority vote required)  Selectmen support this warrant article.

Motion made to amend the article to add “to further raise and appropriate an amount not to exceed Seventeen Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($17,500) for the first years payment.  This lease has an escape clause.”   Voice vote – Article passed.

Article 4:  Motion made and seconded to see if the municipality will vote to raise and appropriate the amount of Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000) for the purpose of hiring an engineer to study the needs of the roads. (Majority vote required) Selectmen support this article. Voice vote – Article failed.

Article 5: Motion made and seconded to see if the municipality will vote to raise and appropriate the amount of Forty-Five Thousand Dollars ($45,000) for the purpose of Repairing the Cupola on the Town Office Building.  (Majority vote required). Selectmen support this warrant article.   
Discussion of bond issue.   Discussion about National Registry buildings and possible federal money available.  Voice vote –article passed.  Request for hand vote and request for Supervisors of the Checklist to do the count.  
YES 88  NO 78   Article passed.

Article 6: Motion made and seconded to see if the municipality will vote to raise and appropriate the amount of Thirty Thousand Dollars ($30,000) for the purpose of completing the Lighting in the Downtown area.  (Majority vote required) Selectmen support this warrant article. Discussion of the need for lighting and the current use of said lighting.  Voice vote – Article failed.

Article 7: Motion made and seconded to see if the municipality will vote to raise and appropriate the amount of Twenty-Nine Thousand, Five Hundred Dollars ($29,500) for materials only to complete the Community Meeting Room and Handicap-accessible bathroom in the lower floor of the Stephenson Memorial Library, all labor to be supplied by volunteers. (Majority vote required) Selectmen support this article. Discussion about the uses of the room. Voice vote – Article passed.

At this time the Moderator recognized retiring Town Clerk, Fran Kendall for her years of service.

Article 8: Motion made and seconded to see whether the town will vote to adopt the provisions of RSA 32: 14-24 calling for the creation of a Budget Committee which shall have the power and authority set forth in said statute. (Submitted by petition.) Ballot vote required.  
Gil Bliss explained the petition in depth.  Town counsel further explained how it works. Discussion of the 10% being confusing – 10% of exactly what? It is related to the Budget Committee recommendations, not last year’s budget.  Moved and seconded to carry out the ballot vote (polls must be open for one hour.)  Moderator declared polls open at 10:00 PM.

The meeting continued while the polls were open.

Article 10: Motion made and seconded to see if the town will vote to extend the services of the Wage and Benefit Study Committee for one year to continue its work in creating and helping to implement a wage scale, benefit package and evaluation plan and to report back to Town Meeting in one year, or take another action relative thereto. (Submitted by the Wage & Benefit Study Committee). Voice vote – Article passed.      

Article 11: Motion made and seconded to see if the municipality will vote to authorize the Selectmen to discontinue the position of elected Tax Collector, and to further authorize the Selectmen to appoint a fully qualified person to fill the position. (Majority vote required) Selectmen support this article. Discussion of benefits and drawbacks of this article. Voice vote – Article passed.

Article 12: Motion made and seconded to see if the municipality will vote to authorize the Selectmen to continue with a twenty-five (25) year lease with the Greenfield Congregational Covenant Church, beginning on the first day of April 2009. The financial arrangement of this lease shall be reviewed by the Board of Selectmen every five (5) years thereafter. (Majority vote required.) Selectmen support this article.

Motion to table article for one year for further education of the townspeople about this article. In depth discussion about the role of the Church in town. – Voice vote – motion failed.  Return to original article - Voice vote – Article passed.

Article 13: Motion made and seconded to see if the municipality will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Six Hundred Twenty-Three Thousand, Eight Hundred Fifteen Dollars ($623,815) to support the Operation and Maintenance of Town Property.   (Majority vote required)

Motion to amend to Six Hundred Eighteen Thousand, Four Hundred Eighty-Three Dollars ($618,483). (Reduction reflects $5,332.00 of ambulance costs.)  Voice vote – Amendment passed.
** Article #8 results:   65 in favor / 102 against – Article failed.  Article 9 is now moot - motion made and seconded to eliminate Article 9. So done.

Return to Article 13:  Legal fees up $20,000.  Barbara C Harris case settled - $75,000 in PILOT payments. Amendment with revised figures – Voice vote – Article passed.

Article 14: Motion made and seconded to see if the municipality will vote to raise and appropriate the amount of Fifty-Seven Thousand, Seven Hundred Twenty-Five Dollars ($57,725) to support the Fire Department.  (Majority vote required) Voice vote – Article passed.
Article 15: Motion made and seconded to see if the municipality will vote to raise and appropriate the amount of Five Hundred Sixty-Eight Thousand, Six Hundred Ninety-One Dollars ($568,691) for the operation of the Highway Department. (Majority vote required) Voice vote – Article passed.
Article 16: Motion made and seconded to see if the municipality will vote to raise and appropriate the amount of Sixty-Eight Thousand, Five Hundred Fifty-Seven Dollars ($68,557) to support the Stephenson Memorial Library.  (Majority vote required) 

Peter Wensburg spoke about budget increases, and stated the number of users almost doubled.  Additional P/T person and phone charges discussed / explained

Amendment to change the total budget to $62,049 - same as last year. Voice vote – Amendment failed.  

Return to original article:
Voice vote – Article passed.  Request for hand vote by supervisors of checklist YES 58  NO 34   Article passed.

Article 17: Motion made and seconded to see if the municipality will vote to raise and appropriate the amount of Fifty-Five Thousand, Three Hundred Dollars ($55,300) to support the Parks & Recreation Department. (Majority vote required.)  Much discussion about the increases over the last few years and the
income and revenue in this department.  Voice vote – Article passed.

Article 18: Motion made and seconded to see if the municipality will vote to raise and appropriate the amount of One Hundred Eighty-Nine Thousand, Seventy- Eight Dollars ($189,078) to support the Police Department.  (Majority vote required.)  Chief discussed increases in budget and grants received.  Voice vote – Article passed.

Article 19:  Motion made and seconded to see if the municipality will vote to raise and appropriate the amount of Ninety-Two Thousand, Four Hundred Thirty Dollars ($92,430) to support the Recycling Center.  (Majority vote required.)  Income up $11,000, and there have been grants received. Volunteers have also contributed many hours, thus reducing costs. Voice vote – Article passed.

Article 20:  Motion made and seconded to transact any other business that may legally come before this meeting.

1) Motion made by Peter Hopkins that “the Town of Greenfield NH ask the Legislature of the State of NH to pass legislation which would allow municipalities to levy a core tax on all properties within its jurisdiction.  This tax would be to compensate the municipality for the costs of services, which are provided to all properties, except these attributed to the cost of education.“ Voice vote – Motion passed.

2) Thank you to outgoing Planning Board member Bob Marshall, with a request for more people to fill vacancies.

3) The Moderator expressed a need for ballot inspectors for elections.

There being no other business before this meeting, motion made and seconded to adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 12:30 AM.

Elected Officials came forward to be sworn in and sign their appointment papers.

                                        Respectfully submitted,
Edith P. Sleeper, Town Clerk