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Selectboard Minutes 04/26/2016
Town of Greenfield
Greenfield Town Offices, 7 Sawmill Road Greenfield, NH
Selectboard’s Minutes
Tuesday, April 26, 2016 – 5:30 PM

Selectboard: Chairwoman Margaret A. Charig Bliss, Selectman Stephen Atherton Jr., Selectman Robert Marshall

Staff: Aaron Patt, Town Administrator,

Public: Neal Brown, Ken Paulsen, David Martin

5:30 p.m. The meeting was opened by Chairwoman Charig Bliss.

Documents for Review/Approval
  • A/P Checks & Invoices
  • Selectboard Minutes of 4/19/2016
  • Russell Station Road Paving Quotes
  • Russell Station Road Reclamation Quotes
  • Purchase Order – Jamar Rac Geo II Road Meas. GPS & Software
  • Maguire Equipment Inc. – Compactor Lease/Purchase Agmt.
  • Blanket Raffle Permit Request – CMRC
  • Letter to Bennington Selectmen – Re: Paradise Property
  • Sowerby Law Office Letter – R9-63
  • Resumes for Bldg & Grnds Manager (3)

5:30 PM: Public Forum

GIVers member Neal Brown discussed the flag pole that the GIVers want to donate to the town. The GIVers want to also donate a light for the flag pole so that it can be illuminated. The Board and Mr. Brown discussed the location of the light and the period of the year in which the flag would likely be flown. Selectman Marshall moved to have the flag pole installed close to the right field side of the fence in the ball field, and to have the light installed on the roof of the gazebo. The motion was seconded by Selectman Atherton. The motion passed 3-0.

Mr. Paulsen outlined an issue on Pine Ridge Road. There is not enough calcium chloride put down after his driveway. Traffic causes a lot of dust. He also broached the subject of class A trails and would like to see signs established to mark the Class A trails.

There were no other public comments.

5:45 PM: David Martin, Emergency Management Director

Mr. Martin met with the Board and brought them up to speed on several recent building reviews by the EMD department. David Hall, Fire Chief and Mr. Martin, EMD toured the municipal buildings downtown and looked at several options for emergency response center locations. After some discussion it was decided that Selectman Marshall would work with Mr. Martin to determine an emergency management plan program. There followed a discussion about emergency notification applications. It was determined that there was more information needed from the reverse 911 application to understand. Mr. Martin was to follow up with the contact and find out more information on the program’s capabilities.

6:15 PM: Selectboard Work Session

The Board began signing documents at 6:15pm. The Board then reviewed A/P Invoices, A/P Checks, and signed the A/P Check manifest. The Board reviewed and discussed the Russell Station reclamation quotes and the Russell Station paving quotes. The quotes have been assembled for over a two year period. There a total of six quotes for paving starting at the end of 2013. It was noted that the cost of asphalt has come down considerably. Due to the length of time that quotes have been assembled, and due to the fact that the most recent quotes are below the previous year’s quote of $115,000 vs. the $125,000 in the 2016 Town Warrant, the Board voted on a motion by the Chair and a Second by Selectman Atherton Jr. to waive the formal bid process and accept the low bid from Brox Industries in the amount of $106,110 to pave Russell Station Road. The Board also approved the low bid from Advanced Paving in the amount of $8040 to reclaim Russell Station Road. The amount budgeted was $9600 in 2015.

Selectman Marshall moved to have the Chair sign documents with only one space available, on behalf of the Board, and to have this authority extend as a blanket authority for the rest of her term. Selectman Atherton seconded the motion. The motion passed 3-0.

The Chair signed a blanket raffle permit for Crotched Mountain Rehabilitation Center, which they need for their records as part of their reporting requirements.

The Board reviewed the lease-purchase agreement with Maquire Equipment, which was voted on at Town Meeting. The town voted to purchase the compactor to process paper and keep it from getting wet. The Board reviewed the municipal clause and then the Chair signed the agreement.

The Board reviewed a proposal from DPW Roads Manager Neal Beauregard to add hard-pack gravel to the Oak Park track prior to the 225th Anniversary. After some discussion it was the consensus that the Board would approve up to $2,000 in hard-pack be applied to the track.

The Board reviewed and discussed a GPS distance measuring unit proposed by the DPW department. The purchase order was approved. The immediate uses will be to measure each road in town accurately and put that data on file. In the past paving vendors have provided significantly different road length readings. After the distances were measured the unit would be used to document the location of each culvert on a road. This information is transferable to a map and all of the information gathered will be used in populating newly created road files for each road in town.

After some discussion regarding disability pay, Administrator Patt outlined how some other towns deal with disability pay. A number of them provide 100% of the employer’s cost for the employee, and then deposit the insurance payments into the general fund, which come to the town as part of the Short-Term Disability insurance.

The Board reviewed the resumes received for the Building & Grounds Manager position. After a brief discussion it was noted that two candidates stood out. The consensus of the Board was to bring them both in for interviews, while resumes continue to be collected.

7:05 PM: Kathy Valliere, Greenfield Tax Collector

At 7:05 pm the Board met with Kathy Valliere to discuss those properties that have unpaid taxes from 2012. Tax Collector Valliere presented a list of properties for the Board to accept for tax deeding. The Board discussed each of the properties at length with Ms. Valliere. There followed a discussion on the Seabrook decision regarding tax abatements, which occurred in 2012-2013. Tax Collector Valliere opined that Board should review RSA 76:16 for more details on their authority to abate interest. It was determined after a lengthy conversation that the Town Administrator would review RSA 76:16 and discuss the RSA with the town’s assessor for more information. He would then bring that information back to the Board for their review on 5/03/2016.

The time being 9:12pm the Chair Charig Bliss moved to adjourn. Selectman Marshall seconded. All were in favor, and the motion carried 3-0.

The meeting adjourned at 9:12 PM.
The minutes are final when approved and signed by the Selectboard. A signed copy is on file in the Selectboard’s office.

_________________                     _______________________           _________________________             
Chair, Margaret Charig Bliss,  Stephen Atherton Jr., Selectman       Robert Marshall, Selectman