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Selectboard Minutes 03/03/2016
Town of Greenfield
Greenfield Town Offices, 7 Sawmill Road Greenfield, NH
Selectboard’s Work Session Minutes
Thursday, March 03, 2016 – 5:00 PM

Selectboard: Chairwoman Karen Day, Selectwoman Margaret Charig Bliss, Selectman Stephen Atherton Jr.,
Staff: Town Administrator Aaron Patt, DPW Manager Neal Beauregard


The meeting was called to order at 5:00 PM by Chair Karen Day.

Documents for Review/Approval
  • A/P Invoices
  • A/P Checks
  • Wastewater Checks
  • Selectboard Minutes
  • Order for Removal – R9-63
  • Oak Park Rental – 10/22/2016
  • Veteran Exemption Application
  • Letter from Sanford Temperature Control
  • Precision Weather Forecasting
  • HealthTrust Resolution
  • Library Trustee-Alternate Appointment form & Trustee recommendation letter
  • Forest Fire Warden/Deputy Reappointment Forms
  • Non-Public Minutes 03-01-2016
  • Kemp’s Auto License

5:00 PM: DPW Manager, Neal Beauregard

At 5:35 PM the Board ended a meeting with Town Counsel and welcomed DPW Manager Beauregard to the meeting.

Mr. Beauregard requested a non-public meeting to discuss a matter of personnel. On a motion by the Chair and a second by Selectwoman Charig Bliss, the Board voted 3-0 on a roll call vote to enter non-public session under RSA 91-A:3 IIc Reputation. At 5:45 the Board voted 3-0 to end the non-public session and seal the minutes.

Mr. Beauregard discussed his goal of creating a gravel road plan with the Selectboard. He provided an overview of the cost of the gravel that the town uses on the roads. The retail cost is $14.50 a yard. Mr. Beauregard outlined his recent investigation into bringing a gravel crushing operation into town to combine the tailings from the Sand and Gravel site on Forest Road with some of the clay material at the Recycling Center to create the same grade of crushed gravel that the town is currently purchasing. The cost to make gravel is $4.40 a yard compared to $14.50. The cost of renting a crusher is included in this cost. Mr. Beauregard reported that he could store about 2500 yards of gravel. He said that he was comfortable that DPW could put down 1800 -1900 yards a summer. For comparison, the winter sand pile at the DPW is about 2500 yards of sand. The Board discussed the possibility of storing gravel in other parts of town. Mr. Beauregard said that the optimum amount of gravel that DPW could work with is 2500 yards because to crush more would require more time hauling bank-run gravel out of the Forest Road location. He stated that in order to stockpile winter sand he needs at least 10 of the 20 days to haul sand; otherwise trying to crush gravel in greater quantities starts to compete with the amount of time that he has to work at the Forest Road sand and gravel location. The Board requested that Mr. Beauregard come back to them with a spreadsheet outlining the gravel roads, their lengths and widths, and the approximate cost of putting gravel on the roads according to their priorities. Mr. Beauregard stated that when it wasn’t feasible to put gravel over an entire road he would prioritize certain parts of a particular gravel road. The application of the gravel would be dependent on the conditions in the field. The goal is to have a priority list that allows the town to address the gravel roads over a 5-10 year period.

The Board discussed the Recycling Center layout and noted that the gravel crushing program would generate more space at the center. The Board also noted that there has been an interest expressed by the Fire Department in locating a training building on the site. The Chair said that all the departments heads should work together to decide how these things fit together over time.

Next Mr. Beauregard advised that he needed permission for some tree trimming on Russell Station Road. On a motion by the Chair and a 2nd by Selectwoman Charig Bliss the Board voted 3-0 to have DPW start tree trimming on Russell Station road in advance of the 2016 road paving project.

Next Mr. Beauregard advised the Board that he has begun posting roads in town for a 6-ton weight limit due to the mild weather. He indicated that he had advised Mike Merzi who was working on Old Bennington road that permission to drive equipment and large trucks on the road would be given on a day-to-day basis based on weather conditions and road conditions.

The Board approved the purchase of a Precision Weather service program, which provides highly targeted weather forecasts that DPW can use to conserve salt and sand. Mr. Beauregard indicated that saving one trip of salt and sand around town will pay for the service.

7:00 PM: Documents for Review/Approval

The Selectboard signed A/P Checks, A/P Invoices and Wastewater Checks. The Board noted a letter from Sanford Temperature Control. The Board approved a Veteran’s Exemption application and Kemp’s Auto business license. The Board signed a Library Trustee-Alternate appointment form. The Board signed a Forest Fire Warden and Deputy Re-appointment forms. The Board signed an order form from Precision Weather. Minutes of 2/25 were not completed. Non-Public minutes of 3/01 were accepted and signed. An Oak Park rental agreement was turned back in need of an insurance certificate. An Order for Removal was tabled pending review by Town Counsel. The Chair read aloud a resolution from Healthtrust naming the Town Administrator as the authorized person to sign the Healthtrust agreements on behalf of the town of Greenfield. On a motion by the Chair and a 2nd by Selectwoman Charig Bliss the Board voted 3-0 to name the Town Administrator the authorized person to sign HealthTrust agreements, and, for the Chair to be the authorized signer of the resolution on behalf of the Board.

7:50 PM: Non-public session

On a motion by the Chair and a 2nd by Selectman Atherton, the Board voted on a roll-call vote 3-0 to enter non-public session under 91-A:3 II a Personnel. At 8:50 pm the Board voted 3-0 to exit non-public session and to seal the minutes.


On a motion by the Chair, and a second by Selectman Atherton, the Board voted to adjourn. The motion carried 3-0. The meeting adjourned at 8:55 PM.
The minutes are final when approved and signed by the Selectboard. A signed copy is on file in the Selectboard’s office.

_________________    _______________________                        ___________________________             
Chair, Karen Day        Margaret Charig Bliss, Selectwoman    Stephen Atherton Jr., Selectman