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2005 Town Meeting Minutes 3/8/05

March 8, 2005                                                   Town Elections

Meeting was called bo order by Acting Moderator, Peter Hopkins, at 10:00 a.m. to act on Article 1 of the warrant – Election of officers for the ensuing year, and Article 1b, proposed amendments to the zoning ordinances, also to vote on the School District ballot for the ensuing year.

Pledge of Allegiance let by Robert Geisel, Moderator read the first article of the warrant, the remainder to be read when Town Meeting reconvenes on Friday, March 11, 2005, at 7:00 p.m.  Checklist was read by Supervisor of the Checklist, Bruce Dodge with 981 names listed.  Meeting to open at 10:00 a.m. and close at  7:00 p.m. after which the ballots were counted, 199 ballots were cast, two of which were absentee.

SELECTMAN FOR THREE YEARS:  William Brooks received 160 votes (there were a few write-ins, none with sufficient number to be elected) therefore William Brooks elected for the ensuing three years.

TAX COLLECTOR FOR THREE YEARS:  Robert Geisel received 156 votes (there were a number of write-ins, none with enough votes to be elected) therefore Robert Geisel elected for the ensuing three years.

TOWN TREASURER FOR ONE YEAR:  Aaron Kullgren received 120 votes (there were several write-ins, none with sufficient number) therefore Aaron Kullgren elected to the ensuing year.

FIRE CHIEF FOR ONE YEAR:  Loren White received 180 votes (there were a few write-ins none with sufficient number) therefore Loren White elected for the ensuing year.

LIBRARY TRUSTEE FOR ONE YEAR:  Mary Ann Grant received 182 votes (a few write-ins were received none with sufficient number) therefore Mary Ann Grant elected for the ensuing year.

LIBRARY TRUSTEE FOR THREE YEAR:  (Vote for one) Warren Aldrich received 84 votes; Peter Wensberg received 85 votes.  Peter Wensberg elected for ensuing three years,

BUDGET COMMITTEE FOR TWO YEARS:  Bruce Dodge received 180 votes, therefore elected for ensuing two years.

BUDGET COMMITTEE FOR THREE YEARS;  (Vote for two) Aaron Kullgren received 174 and not sufficient write-ins for second position.  Aaron Kullgren elected for ensuing three years, a second person will need to be appointed

PLANNING BOARD FOR TWO YEARS: (vote for one)  Kevin O’Connell received 167 votes, therefore elected for the ensuing two years.

PLANNING BOARD FOR THREE YEARS: (vote for two) Dario Carrara received 165 votes; John Halper received 18 write-in votes, therefore Dario Carrara and John Halper elected for the ensuing three years.

TRUSTEE OF TRUST FUNDS FOR THREE YEARS:  Albert Burtt received 171 votes, therefore elected for the ensuing three years.

SUPERVISOR OF THE CHECKLIST FOR THREE YEARS; Molly Anfuso received 12 write-in votes, therefore elected fot the ensuing three years.

Article 1b amendments to the Zoning Ordinances

Amendment #1:
Are you in favor of the adoption of Amendment #1 as proposed by the Planning Board for the town Zoning Ordinance as follows:

Amend Section III, 1. Special  Purpose District, 2. Wetland Conservation District, a General; by deleting specific verbiage in the 1st paragraph, editing and adding to read:
The Wetland Conservation District, as herein defined, is shown on a map designated as the Town of Greenfield Wetland Conservation District Map, and is an overlay to the “Zoning Map” of the Town of Greenfield, NH

And  adding the following paragraph to read:
This map is for reference use only.  In the event that an area on the map is questionable in terms of its soil type, High Intensity Soils Sampling will be use to determine the location and extent of poorly drained or very poorly drained sils.

And to delete the last paragraph.
                        YES 137                 NO 58

Amendment #2:
Are you in favor of the adoption of Amendment #2 as proposed by the Planning Board for the Town Zoning Ordinance as follows:

Amend Section III, 1. Special Purpose District, 2. Wetland Conservation Distrcit, d.. Special Exceptions, 2; to delete the reference “of the Hillsborough County Conservation District”
                        Yes 133                 NO 62

Amendment #3:
Are you in favor of the adoption of a steep slope district as proposed by the Planning Board for the town Zoning Ordinance?

Amend the Greenfield Zoning Ordinance by adding the following in Section III, 1. Special Purpose Districts, 3.Steep Slope District.

If this Ordinance is adopted, the Greenfield Land Subdivision Regulations will need to be updated as follows:  Section V. Subsection M Steep Slopes:
a.      Purpose and Intent.  The purpose of the……..

YES 99                  NO 96


Article #1.  Shall the Contoocook Valley School District appoint the salaries of the School Board and fix the compensation of any other officers or agents of the District as follows:  School Board Chair, $700:  Each member, $500: Treasurer, $2,000: Moderator, $100: School Board Clerk, $70 per meeting?
                        YES 126                 NO 71

#2.  Shall the Contoocook Valley School District accept the reports of Agents, Auditors, Committees, and Officers chosen?
                        YES 164                 NO 33

#3.  Shall the Contoocook Valley School District raise and appropriate as a gross operating budget, not including appropriations by special warrant articles and other appropriations voted separately, the amounts set forth on the budget posted with the warrant for the purposes set forth herein, totaling $36,974,512?  Should this article be defeated, the default budget shall be $36,442,200 which is the same as last year, with certain adjustments required by previous action of the Contoocook Valley School District or by law:  for the governing body may hold one special meeting, in accordance with RSA 40:13, X and SVI, to take up the issue of revised gross operating budget only.  
                        YES 86                  NO 111

#4 Shall the Contoocook Valley School District 1) Raise and appropriate the sum of uo to $50,000 to be added to the Contoocook Valley School District Building Capital Reserve Fund, as previously established pursuant to the provision of RSA 35L1-c; and 2.) Authorize the transfer of such amount from the year-end undesignated fund balance available on July 1, 2005?  (This amount represents up to $50,000 from June 30, 2005 general fund surplus.)(The ConVal School Board designates this article as a SPECIAL warrant article and RECOMMENDS adoption of this article.)
                        YES 98                  NO 98

#5.  Shall the Contoocook Valley School District 1.) Raise and appropriate the sum of up to $50,000 to be added to the Special Education Trust Fund, as previously established pursuant to the provision of RSA 198:20-c, and 2.) Authorize the transfer of such amount from the undesignated fund balance available on July 1, 2005? (The ConVal School Board designates this article as a SPECIAL warrant article and RECOMMENDS adoption of this article.)
                        YES 103                 NO 93

#6.  Shall the Contoocook Valley School District 1.) approve the cost items included in the collective bargaining agreement reached between the Contoocook Valley School Board and Contoocook Valley Education Association, which calls for an increase in salaries and benefits:
                        YEAR            ESTIMATED INCREASE
05-06   661.558
05-07   908-547
05-08   1,004,308
and 2.)raise and appropriate the sum of $661,558 for the 2005-2006 fiscal year, such sum representing additional costs attributable to the increases in salaries and benefits over those of the appropriation at current staffing levels?
                        YES 78                  NO 118

#7.  Shall the Contoocook Valley School District, if Article 6 is defeated, authorize the Contoocook Valley School Board to call one special meeting, at its option, to address Article 6 cost items only?
                        YES 104                 NO 91

#8.  Shall the Contoocook Valley School District 1.)establish an expendable trust fund under the provisions of RSA 198:20-c, to be known as the Athletics/Co-curricular Fund for the purpose of supporting athletic and co-curricular program; 2.)to designate the trustees of the Trust Funds of the Town of Peterborough as custodian of the Trust Funds and 3.) to designate the School Board as agents to expend the Trust Funds? (The ConVal School Board designates this article as a SPECIAL warrant article and RECOMMENDS adoption of this article.)
                        YES 104                 NO 89

The meeting was adjourned until Friday, March 11, 2005 at 7:00 p.m.             

There were two requests recounts. One the position of Library Trustee for three years. Peter Wensberg received 85 votes and Warren Aldrich received 84 votes in the original count.  On the recount it was a tie between the two.  Then we drew names from the hat and Peter Wensberg won and will be Library Trustee for the ensuing threeyears.

The Recount on the Amendment #3, to the proposed ordinances for the zoning board was YES  94 and No 99.  Article failed.