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2005 Town Meeting Reconvened Minutes 3-11-05
Town Meeting Minutes
March 11, 2005

Town meeting reconvenes on March 11, 2005, at 7:00 p.m.
Moderator, Tom Mullins, read the State of the Ballot, and recognized Peter Hopkins for his service to the Town as Moderator for the past number of years.

Moderator reviewed the House Rules as follows:

1.      There will be no smoking in the Hall.
2.      Unless otherwise stated before the meeting starts we will follow the articles as printed in the warrant.
3.      The Moderator will read all articles; everybody has a right to hear what we are voting on.
4.      Anyone wishing to speak to an article will wait to be recognized, stand and state his/her name.
5.      Every article should have a fair hearing; therefore a motion to pass over the article will not be accepted.  Unless the person who put the article in the warrant wishes to withdraw it.
6.      Any person wishing to speak to an article a second time must wait until all those who wish to speak have had a chance to speak.
7.      Any one proposing an amendment to an article must submit the amendment in writing. .
8.      Once we have voted on an article we will not reconsider
9.      The Meeting is being recorded.
10.     Please keep your comments directed to the article and address the chair not back and forth among individuals
11.     And last if the Moderator has made a ruling that the assembly disagrees with they may overturn his ruling with majority vote.

Motion made and seconded to accept the rules as presented, voted in the affirmative.

Article 2.  Motion made and seconded to see if the Municipality will vote to authorize the Selectmen to raise and appropriate the amount of One Hundred Twenty Three Thousand Two Hundred Dollars ($123,200.00) for the purchase of protective equipment, self-contained breathing apparatus and SCBA air compressor, for the Fire Department; of this amount One Hundred Twelve Thousand Dollars ($112,000.00) is to be provided through a Federal Grant; the remaining Eleven Thousand Two Hundred Dollars ($11,200.00) to be raised through taxation or take any action relative thereto. (Majority vote required)  Vote in the affirmative.

Article 3.  Motion made and seconded to see if the municipality will vote to establish a Capital Reserve Fund under the provisions of RSA 35:1 for the purpose of a Fire Rescue Vehicle and to raise and appropriate the sum of Forty Five Thousand Dollars ($45,000.00) to be placed in this fund and to further vote to appoint the Selectmen as agents to expend from the Fire Rescue Vehicle Capital Reserve Fund.  Selectmen approve of this article, (Majority vote required) Discussion revolved into discussion regarding what happened to  $12,000 voted last year toward this vehicle, the vehicle was not found and so unexpended monies were rolled into the general fund since they were not specified for this purpose.  So we don’t know if monies can be designated from general fund back to this vehicle.  Article amended to change amount to $15,000.  Amendment failed.  Back to article as written, request for secret ballot on this article.  Yes 58    NO 68 Article failed.

Article 4:  Motion made and seconded to see if the municipality will raise and appropriate the sum of Thirty-Six Thousand Four Hundred Sixty-Six Dollars ($36,466) for the purpose of completion of the municipal improvements project, including the wastewater treatment plant; said sum to be raised from 2004 unexpended general surplus, which includes Six Thousand Four Hundred Sixty-Six Dollars ($6,466) raised from interest on the project bond; and, FURTHER, to authorize the Selectmen to spend said monies plus remaining gifts and grants, project surpluses and previously authorized borrowing authority, all totaling Two Hundred Thirty-Four Thousand, Four Hundred Sixty-Six Dollars ($234,466) to complete said project or take any further action.  (Majority vote required) This is the last phase of the Downtown project. Keith Pratt explained the article and charges, Secret ballot requested. YES 92   NO 34 Vote in the affirmative.

Article 5:  Moved and seconded to see if the Municipality will vote to authorize the Selectmen to enter into a four-year lease agreement in the amount of Sixty Three Thousand Dollars ($63,000.00) for the purpose of entering into a lease/purchase for a 2005 F550 Highway Truck, fully equipped, for the Highway Department and to further raise and appropriate the amount of $17,069.00 for the first years payment.  This lease agreement contains an escape clause.  (Majority vote required)  Secret ballot requested.     YES 63                      NO 63   Article failed

Article 6:  Moved and seconded to see if the Municipality will vote to raise and appropriate the amount of Forty Thousand Dollars ($40,000) for the purpose of reconstructing a portion of New Boston Road (Majority vote required) Mr. Fox wanted to complete that portion of the road and he feels he can with the $80,000 in his budget for paving.  
YES 49          NO 61    Article failed

Article 7:  Moved and seconded to see if the Municipality will vote to authorize the Selectmen to enter into a four-year lease agreement in the amount of Twenty Tree Thousand Dollars ($23,000.00) for the purpose of entering into a lease/purchase for 2005 Ford Crown Victoria Police Cruiser, fully equipped, for the Police Department and to further raise and appropriate the amount of $6,200.00 for the first years payment.  This lease agreement contains an escape clause.  (Majority vote required)
Voted by secret ballot.    YES 98               NO 22 Article approved.

Article 8:  Moved and seconded to see if the municipality will vote to raise and appropriate the amount of Seven Thousand, Eight Hundred Dollars ($7,800.00) for the purpose of paving specified areas at the Recycling Center.  Voice vote   Article approved.
Article 9:  Moved and seconded to see if the Town will adopt the provision of RSA 72:28, 11 for an Optional Veterans tax credit and an expanded qualifying war service for Veterans seeking the exemption.  The optional Veterans Tax Credit is One Hundred fifty Dollars ($150.00) rather than Fifty Dollars ($50.00) (Submitted by Petition) Amendment proposed to change the amount to $300.00. Approved by voice vote the article as amended.

Article 10:  Moved and seconded to see if the municipality will vote to have all funds received from the Sale of Cemetery Lots put into cemetery trust funds. (Submitted by the Cemetery Trustees.)  Approved by voice vote.

Article 11:  Moved and seconded to see if the municipality vote to raise and appropriate the amount of Eighty Seven Thousand, Six Hundred Dollars ($87,600.00) to support the Recycling Center.  Majority vote required. Approved by voice vote.

Article 12:  Moved and seconded to see if the municipality will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Five Hundred Seventy Five Thousand, Thirty Dollars ($575,030.00) to support the operation and maintenance of town property.  (Majority vote required)  Budget Committee approves 3% across the board in wages for Town Employees. Some employees (Supt. of Public Works; Rec. Coordinator; Bookkeeper; and Police) receiving a 5% increase in salary, the rest a 3% raise.     Increases in legal fees in anticipation of court action to get one of the charitable institutions to make payment in lieu of taxes.  We do not have the right to deny services to this group if they don’t pay.  Amendment to increase amount for Planning Board failed.  Article approved by voice vote.

Article 13:  Moved and seconded to see if the municipality will vote to raise and appropriate the amount of Sixty Three Thousand, Three Hundred Twenty Dollars ($63,320.00) to support the Fire Department.  (Majority vote required)  Approved by voice vote.  

Article 14:  Moved and seconded to see if the municipality will vote to raise and appropriate the amount of Five Hundred Sixty Eight Thousand, Six Hundred Nineteen Dollars ($568,619.00) for the operation of the Highway Department.  (Majority vote required)  Approved by voice vote.

Article 15:  Moved and seconded to see if the municipality will vote to raise and appropriate the amount of Sixty Two Thousand, Forty Nine Dollars ($62,049.00) to support the Stephenson Memorial Library. (Majority vote required) Approved by voice vote.

Article 16:  Moved and seconded to see if the municipality will vote to raise and appropriate the amount of Fifty Six Thousand, Seven Hundred Thirty Dollars ($56,730.00) to support the Parks & Recreation Department.  (Majority Vote required) Approved by voice vote.

Article 17:  Moved and seconded to see if the municipality will vote to raise and appropriate the amount of One Hundred Sixty Eight thousand, Two Hundred Thirty Four Dollars ($168,234.00) to support the Police Department.  (Majority vote required) Approved by voice vote.

Article 18:  Moved and seconded to transact any other business that may legally come before this meeting. Gil Bliss made a motion “ to have Selectmen appoint interested citizens to a wage and personnel study committee with the object of returning next town meeting with a recommendation on establishing a wage and pay grid for all town employees.”  Motion passed.  Al Burtt raised question regarding exempt properties and how we can force them to pay.  Town Counsel explained that the State does not require tax-exempt properties to pay taxes, but hopefully can get them to agree to pay a sum in lieu of taxes.  

Meeting adjourned at 11:50 p.m.

Elected employees came forward to be sworn in and signed their appointment papers.
                                                Respectively submitted,

                                                Frances F. Kendall, Town Clerk