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Selectboard Minutes 09/15/2016
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Last Updated: 2016/9/28
Town of Greenfield
Greenfield Town Offices, 7 Sawmill Road Greenfield, NH
Selectboard’s Minutes
Thursday, Sept. 15, 2016 – 5:30 PM

Selectboard: Chairwoman Margaret A. Charig Bliss, Selectman Robert Marshall

Staff: Aaron Patt, Town Administrator;

5:30 p.m. The meeting was opened by Chairwoman Charig Bliss.

Documents for Review/Approval

  • A/P Accounts Payable
  • Waste Water Register
  • Timber Tax Levy R5-16
  • Meeting House Rental Agreement
  • Notice of Telecommunications Tower in Hooksett (review only)
  • Welfare Voucher letter (review only)
  • Greenfield Police Department NHHS Grant Applications

5:30 PM: Public Forum

There were no members of the public present for the public forum.

5:45 PM: Neal Beauregard, DPW Roads Manager

At 5:45 pm the Selectboard Chair welcomed Julie Perrin, Library Director to the meeting. It was noted that Mr. Beauregard was unable to meet with the Selectboard due to a family emergency, and the Library Director was in attendance to pass on his recommendation to the Board. Ms. Perrin provided an outline of the Library parking lot and a recent finding by the Joint Loss Committee that the parking lot needed some attention in order to make ADA access easier during peak usage. She presented a document to the Board outlining the number of visits to the building that are experienced on average per month. A new handicapped parking space has been installed at the top of the parking lot across from the handicap ramp. The van-sized handicapped space outside of the Wensberg room needs some improvements to make it more accessible. Originally, DPW Manager Beauregard was to provide to the Board his recommendation that DPW pave the remainder of the parking lot because the cost of the improvements to the van parking outside of the Wensberg room was high enough that it would be more cost effective to pave the remaining gravel area. After some discussion it was determined that the Board wanted to speak to Mr. Beauregard about certain aspects of the proposal. It was decided that Mr. Beauregard would attend the meeting on Tuesday the 20th to answer any questions that the Board may have at that time.

6:05 PM: Diane Boilard, Resident of Icehouse Lane

At 6:05 pm Diane Boilard and Ken Garnaham attended the meeting. Ms. Boilard explained that she was following up on previous meetings with the Board regarding her interest in having the town provide maintenance to Icehouse Lane. Ms. Boilard provided a recap of the discussions to date and outlined the step-by-step research that she has conducted into the background reports that the town used to maintain Icehouse Lane. She outlined in a document that the postmaster and a former town employee had related to her that the town used to maintain the road in the winter season but had stopped. She explained that the town did not abandon this road, nor was the maintenance stayed due to a vote at Town Meeting.  After a long discussion it was noted by Ms. Boilard and Mr. Garnham that people who live along Icehouse Lane do not actually own the road. Mr. Garnham outlined his experience when trying to buy the property where he resides now, and there was considerable discussion by the bank and their lawyers over who would maintain the road. Ms. Boilard and Mr. Garnham explained that the road itself, while currently considered to be a private way, which should be owned by the property owners, does not show up on any of the residents deeds. So in effect the road exists, but in limbo, without ownership, and the residents are increasingly aware of the effect of this on their property values. In addition there are several people who live on the other side of the railroad tracks, which have no access to emergency services except by the lane. The lane is only 12 feet wide. The Board followed up with several questions and then asked the Town Administrator ask questions of Town Counsel to see if they could understand how best to move forward.

6:55 PM: Karen Day, Conservation Commission

At 6:55 pm, Sergeant Roberge stopped in to answer questions and to receive from the Chair completed grant paperwork for a 2017 DWI grant, STEP grant, and a Distracted Driver grant.

Karen Day went over a concern regarding a culvert on New Boston Road for the ConComm.

7:00 PM: Derek Allard, Resident

At 7:19 pm the Board welcomed Derek Allard to the meeting. Mr. Allard explained that he was there to discuss a tax situation and asked if the Board would provide him with a non-public session. On a motion by the Chair and a second by Selectman Marshall, the Board voted on a roll-call vote to enter into non-public session 2-0. At 7:55pm the Board voted by a motion by the Chair and a second by Selectman Marshall to exit non-public session on a vote of 2-0 and to seal the minutes. It was noted that Mr. Allard had reached an agreement with the Board to re-purchase the house and property previously held by him, which had been taken by tax collector’s deed.

7:55 PM: Selectboard Work Session

The Board reviewed the Consent Agenda and on a motion by the Chair and a second by Selectman Marshall, voted 2-0 to approve of the Consent Agenda items. Next the Chair took up a petition by residents that live on Slip Road requesting that the Board lower the speed limit on Slip Road to 25 mph. The Board examined RSA 265:63 for an overview of the municipality’s requirements when seeking to lower a speed limit. A discussion was held regarding the due diligence required to meet the requirements of the RSA. It was noted by Selectman Marshall that the Planning Board had updated the Traffic and Transportation Analysis section of the Greenfield Master Plan. The 2015 version of this plan update includes traffic counter data for Slip Road.


The time being 8:45 pm the Chair moved to adjourn. Selectman Marshall seconded. All were in favor, and the motion carried 2-0.

The meeting adjourned at 8:45 PM.
The minutes are final when approved and signed by the Selectboard. A signed copy is on file in the Selectboard’s office.

_________________                        _______________________          
Chair, Margaret Charig Bliss,     Selectman,  Robert Marshall