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Selectmen Minutes 08/01/2013
Draft Minutes
Town of Greenfield
Greenfield Town Offices, 7 Sawmill Road Greenfield, NH
Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
Thursday, August 01, 2013 – 4:30 pm

Board of Selectmen: Chairman Rob Wimpory & Selectwoman Karen Day.
Staff: Town Administrator Patt, DPW Supervisor Murray
Boards: Oak Park Committee Chair John Hopkins

The meeting was called to order at 4:30 PM by Chairman Wimpory.

Documents for Approval/Review/Signature
The Selectmen reviewed and signed the following items:

§       A/P Invoices
§       Payroll
§       Minutes 7/11 & 7/18
§       Dept. of Safety letter – Hawkers & Peddlers
§       Oak Park Rental – Antique Tractor Show 9/21 & 22
§       Oak Park Rental – Benefit 9/7
§       Meeting House Rental –Memorial Service 8/4
§       Meeting House Rental – Concert 8/24
§       Meeting House Rental – Pie & Ice Cream Social 8/31 & 9/1
§       Representation Agreement – LGC
§       Intent to Cut – V5-19 & R7-2
§       Land Use Change Tax – (2) R4-42-2 & R9-72-2

4:30 PM: Oak Park Committee Chair, John Hopkins

Chairman Wimpory opened the meeting at 4:30 PM. Oak Park Committee Chair John Hopkins was in attendance. Chairman Wimpory opened the meeting with remarks that he had stopped at Oak Park on the way to the meeting and thought that the concrete floor under the Pavilion looked very good. There was a brief conversation about the cement work. Next the Chair asked Mr. Hopkins about the pile of sand and a sand structure next to the Oak Park building. Mr. Hopkins explained that it was the beginning of a “pump track” for bicycles. The sand was donated by Francestown Sand and Gravel and delivered by the Greenfield DPW. Chairman Wimpory outlined a concern regarding liability at the park and the fact that the pump track was not cordoned off while the work is in progress. Mr. Hopkins explained that the Oak Park committee had decided that the pump track would be ideal for that spot because it was directly over the leach field and having the track there would prevent people from parking their vehicles on the leach field. Chairman Wimpory stressed that the Oak Park Committee needs to let the Selectmen know before making any changes to the park.

The cement floor under the pavilion was discussed. The cost of the floor was higher than originally expected in the Board’s last meeting. Mr. Hopkins explained that the original quote was for a floor that was 30X60 but the floor turned out to be 32X62. The contractor that had provided the lowest bid called on the morning of the job to say that the job was too big for him and Mr. Hopkins went with the next lowest bid. In addition it was decided while pouring the cement to create a one-inch grade and this was achieved by pouring a four-inch floor on one side rising to five inches on the other side. All of these things caused the cost to exceed the original estimate. Chairman Wimpory said that the cost was nearly double at $6600.00; that it appeared that the number of yards had gone from the original estimate of 22 yards to 34 yards; and the cost of the finishing was more than double what was outlined in their previous meeting. Mr. Hopkins indicated that some of the decisions were made while the cement was being poured and it wasn’t possible to contact people to let them know -on the fly- that the cost was going to be more than estimated. Chairman Wimpory expressed concern for the cost increase but noted that it was not from the general fund, he also expressed concern for the fact that the job was run by the Oak Park committee and not a contractor that they could hold accountable for the cost increase. The Oak Park fund is a separate savings account. Mr. Hopkins provided a check for five hundred dollars for the Hampshire 100 race. The event fee would help offset the costs he said, and preserve the balance that was put into the fund by the Blueberry Jamboree. Mr. Hopkins said that while the work was more expensive than he had anticipated he had had a good idea of the funds available in the account, and the Oak Park Committee was really happy with the way that the floor turned out. This was a project that they had wanted to do for a very long time and the committee members felt very strongly that the floor was an important addition to the park. They also feel that it will help increase rentals of the park in the future as people come to realize that the pavilion has a floor where weddings can be held outside.
Chairman Wimpory asked the Administrator to ensure that the Town has a volunteer form on file for each volunteer and to confirm appointment worksheets for all of the Town’s committee and board members. The Board outlined their expectation that the Oak Park Committee forward their meeting minutes to the Town office.

Mr. Hopkins said that he had an additional request, which is to put fill stone around the perimeter of the pavilion to help keep rainwater from splashing back onto the floor. He said he expects it will take roughly 15 yards of stone to accomplish this request. Mr. Hopkins also said that he is having the septic tank and the grease tank pumped out for the first time in approximately 10 years. The cost for the service will come from the Parks and Recreation budget in the general fund.

There was a brief conversation about the location of the pump track and Mr. Hopkins said that Chris Weeks, the coordinator of the Cal Ripken baseball league would also like to put in a small baseball field for the youngest kids, who would probably use a T-ball stand for batting practice.

5:20 PM: DPW Supervisor, Tim Murray

The Board welcomed DPW Supervisor Murray to the meeting. Supervisor Murray said that he had several items for discussion with the Board. The first had to do with the Fire Truck. The truck runs but the pump no longer works and as a result DPW cannot use the truck to transport calcium chloride and water to unpaved roads. Instead Supervisor Murray has researching the use of a separate 500 gallon tank and a pump unit that would allow for quick fills and then provide for reverse pumping of the tank back out through a sprayer unit. The Board discussed the idea and asked Supervisor Murray to see how much it would cost to fix the Fire Truck.

Supervisor Murray reported that the paving for Slip and Mountain roads was completed. The original quote for both roads was approximately $139,006. The paving portion of the roadwork was originally estimated at $123,323, which will come out of Warrant Article #5 from 2013 Town Meeting for $125,000. The rest of the cost will come from the DPW Road Maintenance line item. The actual cost came in at $140,268 or $1,262 over the original estimate; an increase of less than one percent. Supervisor Murray said that the increase came from the amount of shim that was laid down prior to the overlay. Continental in turn was going to allow the Town use of its shoulder conveyor machine, which would lay in stone along the shoulder of the newly paved road in order to increase the strength of the shoulder and “finish” the roads.

The next item is the MACK Truck, which is in the process of having the dump body and the plow installed. Delivery is likely to occur on the 28th of August.  Supervisor Murray then asked the Board if they had come to a decision on the Waste Water fence. He indicated that DPW could use metal stakes to prop up the existing sections of fence that have fallen over. The Board discussed this idea vs. the idea of replacing the broken sections with rocks in the same way that large stones are being used to line the track at Oak Park.

Selectwoman Day made a motion to have DPW replace the broken fence sections with large stone and to replace areas of fence in the future with new rock as necessary. The motion was seconded by Chairman Wimpory. The vote passed 2-0.

Lastly, Supervisor Murray reviewed the road evaluation form that the Roads Commission has provided. He said that the form data is not that helpful to him and that some of the data in the example he looked at is incorrect. Selectwoman Day said that she felt that the form was good because it listed a lot of the road’s characteristics, but that the Roads Commission should not be providing a grade on the road. The current form is set up with a Good, Fair, and Poor grading system and Selectwoman Day said she felt that this is something that the DPW Supervisor would provide once the rest of the data had been collected. Selectwoman Day said she felt that the form itself was useful in that it would allow the Town to have a record that they could refer back to, but she felt that the Roads Commission needs to keep the information objective and provide the data impartially. She suggested that the Road Commission could fill in the data characteristics and then turn each form into the Administrator. Once the Administrator ensures that the data is objective data it would be turned over to the DPW for grading and prioritizing. Chairman Wimpory agreed that this sounded like a good plan as it would provide DPW with data for the road prioritization. The Chair asked the Administrator to draw up a letter to the Roads Commission that outlined these steps.

The Board thanked Supervisor Murray for his time.

6:45 PM Work Session

The Board reviewed documents and approved payroll and A/P invoices. The Board discussed the ConVal LGC HealthTrust refund and noted that Greenfield School Board Representative Myron Steere had voted to start the parking lot project and had further voted to wait on determining whether the Towns should receive a refund directly, despite the fact that the Board of Selectmen had communicated with him that they strongly believe that the Town should receive the money directly. The Board asked the Administrator to schedule a meeting with School Board Rep. Steere.

Next the Board reviewed a request by Welfare Director Fiscanaro-Conway to approve a request from a welfare applicant on whether the Town would authorize an extended hotel stay for an applicant. On review of the information the Board indicated to the Administrator that in light of the applicants ability to afford sufficient rent for an apartment that they would prefer to make a one time payment for a security deposit.

Lastly the Board asked the Administrator to have Police Chief Brian Giammarino visit with them at the next scheduled Selectmen’s meeting.


On a motion by Chairman Wimpory and a second by Selectwoman Day the Board voted to adjourn. The motion carried 2-0.
The meeting adjourned at 8:35 PM

Respectfully Submitted:

Aaron Patt
Town Administrator

The minutes are final when approved and signed by the Board of Selectmen. A signed copy is on file in the Selectmen’s office.

_____________________       _____________________       _____________________
Rob Wimpory, Chairman     Karen Day, Selectwoman      Debra Davidson, Selectwoman