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2004 Town Meeting Minutes
TOWN MEETING                                                            March 9, 2004

Meeting opened at 10:00 a.m. by Acting Moderator, Thomas Mullins, who began by leading the assembly in the Pledge of Allegiance.  Linda Dodge read the check list with 808 names.  Moderator read Article 1 and 1b from the warrant, the articles to be voted on today.

Article 1:   To elect Town Officers for the ensuing year.

SELECTMAN FOR THREE YEARS:  Conrad B. Dumas received 210 votes ( a few write-ins)  Therefore Conrad B. Dumas elected for ensuing three years.

TOWN MODERATOR FOR TWO YEARS;  Thomas P. Mullins received 231 votes (a few write-ins)  Therefore Thomas P. Mullins elected for ensuing two years.

TOWN TREASURER FOR ONE YEAR:  Aaron Kullgren received 15 write-in votes, there were several other write-ins but none with significant amount.  Therefore Aaron Kullgren elected for ensuing year.

FIRE CHIEF FOR ONE YEAR;  Loren White received 238 votes ( a few write-ins)
Therefore Loren White elected for ensuing year.

LIBRARY TRUSTEE FOR THREE YEARS:  Pamela Graesser received 233 votes
Therefore Pamela Graesser elected for ensuing three years.

BUDGET COMMITTEE FOR THREE YEARS:  (Vote for two)  Albert Burtt received 220 votes (there were a number of write-ins but none with significant number to  be elected)  Therefore Albert Burtt elected for three years, another person will need to be appointed.

PLANNING BOARD FOR THREE YEARS:  (vote for two)  Steven Seigars received 227 votes (there were a number of write-ins but none with significant number to be elected.  Therefore Steven Seigars elected for ensuing three years and another member will need to be appointed.

TRUSTEE OF TRUST FUNDS FOR TWO YEARS:  (vote for one)  Wyatt R. Fox, II received 232 votes.  Therefore Wyatt R. Fox, II elected for ensuing two years.

TRUSTEE OF TRUST FUNDS FOR THREE YEARS:  (vote for one)  J. Robert Plourde received 228 votes.  Therefore J. Robert Plourde elected for ensuing three years.

TOWN AUDITOR FOR ONE YEAR:  (vote for two)  Laurie May received 214 votes, there were a number of write-ins for second member but none with significant number to be elected, so another person will need to be appointed.

Article 1b:  To vote on proposed amendments to the Zoning Ordinances

Amendment #1:
Are you in favor of the adoption of Amendment No. 1 as proposed by the Planning Board for the town Zoning Ordinance as follows:
Amend Article IV, section N  “General Regulations & Restrictions”, Outdoor Lighting by adding the following paragraph to read:
1.      In case of flags, which cannot be illuminated with down-lighting, upward lighting may be used only in the form of one narrow-cone spotlight wich confines the illumination to the flag.
       YES  181                        NO  63

Amendment #2:
Are you in favor of the adoption of Amendment No. 2 as proposed by the Planning Board for the town Zoning Ordinance as follows:
Amend Article IV, Section B “Professional Uses and Customary Home Occupations”, paragraph 1 by adding “except equine” after animal boarding and care in the list of uses not considered to be home occupations.  This will allow the boarding of equines under this section.
                                YES  187                        NO  74

Amendment #3:
Are you in favor of the adoption of Amendment No. 3 as proposed by the Planning Board for the town Zoning Ordinance as follows:
Amend the Greenfield Building  code to reference the International Residential Code 2003 with revisions present and future.
                                YES  166                        NO  67

Amendment #4:
Are you in favor of the adoption of an Open Space Ordinance consistent with the newly revised Master Plan as proposed by the Planning Board for the town Zoning Ordinance?  A full copy of this ordinance is available at the check-in table.  As follows:
Amend the Greenfield Zoning Ordinance by adding the following Open Space Development Ordinance as Section IX, and renumbering the following sections accordingly.
If this Ordinance is adopted, the Greenfield Land Subdivision Regulations will need to be updated as follows:
Section V, Subsection K”Open Space”, paragraph 1.
        1.  When required.  In subdivisions of 20 acres or more, the Board may, where it deems necessary, require the use of the “Open Space Development Ordinance” as written in Section IX of the Town of Greenfield Zoning Ordinance.
                        YES  158                        NO  80
Conval Warrant Articles:
Article 1.  Shall the Contoocook Valley School District appoint the salaries of the School Board and fix the compensation of any other officers or agents of the District as follows:  School Board Chair, $700; each member, $500; Treasurer, $2,000; Moderator, $100; School Board Clerk $70 per meeting?
                        Yes 167                 NO  74

Article 2.  Shall the Contoocook Valley School District accept the reports of Agents, Auditors, Committees, and Officers chosen?
                        YES  210                        NO  28

Article 3.  Shall the Contoocook Valley School District raise and appropriate as a gross operating budget, no including appropriations by special warrant articles and other appropriations voted separately, the amounts set forth on the budget posted with the warrant for the purposes set forth therein, totaling $34,927,807?  Should this article be defeated, the gross operating budget shall be $34,989,145 which is the same  as last year, with certain adjustments required by previous action of the Contoocook Valley School District or by law, or the governing body may hold one special meeting, in accordance with RSA 40:13, X and XVI, to take up the issue of a revised operating budget only.
                        YES  186                        NO  57

Article 4.  Shall the Contoocook Valley School District 1.) raise and appropriate the sum of up to $150,000 to be added to the Capital Reserve Fund.  School District Building Capital Reserve Fund, as previously established pursuant to the provisions of RSA 35:1,
For the purpose of the Contoocook Valley School District Building Capital Reserve Fund and 2.) authorize the transfer of such amount from the year end undesignated fund balance available on July 1, 2004?  (This amount is equivalent to the interest earned on bond proceeds transferred to the general fund on or before June 30, 2004.)(The ConVal School Board designates this article as a SPECIAL warrant article and RECOMMENDS adoption of this article.)
                        YES  144                        NO  93

Article 5.  Shall the Contoocook Valley School District 1.) raise and appropriate the sum of up to $50,000 to be added to the Contoocook Valley School District Building Capital Reserve Fund, as previously established pursuant to the provisions of RSA 35:1, for the purpose of the Contoocook Valley School District Reserve Fund, and 2) authorize the transfer of such amount for the year end undesignated fund balance available on July 1, 2004? (This amount represents up to $50,000 from the June 30, 2004 general fund surplus,)  (The ConVal School Board designates this article as a SPECIAL warrant article and RECOMMENDS adoption of this article.)
                        YES  142                        NO  96

Article 6.  Shall the Contoocook Valley School District 1.) raise and appropriate the sum of up to $50,000 to be added to the Special Education Trust Fund, as previously established pursuant to the provisions of RSA 198:20,and 2.) authorize the transfer of such amount from the undesignated fund balance available on July 1, 2004? (The ConVal School Board designates this article as a SPECIAL  warrant article and RECOMMENDS adoption of this article.)
                        YES  142                        NO  96

Article 7.  Shall the Contoocook Valley School District 1.) approve the cost items included in the collective bargaining agreement reached bet2ween the Contoocook Valley School Board and Contoocook Valley Education Association,  which calls for an increase in salaries and benefits:
        YEAR                                    ESTIMATED INCREASE
2004-05 $905,088
and 2.) to further raise and appropriate the sum of $905,088 for the 2004-2005 fiscal year, such sum representing additional costs attributable to the increases in salaries and benefits over those of the appropriation at current staffing levels?
                        YES  87                 NO  151

Article 8.  Shall the Contoocook Valley School District authorize the governing body to call one special meeting, at its option to address article 7 cost items only, if article 7 is defeated?
                        YES  124                        NO  115

Article 9.  Shall the Contoocook Valley School
District vote to amend its Articles of Agreement Paragraph 8 relating to the current apportionment formula; and amend this Paragraph to its original language with an apportionment formula of 75% on the average daily membership of pupils and 25% on the equalized valuation of the towns? (Submitted by petition.  Requires a 2/3 vote).
                        YES  32                 NO  211
# of Registered Voters  814.  # of Voters on March 9  247

Meeting to be reconvened at 7 p.m. Friday March 12, 2004.                               

All newly elected officers need to come forward and sign oath of office.

Town Meeting reconvened on March 12, 2004, at 7 p.m. Acting Moderator, Thomas Mullins read the State of the Ballot.

Moderator reviewed the House Rules as follows:
1.      There will be no smoking in the Hall
2.      Unless otherwise stated before the meeting starts we will follow the articles as printed in the warrant
3.      Anyone wishing to speak to an article will wait to be recognized than stand and state his/her name
4.      Every article should have a fair hearing; therefore a motion to pass over an article will not be accepted.  Unless a person who put the article in the warrant wishes to withdraw it.
5.      Any person wishing to speak to an article a second time must wait until all those who wish to speak have had a chance to speak
6.      Any one proposing an amendment to an article must submit the amendment in writing
7.      Once we have voted on an article we will not reconsider
8.      All the votes will be taken by a voice vote, unless otherwise requested by five voters or if a voice vote is too close to call, than a show of hands will be called for by the Moderator.
9.      The Meeting is being recorded
10.     And last if the Moderator has made a ruling that the assembly disagrees with they may overturn his ruling with majority vote.
Motion made and seconded to accept the rules as presented, voted in the affirmative.

Article 1a.  Moved and seconded to hear the reports of agents, standing committees, or other officers heretofore, and chosen and to pass any vote relative thereto.  Vote in the affirmative.

Article 2 .  Motion made and seconded to see if the Municipality will vote to raise and appropriate the amount of Forty-four thousand Dollars ($44,000.) for the purpose of constructing an additional bay to the existing Recycling Center; purchasing a Forklift and purchasing a Waste Oil Burner at the Recycling Center, a portion of these funds are to be paid through grants totaling $7,000.00.  (Majority vote required) Conrad Dumas spoke to the article, saying there was a similar article in last years warrant which at that time the Selectmen felt they needed to have time to study the need, and they have talked with other people studied the situation and approve this year hoping it will give us some revenues should bring in about 4 or $5,000. a year.  We would need to replace the present truck if we don’t do this.
Vote in the affirmative.

Article 3.  Moved and seconded to see if the Municipality will vote to raise and appropriate the amount of Forty-Eight Thousand Dollars ($48,000.00) for the purpose of completing the Community Meeting Room including a handicap-accessible bathroom in the basement of the new Ann Geisel Wing of the Stephenson Memorial Library.  (Majority vote required)  Peter Wensberg spoke to the article, saying that suggestions regarding putting a full basement under the new wing were made at the time of the renovations, could possibly become a meeting room for the Town.  What is needed is walls and appliances and handicapped ramp, this is accessible from the outside.  The Selectmen felt this would alleviate some of the wear and tear of the Town Hall.  It was suggested that we could put this off for another time.  Lot of discussion. on article  Vote by ballot  YES 48    NO  76
Article failed

Article 4.  Motion moved and seconded to see if the Municipality will vote to authorize the Selectmen to enter into a four-year lease agreement of $100,000.00 for the purpose of lease/purchase of an International Dump Truck, fully equipped, for the Highway Department, and to further raise and appropriate the sum of Twenty Seven Thousand, Seven Hundred Twelve Dollars ($27,712.00) for the first years payment for that purpose.  This lease agreement contains an escape clause.  (Majority  vote required)  Article voted in the affirmative.

Article 5. Motion moved and seconded to see if the Municipality will vote to authorize the selectmen to enter into a four year lease agreement of $45,000.00 for the purpose of lease/purchase of a Rescue Truck for the Fire Department, and to further raise and appropriate the sum of Twelve Thousand, Four Hundred Seventy One Dollars ($12,471.00) for the first years payment for that purpose.  This lease agreement contains an escape clause (Majority vote required)  This is a used truck, actually it is an ambulance (not to transport but could get patient out of the weather until he can be transported)Budget committee supports this article.  Would keep existing truck
Voted in the affirmative.

Article 6.  Motion moved and seconded to see if the Municipality will vote to authorize the selectmen to enter into a four year lease agreement of $12,000.00 for the purpose of lease/purchase of a Rescue Boat for the Fire Department, and to further raise and appropriate the sum of Three Thousand, Three Hundred Seventy One Dollars ($12,471.00) for the first years payment for that purpose.  This lease agreement contains an escape clause.  (Majority vote required) Tom Welden felt that for this small amount of money we should purchase this boat outright instead of making payments, that would cost more with interest.  Alice Welden made the motion which was seconded to amend the article to read. “ To see if the Municipality will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $12,000.00 for the purpose of purchasing a Rescue Boat for the Fire Department”.  Vote on amended article in the affirmative.

Article 7.  Motion made and seconded to see if the Municipality will vote to revise the existing language used on the current Recreation Revolving Account to read:  The money received from fees and charges for recreation park services and facilities shall be allowed to accumulate from year to year, and shall not be considered to be part of the town’s general fund unreserved balance.  Monies in the fund shall be held by the Treasurer and paid out only upon the order of the Board of Selectmen and the Parks and Recreation Director (no further town meeting approval required).  These funds may be expended only for recreation purposes as stated in RSA 35-B, and no expenditure shall made in such a way as to require  the expenditure of or create a liability of other town funds, which have not been appropriated for that purpose.  (Majority vote required)
Vote in the affirmative.

Article 8.  Moved and seconded to see if the Municipality will vote to raise and appropriate an amount not to exceed Forty-Five Thousand Dollars ($45,000) fpr the purpose of hiring within the calendar year a full-time Town Administrator (non-exempt employee) and to authorize placement of the costs associated with this position in the Selectmen’s budget as an annual expenditure, or take any action relative thereto.  The town would fund the Town Administrator by phasing out the job title of the Administrative Assistant.  ( Submitted by the Town Management Assessment Committee) (Majority vote required) Gil Bliss purposed an amendment which was moved and seconded to see of the Municipality will vote to raise and appropriate an amount not to exceed Forty Five Thousand Dollars ($45,000) for the purpose of hiring within the calendar year a full-time Town Administrator and to authorize placement of the costs associated with this position in the Selectmen’s budget as an annual expenditure, or take any action relative thereto.  The town would fund the Town Administrator by phasing out the job title of the Administrative Assistant.
The Town Administrator shall have the following responsibilities, subject to the Selectmen’s final authority, including but not limited to:
·       Operational Coordinator
·       Personnel Management
·       Conflict Resolution
·       Payroll & Merit System Management
·       Human Resources
·       Budget Management
(Submitted by the Town Management Assessment Committee) ( Majority vote required)
vote to amend the article 8 in the affirmative discussion  now to be on the amended article.  Conrad Dumas read a statement regarding the Selectmen’s view of this article, they were not in favor of the article.  There was some explanation by Gil Bliss.  Bruce Dodge introduced, Lee Mayhew who was hired to advise committee, he conducted a survey among Town Employees and submitted his recommendations.  He briefly restated his survey and recommendations.. Al Burtt offered further explanations as to the forming of the committee . It was brought out in further discussion that the Town was still small enough and present government was doing a good job so no need for a change at this point in time.
Vote by Ballot.   YES  16       NO  99  Article failed.

Article 9.  Moved and seconded to see if the Municipality will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Twelve Thousand Dollars ($12,000) for a Service Support Person to the Town Administrator and a Municipal Agent/Office Assistant to the Town Clerk (submitted by the Town Management Assessment Committee) (Majority vote required)
Committee withdrew article.

Article 10.  Moved and seconded to see if the Municipality will vote to continue the Town Management Assessment Committee for another year, for the purpose of monitoring and assisting with the implementation of the new Town Administrator position. (Submitted by the Town Management Assessment Committee) (Majority vote required)  Amended to omit the phrase (for the purpose of monitoring and assisting with the implementation of the new Town Administrator position) Since that position was voted down would there be any need to committee to continue. Amend article to read see if the Municipality will vote to continue the Town Management Assessment Committee for another year..  They would be pursuing further recommendations for better Town Government.  Vote to amend the article in the affirmative..  Voted by show of hands..    YES  41   NO  45  Article failed.

Article 11.  Moved and seconded to see if the Municipality will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Five Hundred Thirty-Eight Thousand, Eight Hundred Twenty-seven Dollars ($538,827.00) to support operation and maintenance of Town Property.
Or take any action relative thereto. (Majority vote required)Question Moved and seconded to amend article to remove the item “Ambulance $9,146” bringing the total to be voted on to $529,681.00.  by  Selectmen   Peterborough had informed the Selectmen funds were not needed until 2005, at which time the amount will be approximately $6,000.00 The Town of Peteborough will cover the 2004 allotment via use fees.
Vote to amend the article in affirmative.  A discussion followed. Amended article, Vote in the affirmative to raise and appropriate $529,681.00 to support the operation and maintenance of town property.

Article 12.  Moved and seconded to see if the Municipality will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Sixty-Seven Thousand, Two Hundred Ten Dollars ($67,210.00)  to support the Fire Department or take any action relative thereto.(Majority  vote required)  Loren White explained budget.  Vote in the affirmative.

Article 13.  Moved and seconded to see if the Municipality will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Five Hundred Nineteen Thousand, Four Hundred Three Dollars ($519,403.00) for the operation of the Highway Department or take any action relative thereto. (Majority vote required)   Vote in the affirmative.

Article 14.  Moved and seconded to see if the Municipality will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Fifty One Thousand, Two Hundred Thirty Three Dollars ($51,233.00) to support the Stephenson Memorial Library or take any action relative thereto.  (Majority vote required)  Questioned amount of increase in the budget was answered that hours had increased.  Vote in the affirmative.

Article 15.  Moved and seconded to see if the Municipality will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Fifty Nine Thousand, Seven Hundred Fifty Two Dollars ($59,752.00) to support the Parks and Recreation Department or take any action relative thereto.  (Majority vote required) Increase was due to added gardens and part time wages and salary was increased because of extra hours, also extra work at Sunset Lake Beach .Vote in the affirmative.
Article 16.  Moved and seconded to see if the Municipality will vote to raise and appropriate the amount of One Hundred Sixty Four Thousand, One Hundred Thirty Three Dollars ($164,133.00) to support the Police Department or take any action relative thereto. (Majority vote required)  Vote in the affirmative.
Article 17.  Moved and seconded to see if the  Municipality will vote to raise and appropriate the amount of Eighty Eight Thousand, Nine Hundred Eighty Six Dollars ($88,986.00) to support the Recycling Center or take any action relative thereto. (Majority vote required) Vote in the affirmative.
Article 18.  Moved and seconded to see if the Municipality will vote to adopt the provision of Chapter 149-1 of the New Hampshire Revised  Statutes Annotated pertaining to sewer, and authorizing the Selectmen to perform all the duties and possess all the power in the Town which, in the case of a city, are conferred by RSA Chapter 149-1 upon the mayor and aldermen or take any action relative thereto.  Basically a housekeeping article but in order to operate the system in the center of town we need to specify that the selectmen would have the power to do so. Vote in the affirmative.
Article 19.  Moved and seconded to see if the Municipaltiy will vote to authorize the Selectmen to discontinue the position of Elected Town Auditor, and to further authorize the Selectmen to continue to utilize the services of a professional outside auditing firm or take any action relative thereto.  This article was debated last year and auditors were appointed for last year, but they never came in to auditor the books.  Kent Vincent and Laurie May defended the position.  Article passed and the position will be discontinued.
Article 20.  Moved and seconded to transact any other business that may legally come before this meeting.  No further business, vote in the affirmative.
Meeting adjourned at 10:20
                                                Respectively submitted,
                                                Frances F. Kendall, Town Clerk
All newly elected officers signed oaths of office:  Conrad Dumas, Selectman for three years, Tom Mullins, Town Moderator for one year; Loren White, fire chief for one year; Aaron Kullgren, Town Treasurer for one year; Pamela Graessser, Library Trustee for three years; J. Robert Plourde, Trustee of Trust/Cemetery Trustee for three years;Wyall Fox, Trustee of Trust Funds/Cemetery Trustee for two years; Steven Seigars, Planning Board member for three years; Albert Burtt, Budget Advisory Committee member to three years; Laurie May, Town Auditor for one year.