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Selectboard Minutes 04/05/2016 - Walkthrough Recycling Center 1PM
Town of Greenfield
Greenfield Town Offices, 7 Sawmill Road Greenfield, NH
Selectboard’s Minutes
Tuesday, April 05, 2016 – 1:00 PM

Selectboard: Chairwoman Margaret A. Charig Bliss, Selectman Robert Marshall

Staff: DPW Manager Neal Beauregard, Recycling Center Manager Carol Burgess, Fire Chief David Hall

Public: Karen Day, Diane Boilard

1:00 p.m. The meeting was opened by Chairwoman Charig Bliss.

1:00 PM: Recycling Center Walkthrough

A walkthrough of the hill behind the recycling center was conducted. Measurements were provided to show where the DPW gravel crushing operation would take material in order to create gravel for the town’s gravel roads. The front portion of the hill measured 104-110 feet from the telephone at the corner of the min-mall entrance to a large concrete block toward the DPW garage. The section from the telephone pole at the corner of the mini-mall, along the rear of the mini-mall to the rear lot line, measured 122 feet. From the concrete block into the hill, the rear depth measured 128 feet. And, from the far corner of the mini-mall to the far corner of the hill measured 197 feet.

The group moved from the parking area of the Recycling Center to the top of the hill behind the center where the glass pile used to be. A discussion of the back boundary line was held. DPW Manager Beauregard pointed out locations of the boundary pins. He explained to the Board members that the test pits that were dug showed the material to be primarily clay and stone products. A discussion about the rear boundary line was held. It was suggested that Town Forester Karla Allan could help define the rear boundary line.

A discussion about the gravel crushing project was held. DPW Manager Beauregard showed the group how much space could be cleared in the first year of the gravel crushing program. He explained that there were two options to consider. The first option (option 1) is to have the gravel crushed on-site at the Recycling Center. This would require having the tailings stored at the DPW garage, and, bank-run gravel from the Forest Road site, be trucked to the Recycling Center. By crushing gravel at the Recycling Center, DPW could expect to use about 1000 yard of material in order to make 2500 yards of crushed gravel. The second option (option 2) would be to move the material from the hill behind the mini-mall and store it across from the DPW garage where DPW could then crush it to make gravel. The second option will require one step more in handling of the material but it would be less invasive at the Recycling Center and allow significantly more material to be cleared the first year. In the second option, however, DPW would begin the gravel crushing in 2017 rather than in 2016. Mr. Beauregard showed the Board where he dug test pits. After some additional discussion he explained how far from the mini-mall into the hill would the first year’s crushing project in option 1. There was then a discussion about how much of the hill could be removed under option 2. Mr. Beauregard said that there would not be any degradation of the product if it were moved and stored across from the DPW garage, so he was confident that a much larger area could be cleared in the first year under option 2 instead of crushing the gravel on-site the first year.

The Board discussed the possibility that option 2 would provide the Recycling Center the most amount of space in the quickest amount of time. Recycling Center Manager Burgess explained that the NRRA and their layout engineer will be visiting the Recycling Center on April 20th to look at the layout of the yard and determine what the most productive layout would look like.

Chair Charig Bliss moved to adjourn. Selectman Marshall seconded. All in favor, the motion carried.

The meeting adjourned at 2:02 PM.
The minutes are final when approved and signed by the Selectboard. A signed copy is on file in the Selectboard’s office.

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Chair, Margaret Charig Bliss,   Bob Marshall, Selectman