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Selectboard Minutes 02/11/2016
Town of Greenfield
Greenfield Town Offices, 7 Sawmill Road Greenfield, NH
Selectboard’s Work Session Minutes
Thursday, Feb. 11, 2016 – 5:00 PM

Selectboard: Chairwoman Karen Day, Selectwoman Margaret Charig Bliss, Selectman Stephen Atherton Jr.,

Staff: Town Administrator AaronPatt,

The meeting was called to order at 5:00 PM by Chair Karen Day.

Documents for Review/Approval
  • A/P Invoices
  •  A/P Checks
  • Payroll
  • Wastewater Checks
  • NH Retirement Payment
  •  Town Meeting Warrant
  • Draft Town Report
  • Selectboard Minutes
  • Employee Vacation Request
5:00 PM: Selectboard Work Session – Draft Warrant & Draft Budget

DPW Manager Patrick Greene requested a short meeting to update the Selectboard regarding the DPW building underground tank. Mr. Greene reported that the tank is full again. He reported that he has found a significantly less expensive way to have the tank pumped out. Rather than have a hazardous waste company remove the waste water, which has been testing clean during the last two services, the City of Keene treatment plant will take the waste water for a fraction of what Enpro has been charging. Mr. Greene asked if the Board would allow him to have the tank tested by a third party so that Keene can arrange to take delivery. The Board agreed that the pricing from Keene was much more cost effective. The Board asked that Mr. Greene finalize the discussions with Keene and come back with quotes in writing for review. The Board asked that Mr. Greene and Mr. Beauregard attend the next Selectboard meeting so that a discussion can be held about why the tank is filling up and if there is anything that the DPW can do to resolve it.

The Board reviewed the Draft Town Warrant. The Board previewed a draft copy of the 2016 Town Report. After some discussion it was agreed to move the Library Roof Repair Capital Reserve Fund petitions to the beginning of the warrant. The petition to close the Library Roof Repair capital reserve fund moves from warrant article #4 to #2. The petition to re-establish the Library Roof Repair capital reserve fund moves from warrant article #5 to article #3. It was noted that there were several typos that required fixing, including the Selectboard notations on the warrant articles.

The Board agreed that there should be some delineation between the petition warrant articles and the rest of the warrant. The final warrant will have a heading for the petition warrant articles and a heading for the Selectboard’s articles so that the re won’t be any confusion about where the Selectboard’s warrant begins.

At 7:00 PM the Selectboard, on a motion by the Chair and a second by Selectwoman Charig Bliss, voted to enter into non-public session under RSA 91-A:IIa Compensation. The Board voted to exit non-public session at 7:25 PM on a vote of 3-0. It was noted that no decisions were made and no votes were taken. It was further voted to seal the minutes.

The Selectboard received a Right-to-Know request in the mail from Mrs. Kim Kamieniecki. The Right-to-Know request has 18 bulleted questions The Board read through the request noting that a reply would require longer than the five days outlined in the statute to respond. The Selectboard asked Town Administrator Patt to write to Mrs. Kamieniecki that it would take two weeks for the Board to gather the information required and to review their response to the request. One question was referred to Town Counsel.

Next the Selectboard took up a discussion on job descriptions for the DPW Buildings & Grounds Manager and the Fire Chief. Finalized copies will be uploaded to the website.

The Board reviewed and signed A/P Checks, and A/P Invoices. The Selectboard signed Payroll and the NH Retirement Account payment. The Board signed wastewater checks. The Board reviewed and accepted the minutes of January 28th. The minutes of February 4th were reviewed and corrected.

The Board held a discussion on how to defend the Town Administrator position in the face of the petition warrant article at Town Meeting. A short discussion was held regarding the possibility of putting an article or a letter into the newspaper. The Board also discussed the possibility of sending out a letter in advance of Town Meeting.


On a motion by the Chair, and a second by Selectman Atherton, the Board voted to adjourn. The motion carried 3-0. The meeting adjourned at 8:45 PM.
The minutes are final when approved and signed by the Selectboard. A signed copy is on file in the Selectboard’s office.

_________________    _______________________                        ___________________________             
Chair, Karen Day        Margaret Charig Bliss, Selectwoman    Stephen Atherton Jr., Selectman