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Selectmen Minutes 09/12/2013
Town of Greenfield
Greenfield Town Offices, 7 Sawmill Road Greenfield, NH
Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
Thursday, September 12, 2013 – 4:30 pm

Board of Selectmen: Chairman Rob Wimpory, Selectwoman Karen Day, and Selectwoman Debra Davidson

Staff: Town Administrator Patt, DPW Supervisor Tim Murray

The meeting was called to order at 4:33 PM by Chairman Wimpory.

Documents for Approval/Review/Signature
The Selectmen reviewed and signed the following items:

§       A/P Invoices
§       Payroll Checks
§       Vacation request form
§       NH Retirement Payment
§       NH Assoc. of Assessing Official ballot
§       Appt. of Town Clerk as Municipal Agent
§       Appt. of John Haley M.D. to Contoocook Rivers Local Advisory
§       Oak Park Safety Audit – Primex
§       Town of Greenfield – No Smoking on Public Beaches Ordinance
§       MS-1 Summary of Inventory Valuation – DRA document
§       NHLGC HealthTrust assignment of interests
§       Minutes August: 1st, 22nd, 27th

Chairman Wimpory opened the meeting at 4:33 PM. The Board reviewed A/P invoices and payroll for signature. The Board signed a vacation request, the NH Retirement payment, and a letter appointing the Town Clerk as a municipal agent. The Board signed a No-Smoking ordinance that they had previously asked be prepared for Sunset and Zephyr lakes. The Board reviewed and signed the MS-1 report for the Department of Revenue.

4:33 PM: DPW Supervisor, Tim Murray

The Board and Supervisor Murray discussed the use of the remainder of the DPW road maintenance line item. The Board received updates about the cost for two options being advanced by Supervisor Murray; provide shimming on Russell Station road or adding gravel over a portion of 2000 feet of Cavander and 1200 feet of Swamp road. The Board asked Supervisor Murray to provide them with a sense of the most effective use of the remaining funds. Supervisor Murray indicated that with the remaining funds he can do either shimming or adding of gravel depending on whether the Board wanted to have him focus just on the paved roads or whether he should be upgrading the gravel roads over time as well. Supervisor Murray indicated that he could do a total of about 2000 feet on the gravel roads. He could do a portion of Cavander and Swamp or just the 2000 foot section of Cavander. He indicated that the gravel would help put a crown back on the road. The Chair indicated that he was not interested in a band-aid effort and wanted to understand the reasoning behind the addition of gravel. Supervisor Murray indicated that the roads have never had any gravel added to them. They are essentially forest matt without the stumps and trees. Essentially clay. Adding gravel would help strengthen the roads and improve their ability to hold a crown and shed water. The Board voted after discussion to add gravel to 1800 feet of Gulf and Cavander roads on a vote of 3-0.

The DPW Supervisor and the Board discussed the generator grant. The grant was written to allow the purchase of a portable generator. Supervisor Murray had spoken to a local company that can supply an 8000-watt generator at a savings over the original quote received during the grant process. There was a discussion of the usage of a portable generator. Supervisor Murray reported on a conversation he had with Emergency Management Director John Gryval about the uses that he and deputy EMD Peter Hopkins had envisioned for the portable generator. The Board requested that quotes be collected for transfer switches at the Meeting House and the Library.

The Board and Supervisor Murray next discussed moving ahead with the order for the Town Sign at the Peterborough town line. The cost of the sign was in the neighborhood of $450.00, which is below the threshold for an insurance claim. The Board discussed whether this could be something that might come as a donation from any of the local groups.
Supervisor Murray indicated that the Alteration of Terrain permit had been filed by Sandford Engineering for the property adjacent to Greenvale Cemetery. He did not know how long the State would take to process the application.

5:00 PM: Patty Donovan and Atty. Adam Bernstein

Patty Donovan did not attend the meeting time scheduled with the Board of Selectmen. Ms. Donovan’s attorney did not attend the meeting either. The Board asked that it be noted in the minutes that neither party was in attendance.
For the remainder of the 5:00 PM session the Board worked on the documents that were provided on the Selectmen’s clipboard.

5:30 PM: Work Session

The Board reviewed welfare guidelines associated with a current application for aide. The Board asked that Leah Conway make an appointment to meet with the Board to discuss the guidelines.
The Board requested information on a couple of properties that are currently owned by the Town.
The Selectmen finalized their review and approval of documents and payroll. The Selectmen signed the appointment paperwork for John Haley to the Contoocook Rivers Local Advisory committee. The Selectmen reviewed the Oak Park safety audit performed by Primex, the Town’s risk pool insurance company.

6:30 PM: Library Trustees

A discussion was held about security at the Library. The discussion extended to the parking lot where people sometimes park late into the night to use the wireless Internet access. There was some discussion about the possibility of installing cameras inside and outside the building to monitor the parking lot. There was discussion of putting lights on the outside of the building on timers. Currently the lights go out around 10 PM. Corporal Roberge indicated that he has approached cars in the parking lot many times after hours and it is pitch black in the parking lot. People are parked in their cars and are using the wireless Internet from their laptops and Ipads. There was a discussion about a recent issue involving a juvenile. A discussion followed about the Library policies and in particular the Computer Use policy. It was suggested by the Trustees that the policy be sent to the Selectmen so that they could review the policy. The policy could be posted on the website according to the Administrator.

On a motion by Chairman Wimpory and a second by Selectwoman Day the Board voted to adjourn. The motion carried 3-0.
The meeting adjourned at 8:01 PM

Respectfully Submitted:

Aaron Patt
Town Administrator

The minutes are final when approved and signed by the Board of Selectmen. A signed copy is on file in the Selectmen’s office.

_____________________       _____________________       _____________________
Rob Wimpory, Chairman     Karen Day, Selectwoman      Debra Davidson, Selectwoman